Recent Submissions

  • Reporting of incidents in automated systems during drilling operations 

    Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug; Wille, Egil; Bjørkevoll, Knut Steinar; Bodsberg, Lars; Evjemo, Tor Erik; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Myklebust, Thor; Okstad, Eivind (SINTEF Rapport;2023:00191, Research report, 2023)
    This work is a preliminary study of how incidents, near misses and deviations within automated systems are currently detected, registered and, if appropriate, reported to the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA), as ...
  • Information model for functional safety 

    Hauge, Stein; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug; Lee, Shenae; Petersen, Stig (SINTEF Rapport;2023:00109, Research report, 2023)
    A main objective of this report has been to contribute toward further digitalisation and standardisation of the petroleum industry. In particular, the report explores: • How ideas from Industry 4.0 and the AAS (asset ...
  • Data-driven construction of maritime traffic networks for AI-based route prediction 

    Hoffmann, Volker; Webert, Jan-Hendrik; Murray, Brian; Graf, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Predicting the routes of maritime traffic can improve economic efficiency, decrease ecological impact, and improve safety at sea. Over scales that are small (few hundred meters) and large (dozens to hundreds of kilometers), ...
  • Automation in the Maritime Transport System – A Framework for Planning Resilient Operations 

    Ramstad, Lone Sletbakk; Stene, Trine Marie; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Holte, Even Ambros (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Maritime transport systems (MTS) are becoming increasingly automated, integrated and complex. New technology, automation and autonomous systems will contribute to safer, greener, and more efficient transport systems. ...
  • Improvement of the 2007–2015 Earthquake Catalog Along the 300 km Long Postglacial Merasjärvi–Stuoragurra Fault Complex in Northern Fennoscandia Using Automatic Event Detection 

    Calle-Gardella, Daniela; Pavez-Orrego, Claudia; Comte, Diana; Halpaap, Felix Julian; Olesen, Odleiv; Espinoza, Alina; Roecker, Steven (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    We present an updated and validated seismic catalog for the northern Fennoscandian region, focusing on postglacial faults from the Merasjärvi fault system in the southwest to the Iešjávri fault system in the northeast. ...
  • Empirical analysis of bifacial photovoltaic modules in high-latitude regions: Performance insights from a field laboratory in Norway 

    Dimd, Berhane Darsene; Garcia, Alfredo Sanchez; Bellmann, Martin Pawel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This paper presents a comprehensive empirical analysis of bifacial photovoltaic (bPV) module performance in high-latitude regions, based on data collected from an outdoor field laboratory in Trondheim, Norway. It explores ...
  • Macroscopic properties of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes via microstructure-based numerical homogenization 

    Langner, Eric; Semenov, Artem; Makradi, Ahmed; Gouttebroze, Sylvain; Belouettar, Salim; Wallmersperger, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Due to climate change, sustainable and energy-efficient power supply is urgently required. To increase the performance of solid oxide fuel cells, the effects of the microstructure of their porous electrodes need to be ...
  • Towards semantic standard and process ontology for additive manufacturing 

    Gouttebroze, Sylvain; Friis, Jesper; Hovig, Even Wilberg; Boivie, Klas Magnus (Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Advanced modelling of additive manufacturing (AM) often requires combining models from multiple scales and diverse physical domains. Thus, constructing a modelling workflow that describes the process can be complex. Moreover, ...
  • Exploring the potential of microbial biomass and microbial extracted oils in tribology: a sustainable frontier for environmentally acceptable lubricants 

    Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw; Di Bartolomeo, Francesca; Armada Nieto, Sergio; Valaker, Emil Andre; Bonturi, Namailla; Koseto, Deni; Haugen, Tone; Kvernbråten, Ann-Karin; Stavarek, Petr; Vecer, Marek; Zelenka, Ladislav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Mineral oil-derived lubricants, extracted from fossil fuels, account for approximately 90% of the lubricant market. A large proportion of these lubricants end up in the environment through usage, spillage, and disposal, ...
  • A novel framework for assessing the fracture toughness through the wall thickness of hydrogen pipelines 

    Nyhus, Bård; Jemblie, Lise; Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi; Hagen, Anette Brocks; Matsunaga, Hisao; Yamabe, Junichiro; Alvaro, Antonio; Olden, Vigdis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This article presents a novel model for assessing the fracture toughness in hydrogen pipelines. By combining experimental fracture toughness data with recognized hydrogen uptake and diffusion models, the local hydrogen-affected ...
  • Materials science and ontologies 

