SINTEF Community
Recent Submissions
Comparative validation of global and climate-specific decomposition models at high latitudes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Reliable modelling of the solar potential of urban surfaces (i.e. roofs, facades and ground) in the built environment can contribute to boost the exploitation of solar energy. Empirical and quasi-physical models are combined ... -
The Renaissance of Reuse in Norway: The Future Is Back
(Chapter; Conference object, 2025)Society has historically valued labor and resources, including the intermediate and end products produced through them. Discarding these artifacts was seen as squandering valuable effort and resources, and waste was ... -
Framework for Combined Life Cycle Environmental, Economic, and Social Assessment of Reclaimed Construction Products
(Chapter, 2025)A relevant approach to limit virgin materials consumption and waste in the construction industry is to use reclaimed construction products. Their sustainability performance depends on various parameters, including the ... -
Urban ventilasjon. Ventilasjon for godt inneklima i urbane boliger
(SINTEF Fag;107, Research report, 2025)Denne rapporten oppsummerer hovedresultater fra prosjektet Healthy Energy-efficient Urban Home Ventilation, også kalt Urban Ventilation. Prosjektets hovedmål har vært å etablere kunnskap om og gi anbefalinger til robuste ... -
Vanntåke som automatisk brannslokkeanlegg i bygninger. Veileder for valg, dokumentasjon og prosjektering
(SINTEF Fag;109, Research report, 2024)I denne veilederen beskriver vi hva som må vurderes ved prosjektering av vanntåke som automatisk brannslokkesystem i bygninger, og hvordan det kan gjøres. Veilederen behandler både det tekniske anlegget og brannsikkerheten ... -
A Study on Usage of Formal Knowledge Sharing Systems in Project-Based Organizations
(Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management;, Chapter, 2024)Projects are one-time activities that have time and resource limitations. Projects are considered as arenas for learning. There are opportunities for creating new knowledge and utilizing existing knowledge in projects. ... -
Ny overvannsløsning på Torvet i Trondheim gir mindre belastning på ledningsnettet
(Journal article, 2024) -
Morgendagens skoler. Rom for læring, lek og utvikling
(SINTEF Fag;108, Research report, 2024)Prosjektet «Morgendagens skoler – et samspill mellom arkitektur, pedagogikk og læring» har ved hjelp av casestudier utviklet empirisk kunnskap om hvordan skolers fysiske miljøer brukes og oppleves av forskjellige brukere, ... -
Sirkulær omstilling i byggenæringen krever innovasjon, vilje og tydelige rammer
(Journal article, 2024) -
A Systematic Mapping Study and a Review of the Optimization Methods of Structures in Architectural Design
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Structural optimization has gained popularity in modern structural design, helping to reduce material consumption while maintaining the structural performance of buildings. This process also significantly influences the ... -
Demonstration of a low-cost solution for implementing MPC in commercial buildings with legacy equipment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Model predictive control (MPC) approaches for HVAC systems in buildings have shown potential for significant reduction of energy use and for enabling flexible operation. However, a widespread adoption is long in coming, ... -
SWMMLIDopt: a tool for optimization of low-impact development (LID) measures using the SWMM model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The present study introduces the SWMMLIDopt tool that aims to optimize the implementation of low-impact development (LID) measures for stormwater management. The developed tool utilizes the capabilities of the stormwater ... -
Data management and quality control
(Chapter, 2024)It is often said that data gathering is much more expensive than data-management software (such as geographic information system). Indeed, data are perhaps the most important element of any asset management approach. In ... -
AI-driven sustainable cities: A Nordic-inspired requirement framework
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper examines the integration of AI and data technologies into sustainable urban development, emphasizing Norway's unique cultural and environmental context. It first explores how concepts like trust and sustainability ... -
The potential of hydrogen-battery storage systems for a sustainable renewable-based electrification of remote islands in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Remote locations and off-grid regions still rely mainly on diesel generators, despite the high operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The exploitation of local renewable energy sources (RES) in combination with ... -
Housing Qualities, Spaces and Dispositions for Low-Income Families: Effects on Experiences of Wellbeing, Home and Belonging
(Chapter, 2024)Low-income families often live in cramped and unsuitable conditions, and the housing qualities interplay significantly in processes of wellbeing, homing and belonging as housing can be an obstacle to the parents’ transition ... -
Health-Promoting Housing and Care Concepts for Older People with Dementia?
(Chapter, 2024)Norwegian municipalities require increasing the number of care places. The main challenge for the municipalities is to obtain enough high-quality and suitable residential facilities. As buildings are often inflexible ... -
Towards local Large-Scale Production of UHPC in Norway
(Chapter, 2024)Investigations are presented on development and testing of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC), suitable for large-scale production in standard industrial equipment for mixing and transportation of conventional ready-mix ... -
Klimagassberegning for byggeprosjekter: Vi trenger harmonisering av metodene
(Journal article, 2024)