• Rimelige boliger fase 2 

      Narvestad, Randi (SINTEF Rapport (SINTEF Byggforsk);, Research report, 2012)
    • Rimelige boliger for vanskeligstilte : Fase 3 - "Åfjordmodellen" 

      Woods, Ruth; Kjølle, Kari; Gullbrekken, Lars (SINTEF Notat;9, Research report, 2013)
      Rapporten beskriver "Åfjordmodellen", et pilotprosjekt hvor rimelige boliger for vanskeligstilte bygges av elever i nært samarbeid mellom videregående skole og kommunen. Modellen bygger på erfaringer fra "Blakstadmodellen".
    • RINVE Feasibility Study 2018 

      Merz, Mariann; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Eleftheriadis, Ragnhild; Knudsen, Ole Øystein; Schulerud, Helene (SINTEF Rapport ( ISSN 1504-9795);2018:00967, Research report, 2018)
      This report summarizes end user needs and supplier capabilities within the "Automation and Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance" (RINVE) Network as identified in an innovation workshop held on the 10th of April 2018 at ...
    • Risikokartlegging og analyse av Integrerte Operasjoner (IO) med fokus på å synliggjøre kritiske MTO aspekter 

      Grøtan, Tor Olav; Albrechtsen, Eirik (SINTEF rapport;A7085, Research report, 2008)
      Rapporten identifiserer viktige endringer i menneskelige og organisatoriske forhold ved innføring av Integrerte Operasjoner (IO). Disse endringselementenes innvirkning på storulykkesrisikoen drøftes basert på seks ulike ...
    • Risikorammeverk for blågrønne tak 

      Andenæs, Erlend; Time, Berit; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Kvande, Tore (Klima 2050 Report;30, Research report, 2022)
      Blågrønne tak kan betraktes som en undergruppe av grønne tak der levende planter og deres substrater brukes som en del av en strategi for å håndtere overvann på takene. I motsetning til typiske grønne tak bygges blågrønne ...
    • Risikoverktøy for fuktsikker oppgradering av småhus 

      Time, Berit; Gullbrekken, Lars; Bunkholt, Nora Schjøth; Kvande, Tore (SINTEF Notat;42, Research report, 2022)
      Om risikoverktøyet. Risikoverktøyet kan brukes til å vurdere risiko for fuktproblemer ved implementering av ulike løsninger for oppgradering av boliger. Verktøyet er overordnet, men gir opplysninger om hvor man kan finne ...
    • Risikovurdering av AMS. Kartlegging av informasjonssikkerhetsmessige sårbarheter i AMS 

      Line, Maria Bartnes; Johansen, Gorm Idar; Sæle, Hanne (Research report, 2012)
      Denne rapporten presenterer en overordnet risikovurdering av Avaserte Måle- og Styringssystemer (AMS) knyttet til hvilke konsekvenser det kan ha for kraftforsyningen at AMS utsettes for informasjonssikkerhetbrudd. Vurderingen ...
    • A Risk Aspect of Periodic Testing on Pressure Relief Valves 

      Lee, Shenae; Barros, Anne; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Paltrinieri, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A pressure relief valve (PSV) is a key safety barrier to prevent the catastrophic rupture of pressure equipment in a process plant. The safety function of a PSV is to open and relieve the pressure when the equipment pressure ...
    • Risk based regulation and certification of autonomous transport systems 

      Johnsen, Stig Ole; Hoem, Åsa Snilstveit; Stålhane, Tor; Jenssen, Gunnar; Moen, Terje (Chapter; Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Autonomous transport systems in all modes—road (i.e. autonomous cars), aviation (i.e. drones), shipping and rail are coming. Regulation and testing are on-going in Norway. Risks of autonomous systems are uncertain due to ...
    • Risk factors and navigation accidents: A historical analysis comparing accident-free and accident-prone vessels using indicators from AIS data and vessel databases 

      Aalberg, Asbjørn Lein; Bye, Rolf Johan; Ellevseth, Peter Risberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper presents the results of an explorative analysis aiming to identify indicators and factors associated with navigation accidents (groundings and collisions). The analysis compares cargo vessels with at least one ...
    • Risk factors in emergency response. A review of investigations of large incidents in Norway 

      Brændeland, Gyrd (Research report, 2011)
      We present a systematic review of enquiries of large incidents in Norway from 1999 to 2008. The purpose of the review is to identify factors that affect the potential of new risks when an incident has occurred. We found ...
    • Risk factors in emergency response: a review of investigations of emergency response in Norway 

      Brændeland, Gyrd; Refsdal, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      We present a systematic review of investigations of some large incidents in Norway from 1999 to 2008. The purpose of the review is to identify factors that affect the risk level during emergency response.We found that the ...
    • Risk in the Age of Software Security 

      Jaatun, Martin Gilje (Others, 2017)
    • Risk management in anchor-handling operations: the balance between control and autonomy 

      Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth; Skarholt, Kari; Lamvik, Gunnar Martin; Jonassen, Jan Roald (Chapter, 2015)
      The purpose of this paper is to explore different safety cultures in anchor-handling operations in the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry; how the crew and management cope with both critical and dan-gerous operations, ...
    • Risk Management in Procurement of Blue-Green Roofs – A Project Owner Perspective 

      Andenæs, Erlend; Time, Berit; Torp, Olav; Kvande, Tore; Lohne, Jardar (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Blue-green roofs are vegetated roofs used for stormwater management purposes. With the roof serving several different purposes at the same time, the risk that any of its functions could be compromised needs to be addressed. ...
    • Risk Management in Procurement of Blue-Green Roofs – A Project Owner Perspective 

      Andenæs, Erlend; Time, Berit; Torp, Olav; Kvande, Tore; Lohne, Jardar (Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Blue-green roofs are vegetated roofs used for stormwater management purposes. With the roof serving several different purposes at the same time, the risk that any of its functions could be compromised needs to be addressed. ...
    • A risk model for recreational craft accidents 

      Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Aalberg, Asbjørn Lein; Bye, Rolf Johan; Linløkken, Randi; Johansen, Stig; Torgersen, Tove Aasland (Chapter, 2023)
      The Recreational Craft Platform (RCP, Norwegian: Fritidsbåtplattformen) is being developed to collect and merge available data on recreational craft accidents and thereby enable stakeholders to actively take measures to ...
    • Risk of violence among patients in psychiatric treatment: results from a national census 

      Ose, Solveig Osborg; Lilleeng, Solfrid; Pettersen, Ivar; Ruud, Torleif; van Weeghel, Jaap (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: Adverse media coverage of isolated incidents affects the public perception of the risk of violent behavior among people with mental illness. However, the risk of violence is studied most frequently among ...
    • Risk Reduction Framework for Blue-Green Roofs 

      Andenæs, Erlend; Time, Berit; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Asphaug, Silje Kathrin; Kvande, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      As climate change in the Nordic region brings an increase in extreme precipitation events, blue-green roofs have emerged as a solution for stormwater management, hereafter referred to as “blue-green roofs”. The addition ...
    • Risk-Based Decision Support Model for Offshore Installations 

      Erdogan, Gencer; Refsdal, Atle; Nygård, Bjørn; Rosland, Ole Petter; Randeberg, Bernt Kvam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background: During major maintenance projects on offshore installations, flotels are often used to accommodate the personnel. A gangway connects the flotel to the installation. If the offshore conditions are unfavorable, ...