Now showing items 3725-3744 of 5801

    • Oppfølgingsstudie av sykepleierne gjennom Covid-19 pandemien 

      Ose, Solveig Osborg; Kaspersen, Silje Lill (SINTEF rapport;2021:01311, Research report, 2021)
      Rapporten inneholder resultater fra to spørreundersøkelser som er besvart av et utvalg på 11318 sykepleiere i september 2020 og i september 2021. Resultatene viser at helse‐ og omsorgstjenestene har stort potensial for å ...
    • Oppfølgingsteam som sammenhengskapende mekanisme for personer med store og sammensatte behov 

      Melby, Line; Kaspersen, Silje Lill; Ådnanes, Marian; Kalseth, Jorid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Personer med store og sammensatte behov for tjenester risikerer lite sammenheng i tjenestetilbudet og et mangelfullt tilbud som er dårlig tilpasset deres behov. Et tverrfaglig strukturert oppfølgingsteam piloteres i seks ...
    • Oppgradering av et 60-tallshus og et 70-tallshus 

      Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug; Skeie, Kristian Stenerud; Bjaanes, Elisabeth O.; Hagen, Karen; Kvalø, Yngve (SINTEF Fag;42, Research report, 2017)
      I løpet av prosjektperioden i SEOPP skulle to demo-hus oppgraderes. For to hus med behov for omfattende oppgradering var målet å utvikle mest mulig kostnadseffektive løsninger for energioppgradering og samtidig heve ...
    • Opportunities for Local Energy Supply in Norway: A Case Study of a University Campus Site 

      Backe, Stian; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Pinel, Dimitri; Clauß, John; Lausselet, Carine (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Neighbourhoods can contribute to climate change mitigation by supplying and/or facilitating renewable energy sources (RES). In this context, we evaluate opportunities related to the energy system of a Norwegian university ...
    • Oppsummering som dokumenterer brukernes behov for et brukerstyrt oppfølgingsverktøy 

      Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus; Hundseth, Torbjørn (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      Denne rapporten beskriver aktiviteter i RRF forprosjektet "Forstudie for brukerstyrt oppfølgingsverktøy - interaktivt, praktisk og selvmotiverende verktøy" assosiert med følgende milepæl og leveranse: M2: Ferdigstilt paper ...
    • Opptrappingsplanen etter fem år - utvikling i helseregionene 

      Ådnanes, Marian; Kalseth, Jorid; Ose, Solveig Osborg (SINTEF Rapport;A2434, Research report, 2005)
      I denne rapporten undersøkes graden av måloppnåelse i helseregionene for ulike delmål for det psykiske helsevernet som er satt i Opptrappingsplanen. I tillegg beskrives utviklingen i regionene når det gjelder nivået på de ...
    • Opptreningsinstitusjoner, helsesportsentra mm. Nasjonal rapport 2005 

      Johansen, Knut Ivar; Krokan, Tor G.H. (SINTEF Rapport;A90, Research report, 2006)
    • Oppvarming via tilluft. Veiledning og krav for næringsbygg med enerigambisjoner 

      Thunshelle, Kari (SINTEF Fag;38, Research report, 2016)
      Denne veilederen oppsummerer resultatene fra Fou-prosjektet ForKlima – forenklet behovsstyrt klimatisering i kontorbygg med svært lavt oppvarmingsbehov. Den viser hvordan det i bygg med tilstrekkelig lavt oppvarmingsbehov ...
    • Optical and Electrochemical Characterisation of Carbon Anodes with Varying Porosity and Coke Quality 

      Jahrsengene, Gøril; Farahani, Mahyar; Linga, Hogne; Svensson, Ann Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The performance of carbon anodes in aluminium production will depend on both the coke quality (impurities, structure) and the physical properties of the anode (density, permeability, electric resistivity). Here, a set of ...
    • Optical MEMS filter for infrared gas detection 

