Recent Submissions

  • Comparative validation of global and climate-specific decomposition models at high latitudes 

    Manni, Mattia; Nocente, Alessandro; Skeie, Kristian; Bellmann, Martin Pawel; Lobaccaro, Gabriele (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Reliable modelling of the solar potential of urban surfaces (i.e. roofs, facades and ground) in the built environment can contribute to boost the exploitation of solar energy. Empirical and quasi-physical models are combined ...
  • The Renaissance of Reuse in Norway: The Future Is Back 

    Kallaos, James; Vandervaeren, Camille (Chapter; Conference object, 2025)
    Society has historically valued labor and resources, including the intermediate and end products produced through them. Discarding these artifacts was seen as squandering valuable effort and resources, and waste was ...
  • Framework for Combined Life Cycle Environmental, Economic, and Social Assessment of Reclaimed Construction Products 

    Vandervaeren, Camille; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Elginoz, Nilay (Chapter, 2025)
    A relevant approach to limit virgin materials consumption and waste in the construction industry is to use reclaimed construction products. Their sustainability performance depends on various parameters, including the ...
  • Urban ventilasjon. Ventilasjon for godt inneklima i urbane boliger 

    Thunshelle, Kari; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Denizou, Karine; Aamodt, Andreas; Schild, Peter G. (SINTEF Fag;107, Research report, 2025)
    Denne rapporten oppsummerer hovedresultater fra prosjektet Healthy Energy-efficient Urban Home Ventilation, også kalt Urban Ventilation. Prosjektets hovedmål har vært å etablere kunnskap om og gi anbefalinger til robuste ...
  • Behovs- og gevinstanalyse av optimeringsverktøy for pasientreiseplanlegging 

    Glesaaen, Aleksandra; Landmark, Andreas D.; Riise, Atle (SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-);, Research report, 2024)
    Formålet med denne analysen er å være et beslutningsgrunnlag for Pasientreiser HF for en mulig fremtidig anskaffelse av et reiseplanleggingsverktøy med optimeringsfunksjonalitet, dvs. et verktøy som både kan automatisere ...
  • Trapped by compliance? The voices of the regulator 

    Rosness, Ragnar; Dahl, Øyvind; Forseth, Ulla (Chapter, 2017)
    This study is motivated by a concern that the salience of compliance and enforcement in regulatory action may lead companies to focus excessively on individual compliance in their safety management efforts.A qualitative ...
  • Measuring user experience in chatbots: An approach to interpersonal communication competence 

    Skjuve, Marita; Brandtzæg, Petter Bae (Chapter, 2019)
    The increasing usage of chatbots is fundamentally changing the way people interact with new technology. Instead of clicking buttons to functionally navigate on a web page, people can access content and services by the use ...
  • Enterprise architecture modelling with ArchiMate 

    Chaabouni, Kais; Bagnato, Alessandra; Walderhaug, Ståle; Berre, Arne- Jørgen; Södergård, Caj; Sadovykh, Andrey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    The Data-Driven Bio-economy project (DataBio) focuses on developing new technologies and services for agriculture, fishery and forestry by exploiting the huge potential of Big Data technologies. This Lighthouse project ...
  • Automating IoT Data-Intensive Application Allocation in Clustered Edge Computing 

    Dautov, Rustem; Distefano, Salvatore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    Enabling data processing at the network edge, as close to the actual source of data as possible, is a challenging, yet realistic goal to be achieved by the Internet of Things (IoT), which still primarily relies on the Cloud ...
  • Capacity Building on Heat Balance in Electrolysis of Aluminium 

    Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho; Hestetun, Kristin; Müller, Gunn Iren; Wasbø, Stein O.; Koritzinsky, Victoria; Waal, Anne Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    Designing games for learning in the workplace is challenging in many ways. Within the process industry, the aluminium production cells are harsh environments that are difficult to instrument and pose domain related challenges, ...
  • Towards IoT diversity via automated fleet management 