    Friis, Jesper; Goldbeck, Gerhard; Gouttebroze, Sylvain; Bleken, Francesca Lønstad; Ghedini, Emanuele (Peer reviewed, 2024)
    This chapter starts by discussing the challenges in material innovation for manufacturing and the need for multidisciplinary approaches involving actors from many different communities. Interoperability is a key to address ...
  • The New European Bauhaus: Beautiful-Sustainable-Together in STARHAUS 

    Bratu, Petruț; Srivastava, Akhilesh; Butean, Alex; Vaccarella, Letizia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The article ‘The New European Bauhaus: Beauti­ful-Sustainable-Together in STARHAUS’ aims to ex­plore the principles of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) policy and analyze how these principles are implemented across various ...
  • Band alignment in Zn(1−x)MgxO:Al/SiOx/Si heterostructures for photovoltaic applications realized by atomic layer deposition: Effects of Al doping and Mg alloying 

    Schifano, Ramon; Gieraltowska, S.; Kurek, J.; Wachnicki, L.; Rehman, U.; Budiakivska, D.; Chusnutdinow, S.; Kopalko, K.; Porro, S.; Jakiela, R.; Minikayev, R.; Witkowski, B.S.; Pawlowski, M.; Jastrzebski, C.; Thøgersen, Annett (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    In this work, the impact of Al doping and Mg alloying on the conduction band misalignment (ΔEC) between ZnO and (100) Si with a SiOx interlayer was studied by combining capacitance vs voltage, Hall and x-ray diffraction ...
  • Novel Numerical Method for Studying Water Freezing on Surfaces Texturized by Laser 

    Ibrahim, Samih Haj; Wejrzanowski, Tomasz; Karl, Christian W.; Sagvolden, Espen; Karwaszewski, Jakub; Pilz, Monika; Przybyszewski, Bartłomiej; Kozera, Rafał (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Within this study, a methodology for the numerical simulation of droplet freezing, including a micrometer texturized pattern, was developed. The finite volume method was then applied to simulate the behavior of water ...
  • Sparse Variational Bayesian Inversion for Subsurface Seismic Imaging 

    Urozayev, Dias; Ait-El-Fquih, Boujemaa; Peter, Daniel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This article considers the Bayesian inversion of subsurface models from seismic observations, a well-known high-dimensional and ill-posed problem. A reduction of the parameters’ space is considered following a truncated ...
  • Silicon kerf loss as a potential anode material for lithium-ion batteries 

    Søiland, Anne Karin; de Meatza, Iratxe; Muguruza, Ane; Xu, Yijiang; Bellmann, Martin Pawel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    In this work, industrially processed silicon kerf loss (abbreviated to silicon kerf) from the photovoltaic industry is assessed as an anode material for the lithium-ion battery (LIB). The study includes both a characterization ...
  • Trepartssamarbeid som drivkraft i kommunal tjenesteutvikling Eksempler på driftsnært utviklingsarbeid i tre kommunale barnehager og sykehjem 

    Øyum, Lisbeth; Nilssen, Tore Geir (SINTEF Rapport;2019:01412, Research report, 2020)
    Rapporten handler om et toårig trepartssamarbeid for styrket utvikling i tre norske kommuner, Steinkjer, Melhus og Malvik. Tre barnehager og tre sykehjem har trent seg på å bruke tett samarbeid mellom ledelsen, ...
  • Hydration of Composite Cements Containing Novel SCMs 

    Zuschlag, Pamela; Machner, Alisa Lydia; Hemstad, Petter; Kjellsen, Knut Ose; Zajac, Maciej; Ben Haha, Mohsen; Danner, Tobias Alexander; Justnes, Harald; Weerdt, Klaartje de; Geiker, Mette Rica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The impact of novel supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) on the phase assemblage and the pore structure in cement pastes was studied and linked to their impact on the compressive strength in mortar. The composite ...
  • Transfer learning in building dynamics prediction☆ 

    Chaudhary, Gaurav; Johra, Hicham; Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain; Austbø, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)
    Buildings account for approximately 40% of global energy use, largely due to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Advanced control strategies, such as model predictive control (MPC), are crucial for ...
  • Kartlegging blant potensielle brukere av digitale låssystemer 

    Svaboe, Gunnhild Beate Antonsen; Bjerkan, Kristin Ystmark; Meland, Solveig (SINTEF;N-03/25, Others, 2024)
    Dette notatet dokumenterer resultater fra forskningsprosjektet Lås Opp, som har utviklet og evaluert et digitalt økosystem for sikker og effektiv leveranselogistikk. Teknologien muliggjør levering av varer og tjenester bak ...

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