Now showing items 1310-1329 of 2501

    • Mesoscale numerical modelling of met-ocean interactions 

      Süld, Jakob Kristoffer; Rasheed, Adil; Kristiansen, Jørn; Sætra, Øyvind; Carrasco, Ana; Kvamsdal, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Offshore wind energy compared to its onshore counterpart appears more attractive due to its lesser visual impact and lesser issues related to land acquisition. Relatively more convenient accessibility to open sea allows ...
    • META - Mer Effektiv Transport med ARKTRANS 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (Lecture, 2011)
      Den delen av META-prosjektet som omhandler transportkjeder presenteres. META-prosjektet skal fremme standardisert elektronisk informasjonsutveksling mellom aktører i slike transportkjeder. Generelle og multimodale ...
    • META – Specification of Automated Vehicle Control 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Tor, Kjetil Moseng (Research report, 2013)
      Current control routines of heavy goods vehicles are based on a kind of first-come-first-served approach with the help of the inspection operators experience and intuition. This report is a result from the Automated Vehicle ...
    • META: Final report on project results 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      The META project started in 2010 and ended in September 2013. The work in the project has focused on How the Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) can provide better services to the transport industry, in this case ...
    • META: Transport Instruction and Response implementation guide 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is established by the META project and addresses the implementation of the GS1-defined Transport Instruction transaction which is implemented by means of two messages: Transport Instruction and ...
    • META: Transport Service Description Implementation Guide 

      Vennesland, Audun; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is developed by the META project. It aims to describe and clarify how the Transport Service Description transaction should be implemented. The purpose of the Transport Service Description transaction ...
    • META: Transport Status Request and Notification implementation guide 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is established by the META project and addresses the implementation of the GS1-defined Transport Status transaction which is implemented by means of two messages: Transport Status Request and ...
    • Metal Films for MEMS Pressure Sensors: Comparison of Al, Ti, Al-Ti Alloy and Al/Ti Film Stacks 

      Vereshchagina, Elizaveta; Poppe, Erik Utne; Schjølberg-Henriksen, Kari; Wöhrmann, Markus; Moe, Sigurd T. (Chapter, 2018)
      Thermo-mechanical stability of metal structures is one of the key factors affecting accuracy of micro-electromechanical (MEMS) piezoresistive pressure sensors. In this work, we present the measurement results of stress and ...
    • Metallization scheme and release methods for fabrication of RF MEMS switches 

      Saha, Shimul Chandra; Sæther, Trond; Jensen, Geir uri; Poppe, Erik; Sagberg, Håkon (Chapter, 2007)
    • Metamodels for Model-Driven Development - Requirement and Usage 

      Solheim, Ida; Johnsen, Svein Gløer; Neple, Tor (Research report, 2006)
      Within software engineering, there are several standardisation activities aiming at developing the best general process metamodel. Two candidate standards are SPEM (of OMG) and SMSDM (of ISO/IEC). This paper studies each ...
    • Metamorphic Testing for Web System Security 

      Chaleshtari, Nazanin Bayati; Pastore, Fabrizio; Goknil, Arda; Briand, Lionel C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Security testing aims at verifying that the software meets its security properties. In modern Web systems, however, this often entails the verification of the outputs generated when exercising the system with a very large ...
    • Metasurface Fabrication by Cryogenic and Bosch Deep Reactive Ion Etching 

      Baracu, Angela; Dirdal, Christopher Andrew; Avram, Andrei; Dinescu, Adrian; Muller, Raluca; Jensen, Geir Uri; Thrane, Paul Conrad Vaagen; Angelskår, Hallvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The research field of metasurfaces has attracted considerable attention in recent years due to its high potential to achieve flat, ultrathin optical devices of high performance. Metasurfaces, consisting of artificial ...
    • Meteorologimodell for bruk ved beregning av støy fra lette våpen 

      Henriksen, Viggo; Olsen, Herold (SINTEF Rapport;2021:00232, Research report, 2021)
      Som en del av forskningssamarbeidet mellom SINTEF og Forsvarsbygg, som ble startet i 2018, skal SINTEF lage en modell for beregning av skytestøy, som tar hensyn til meteorologi og som gir bedre resultater på 500 til 2000 ...
    • A method for threat modelling of industrial control systems 

      Flå, Lars; Jaatun, Martin Gilje (Chapter, 2024)
      In this paper, we propose a new method for threat modelling of industrial control systems (ICS). The method is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Model elements inspired by IEC 62443 and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) are ...
    • Methodology for assessing cycling comfort during a smart city development. 

      Tabib, Mandar; Rasheed, Adil; Priya Uteng, Tanu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Smart city development that encourages more bicycles on the road will pave way for a city with an energy-efficient transport. In this direction, the current work involves developing a cycling comfort matrix based on ...
    • Methods and system to measure the environmental impact of individual vehicles in traffic 

      Berge, Truls Svenn; Olsen, Herold; solvang, Audun (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      This report presents the final results from the MOVE project financed by the BIA program. The project is a joint project with Acoustic One, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS (NEO), Norsonic, Vegdirektoratet (The Norwegian Public ...
    • Methods for calculating maximum levels in Norway using Cnossos-EU. 

      Evensen, Karen Brastad; Olsen, Herold; Hauge, Leo Heggem (SINTEF Rapport;2021:00990, Research report, 2021)
      Cnossos-EU is a new European calculation method for noise levels from road traffic, railway traffic, industry and aircraft sources. Its objective is to ensure more uniform noise level calculations across Europe. Cnossos ...
    • Metode for vurdering av resiliensnivået i kritisk infrastruktur - veileder 

      Øien, Knut; Øren, Anita; Fiskvik, Jannicke (SINTEF Rapport;2020:01001, Research report, 2021)
      Formålet med denne veilederen er å beskrive hvordan resiliensnivået, og dermed evnen til å verne seg mot og håndtere forventede og uventede hendelser, kan vurderes og måles i kritiske infrastrukturer i Norge. Hensikten ...
    • Metoder for lokal data-assimilering relatert til varsling av turbulens ved flyplasser 

      Sørli, Karstein; Utnes, Torbjørn (Research report, 2008)
      Rapporten inneholder beskrivelse av metoder for lokal data-assimilering relatert til varsling av turbulens ved flyplasser. Den inneholder beskrivelse av en metode for data-assimilering og testing av denne på en enkel ...
    • Micro indoor-drones (MINs) for localization of first responders 

      Paliotta, Claudio; Ening, Klaus; Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In this paper, we describe our approach to the localization in GNSS-denied and risky unknown environments of first responders (FRs). The INGENIOUS project is an EU funded project which is developing a new integrated toolkit ...