    Dautov, Rustem; Song, Hui (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    Large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) systems are characterised by an increased level of heterogeneity, both in terms of hardware and software caused by varying device functionality, capabilities and performance. Moreover, ...
  • Towards IoT Diversity via Automated Fleet Management 

    Dautov, Rustem; Song, Hui (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    Large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) systems are characterised by an increased level of heterogeneity, both in terms of hardware and software caused by varying device functionality, capabilities and performance. Moreover, ...
  • Construction of inter-organisational partnership in the public sector 

    Stene, Trine Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    Creation of inter-organisational partnership is one aspect of innovation in the public sector. This paper describes a three-year pilot project (USSiT) from 2015 – 2018 constituting three large Norwegian public organisations, ...
  • Application of Patient Journey Methodology to Explore Needs for Digital Support A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study 

    Halvorsrud, Ragnhild; Røhne, Mette; Celius, Elisabeth Gulowsen; Moen, Stine Marit; Strisland, Frode (Chapter, 2019)
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease with a highly variable course, and patients face a large number of health professionals during treatment and follow-up. We introduce a methodology for detailed analysis and ...
  • Trends in Large-Scale Agile Development: A Summary of the 4th Workshop at XP2016 

    Moe, Nils Brede; Olsson, Helena Holmström; Dingsøyr, Torgeir (Chapter, 2016)
    Large projects are increasingly adopting agile development practices, and this raises new challenges for research and practice. The fourth workshop on large-scale agile development focused on the following topics: Distributed ...
  • Vanntåke som automatisk brannslokkeanlegg i bygninger. Veileder for valg, dokumentasjon og prosjektering 

    Møller, Johan Kristian; Raspati, Gema Sakti; Friquin, Kathinka Leikanger; Bosco, Camillo; Aamodt, Edvard; Mostad, Robert; Gribble, Max; Sedeniussen, Trond Rosten; Thorsen, Ole Andreas; Skreddernes, Knut (SINTEF Fag;109, Research report, 2024)
    I denne veilederen beskriver vi hva som må vurderes ved prosjektering av vanntåke som automatisk brannslokkesystem i bygninger, og hvordan det kan gjøres. Veilederen behandler både det tekniske anlegget og brannsikkerheten ...
  • Hydrogen and Cushion Gas Adsorption–Desorption Dynamics on Clay Minerals 

    Zhang, Qian; Masoudi, Mohammad; SUN, Lingjie; Zhang, Lunxiang; Yang, Lei; Song, Yongchen; Hassanpouryouzband, Aliakbar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Transitioning toward a hydrogen (H2)-centric energy paradigm necessitates understanding the adsorption properties of clay minerals, essential constituents of reservoirs and caprocks, for efficient geological H2 storage. ...
  • Top level ontologies: desirable characteristics in the context of materials science 

    Del Nostro, Pierluigi; Friis, Jesper; Ghedini, Emanuele; Goldbeck, Gerhard; Toti, Daniele; Zaccarini, Francesco Antonio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The desiderata for the effective representation of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) knowledge in Top Level Ontologies (TLOs) are discussed, based on the empirically grounded assumption that different ontologies ...
  • Analytical tools for monitoring glycol degradation 

    Høisæter, Karen Karolina; Buvik, Vanja; Vevelstad, Solrun Johanne; Knuutila, Hanna Katariina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This paper aims to develop new methods for monitoring oxidative and thermal glycol degradation through solvent analysis. Methods for quantifying TEG, and for quantifying some degradation products (small glycols and acids), ...
  • Nonlinear interpolated Variational Autoencoder for generalized fluid content estimation 

    Arief, Hasan Asyari; Thomas, Peter James; Li, Weichang; Brekken, Christian; Hjelstuen, Magnus; Smith, Ivar Eskerud; Kragset, Steinar; Katsaggelos, Aggelos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Generalizing machine learning models for petroleum applications, especially in scenarios with limited and less varied training data compared to real-world conditions, remains a persistent challenge. This study introduces ...

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