Now showing items 2329-2348 of 2371

    • ZEB Laboratory - Research Possibilities 

      Time, Berit; Nocente, Alessandro; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Førland-Larsen, Arne; Myhr, Anders Ramberg; Jacobsen, Terje; Gustavsen, Arild (SINTEF Notat;33, Research report, 2019)
      The ZEB Laboratory is an experimental facility located in NTNU Gløshaugen campus in Trondheim. The building is designed as 4 storeys high and 1800 m2 area office space and should achieve the ZEB-COM ambition level over 60 ...
    • The ZEB Laboratory: the development of a research tool for future climate adapted zero emission buildings 

      Nocente, Alessandro; Time, Berit; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Kvande, Tore; Gustavsen, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The building sector is responsible for approximately 40 % of the energy consumption and carbon emissions worldwide. Buildings of the future will have to comply not only with stricter energy regulations, but they will also ...
    • ZEB Pilot Campus Evenstad. Administration and educational building. As-built report 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Selvig, Eivind; Cervenka, Zdena; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Andresen, Inger (ZEB Project report;36, Research report, 2017)
      This report describes the new ZEB Campus Evenstad pilot administration and educational building. The report summarizes and documents the as-built phase life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the administration and ...
    • ZEB pilot Heimdal high school and sports hall. Design phase report 

      Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Andresen, Inger; Wigenstad, Tore; Mjønes, Torger (ZEB Project report;34, Research report, 2017)
      This report summarizes and documents the pre-project competition and design phase life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Heimdal pilot building project. The report describes the calculation methodologies; including ...
    • ZEB Pilot house Larvik (Multicomfort) AS-built 

      Sørensen, Åse Lekang (Conference object, 2016)
    • ZEB pilot house Larvik. As Built Report 

      Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Andresen, Inger; Kristjansdottir, Torhildur; Amundsen, Harald; Edwards, Kristian (ZEB Project report;33, Research report, 2017)
      This report describes the ZEB pilot house Larvik, which was constructed during the autumn 2014. The ZEB pilot house is a two-storey single-family residential building situated near Larvik, Norway. The building was designed ...
    • ZEBRA 2020 - NEARLY ZERO-ENERGY BUILDING STRATEGY 2020. Strategies for a nearly Zero-Energy Building market transition in the European Union 

      Toleikyte, Agne; Kranzl, Lukas; Bointner, Raphael; Bean, Frances; Cipriano, Jordi; De Groote, Maarten; Hermelink, Andreas; Klinski, Michael; Kretschmer, David; Lapilonne, Bruno; Pascual, Ramón; Rajkiewicz, Andrezej; Santos, Josè; Schimschar, Sven; Sebi, Carine; Volt, Jonathan (Research report, 2016)
      European legislation makes nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEBs) a standard by 2020. The technology is available and proven; however, the large-scale uptake of nZEB construction and renovation remains a challenge. ZEBRA2020 ...
    • ZEBRA 2020 - Nearly Zero‐Energy Building Strategy 2020. D6.2: Strategies for nZEB market transition on national level 

      Toleikyte, Agne; Cipriano, Jordi; Schimschar, Sven; Kretschmer, David; Guillin, Rodolphe; Klinski, Michael; Pascual, Ramón; Volt, Jonathan; Bointner, Raphael; Santos, Josè; Bean, Frances; De Groote, Maarten; Lapillonne, Bruno; Sebi, Carine; Fredriksen, Eyvind; Kranzl, Lukas; Rajkiewicz, Andrezej (Research report, 2016)
    • ZEN and District heating: Tensions and opportunities 

      Ramirez, Victor Andreu Banuls; Shen, Haiping; Campagna, Laura; Vergerio, Giulia; Backe, Stian (ZEN Memo;60, Research report, 2024)
      District heating’s environmental impact, particularly in areas with direct greenhouse gas emissions from waste incineration, can clash with the zero-emission goals of developers aiming to create Zero Emission Neighbourhoods ...
    • ZEN Case Gardermoen – Redusert turtemperatur i et eksisterende fjernvarmesystem for økt utnyttelse av overskuddsvarme 

      Kauko, Hanne; Wolfgang, Ove; Kallaos, James; Fjellheim, Kristin (ZEN Report;33, Research report, 2021)
      Redusert turtemperatur i et eksisterende fjernvarmesystem vil gi en mer effektiv utnyttelse av overskuddsvarme og redusert varmetap, og dermed redusere kostnader knyttet til varmeproduksjon. Overskuddsvarme tilgjengelig ...
    • ZEN Case Study. End User Flexibility Potential in the Service Sector 