      Bakke, Thor; Lacolle, Matthieu Jean P; Sagberg, Håkon; Johansen, Ib-Rune; Moe, Sigurd T. (Lecture, 2008)
      An optical filter is proposed, which can be adapted to infrared detection of various gases. The filter is based on a diffraction grating structured on a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) which can be switched between ...
    • Optical, mechanical and electro-optical design of an interferometric test station for massive parallel inspection of MEMS and MOEMS 

      Haugholt, Karl Henrik (Chapter, 2009)
      The paper presents the optical, mechanical, and electro-optical design of an interferometric inspection system for massive parallel inspection of MicroElectroMechanicalSystems (MEMS) and MicroOptoElectroMechanicalSystems ...
    • Optimal deployment of energy services for economic upliftment of low-income communities: A South African case study 

      Tulkens, Bart; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Muvhali, Pfunzo; Bastiaans, Rob (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Low-income communities face a causality dilemma: A lack of energy services hampers income growth and insufficient income hampers energy service provision. Interventions delivering cost-effective energy services can address ...
    • Optimal design of a regional railway service in Italy 

      Fedeli, Francesca; Mancini, Roberto; Mannino, Carlo; Ofria, Paolo; Oriolo, Gianpaolo; Pacifici, Andrea; Piccialli, Veronica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In order to assess the actual ability of planned infrastructure investments to satisfy the required demand of service, railway engineers also need to plan the new offer of train services. In turn, this requires a full ...
    • Optimal inspeksjons- og vedlikeholdskoordinering for stikkrenner 

      Werner, Adrian; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Buskum, Pål (SINTEF Rapport;A26341, Research report, 2014)
    • Optimal preventive policies for parallel systems using Markov decision process: application to an offshore power plant 

      Machado, Mario; Lima Silva, Thiago; Camponogara, Eduardo; de Arruda, Edilson; Ferreira Filho, Virgílio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This work proposes a Markov Decision Process (MDP) model for identifying windows of opportunities to perform preventive maintenance for multi-unit parallel systems subject to a varying demand. The main contribution lies ...
    • Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement 

      Kermarrec, Gaël; Skytt, Vibeke; Dokken, Tor (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences;, Book, 2023)
      This open access book provides insights into the novel Locally Refined B-spline (LR B-spline) surface format, which is suited for representing terrain and seabed data in a compact way. It provides an alternative to the ...
    • Optimal timing of assessment tasks depending on experience level of surgical trainees 

      Våpenstad, Cecilie; Hofstad, Erlend Fagertun; Bernstein, Tor Eivind; Aadahl, Petter; Johnsen, Gjermund; Mårvik, Ronald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Introduction: Box trainers with motion analysis are important add-ons to surgical training and skills assessment outside the operating room, given that they exhibit construct validity. Material and methods: Four different ...
    • Optimal Train Rescheduling in Oslo Central Station 

      Mannino, Carlo; Nakkerud, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Real-time train dispatching (i.e., rescheduling and replatforming) in passenger railway stations is a very important and very challenging task. In most major stations, this task is carried out by hand by highly trained ...
    • Optimisation of cutting parameters for improving energy efficiency in machining process 

      Hu, Luoke; Tang, Renzhong; Cai, Wei; Feng, Yixiong; Ma, Xiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Reducing the machining energy consumption (MEC) of machine tools for turning operations is significant to promote sustainable manufacturing. It has been approved that selecting optimal cutting (turning) parameters is an ...
    • Optimising Nurse Staffing at the Emergency Department of Ålesund Sykehus 

      Goday Verdaguer, Aina; Kaut, Michal; Valgermo, Anne Sofie; Dybvik, Elin K. Molvær; Pedersen, Nina Margrete (SINTEF Rapport;2024:00041, Research report, 2024)
      This report summarises the initiatives undertaken in the Emergency Department (ED) of Ålesund sykehus to enhance patient care and theworkday for nurses. The objective was two-fold and involved addressing nurse understaffing ...