      Lien, Synne Krekling; Ahang, M.; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Fjellheim, Øystein (ZEN Report;27, Research report, 2020)
      The electricity grid is designed to handle peaks in electricity consumption and is usually dimensioned to handle peak loads at the coldest hours of the year. Over the years to come, investment plans in the Norwegian ...
    • The ZEN Definition – A Guideline for the ZEN Pilot Aareas. Version 3.0 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Homaei, Shabnam; Lien, Synne Krekling; Fjellheim, Kristin; Vandervaeren, Camille; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Baer, Daniela; Sartori, Igor; Nordström, Tobias; Meland, Solveig; Cheng, Caroline Y; Thomsen, Judith (ZEN Report;44, Research report, 2022)
      This third version of the ZEN definition guideline report builds upon version 1.0 and 2.0 of the ZEN definition guideline reports and series of ZEN definition reports. This report gives further details on the ZEN KPI tool ...
    • The Zen Definition – A Guideline for the Zen Pilot Areas. Version 2.0 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Lien, Synne Krekling; Fjellheim, Kristin; Vandervaeren, Camille Margaux L.; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Baer, Daniela; Sartori, Igor; Nordström, Tobias; Meland, Solveig; Cheng, Caroline Y; Thomsen, Judith (ZEN Report;40, Research report, 2022)
      This second version (V2.0) of the ZEN definition guideline report builds upon version V1.0 of the ZEN definition guideline and series of ZEN definition reports. The ZEN categories for GHG emissions, energy, and power have ...
    • The ZEN definition – a guideline for the ZEN pilot areas. Version 4.0 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Homaei, Shabnam; Lien, Synne Krekling; Sartori, Igor; Meland, Solveig; Karlsson, Hampus; Anandasivakumar, Ekambaram (ZEN Report;63E, Research report, 2024)
      This fourth and final version (version 4.0) of the ZEN definition guideline report builds upon V1.0, V2.0 and V3.0 of the ZEN definition guideline reports and a series of ZEN definition reports. This report highlights that ...
    • ZEN KPI tool user guide. A visual guide to using the ZEN KPI tool 

      Homaei, Shabnam; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth (ZEN Report;71, Research report, 2025)
      Dette dokumentet er en brukerveiledning for ZEN KPI-verktøyet, utviklet ved forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (FME ZEN) i perioden 2017–2024. Verktøyet gir brukerne mulighet til å spore, rapportere, ...
    • ZEN LIVING LABS definition, ideas and examples 

      Woods, Ruth; Baer, Daniela; Berker, Thomas; Bø, Lars Arne (ZEN Report;18, Research report, 2019)
      Living labs er brukersentrerte tiltak som har mål om å involvere ulike individer eller brukergrupper i tekniske eller bærekraftig endringer i samfunnet. The FME Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart ...
    • ZEN og lovverket: Muligheter og begrensninger i dagens lovverk ved utvikling av et ZEN område 

      Bø, Lars Arne; Junker, Eivind; Askeland, Magnus (ZEN Memo;26, Research report, 2020)
      ZEN og lovverket: Muligheter og begrensninger i dagens lovverk ved utvikling av et ZEN område Forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (FME ZEN, har som hovedmålsetting å utvikle løsninger ...
    • ZEN PILOT PROJECTS. Mapping of the pilot projects within the research centre on ZERO emission neighbourhoods in smart cities 

      Baer, Daniela; Andresen, Inger (ZEN Report;10, Research report, 2018)
      This report on the pilot projects of the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) will give the reader an overview of eight pilot projects of the Centre, focusing on the challenges to ...
    • ZEN-definisjonen – En veileder for ZEN-pilotområder. Versjon 3.0. norsk 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Homaei, Shabnam; Lien, Synne Krekling; Fjellheim, Kristin; Vandervaeren, Camille; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Baer, Daniela; Sartori, Igor; Nordström, Tobias; Meland, Solveig; Cheng, Caroline Y; Thomsen, Judith (ZEN Report;44N, Research report, 2022)
      Denne tredje utgaven av ZEN-definisjonsveilederen bygger på versjon 1.0 og 2.0 av ZEN-definisjonsveilederne og ZEN-definisjonsrapporter. Denne rapporten presenterer ZEN KPI-verktøyet i mer detalj og gir mer informasjon om ...
    • ZEN-definisjonen – en veileder for ZEN-pilotområder. Versjon 4.0. Norsk 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Homaei, Shabnam; Lien, Synne Krekling; Sartori, Igor; Meland, Solveig; Karlsson, Hampus; Anandasivakumar, Ekambaram (ZEN Report;63, Research report, 2024)
      Denne fjerde og siste utgaven (versjon 4.0) av ZEN-definisjonsveilederen bygger på v.1.0, v.2.0 og v.3.0 av ZEN-definisjonsveilederne, samt en rekke andre ZEN-definisjonsrapporter. Denne veilederen fremnever at en netto ...