• Automation and autonomous systems: Human-centred design in drilling and wells 

      Johnsen, Stig Ole; Holen, Siri Mariane; Aalberg, Asbjørn Lein; Bjørkevoll, Knut Steinar; Evjemo, Tor Erik; Johansen, Gorm Idar; Myklebust, Thor; Okstad, Eivind Halvard; Pavlov, Alexey; Porathe, Thomas (SINTEF Rapport;2020:01442, Research report, 2021)
      This report is based on an assignment commissioned by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) with the theme of human-centred design and human-machine interfaces in the development and implementation of autonomous ...
    • Automation in Human-Machine Networks: How Increasing Machine Agency Affects Human Agency 

      Følstad, Asbjørn; Engen, Vegard; Haugstveit, Ida Maria; Pickering, J. Brian (Chapter, 2017)
      Efficient human-machine networks require productive interaction between human and machine actors. In this study, we address how a strengthening of machine agency, for example through increasing Levels of automation, affect ...
    • Automation of the Rail – Removing the Human Factor? 

      Stene, Trine Marie (Chapter, 2018)
      Digitalization is a global change affecting a variety of social conditions and businesses. In addition to changing products and services in businesses and the labour market, digitalization will also create radically new ...
    • Automatisering og føreropplæring 

      Jenssen, Gunnar; Roche-Cerasi, Isabelle; Moe, Dagfinn; Stene, Trine Marie; Moen, Terje (SINTEF;2023:00163, Research report, 2023)
      De siste årene har hatt en rask utvikling av førerstøtteapplikasjoner (ADAS) for moderne kjøretøy. Hensikten med mange av applikasjonene er at kjøretøyet varsler, støtter eller tar over kontrollen av kjøretøyet. Dette er ...
    • Automatisert kjøring på veg 

      Foss, Trond (SINTEF rapport;2017:00264, Research report, 2017)
    • Automatisert rapportering av feil og hendelser 

      Wille, Egil; Hauge, Stein; Nybø, Roar; Onshus, Tor Engebret; Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug; Kråkenes, Tony; Mathisen, Bjørn Magnus (SINTEF rapporter;2022:01376, Research report, 2022)
      Formålet med denne rapporten har vært å gi næringen og Petroleumstilsynet (Ptil) økt kunnskap om systemer og prosesser som er nødvendig for å legge til rette for større grad av automatisert rapportering av feil, hendelser ...
    • Automotive Intelligence Embedded in Electric Connected Autonomous and Shared Vehicles Technology for Sustainable Green Mobility 

      Vermesan, Ovidiu; John, Reiner; Pype, Patrick; Daalderop, Gerardo; Kriegel, Kai; Mitic, Gerhard; Lorentz, Vincent; Bahr, Roy; Sand, Hans-Erik; Bockrath, Steffen; Waldhör, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The automotive sector digitalization accelerates the technology convergence of perception, computing processing, connectivity, propulsion, and data fusion for electric connected autonomous and shared (ECAS) vehicles. This ...
    • Autonomous agile teams: challenges and future directions for research 

      Stray, Viktoria; Moe, Nils Brede; Hoda, Rashina (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      According to the principles articulated in the agile manifesto, motivated and empowered software developers---relying on technical excellence and simple designs---create business value by delivering working software to ...
    • Autonomous Crop Row Guidance Using Adaptive Multi-ROI in Strawberry Fields 

      Ponnambalam, Vignesh Raja; Bakken, Marianne; Moore, Richard; Omholt Gjevestad, Jon Glenn; From, Pål Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Automated robotic platforms are an important part of precision agriculture solutions for sustainable food production. Agri-robots require robust and accurate guidance systems in order to navigate between crops and to and ...
    • An autonomous drone-based system for inspection of electrical substations 

      Langåker, Helge-André; Kjerkreit, Håkon; Syversen, Christoffer L; Moore, Richard J.D.; Holhjem, Øystein Hov; Jensen, Irene; Morrison, Aiden J; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Kvien, Oddgeir; Berg, Gunnar; Olsen, Thomas; Hatlestad, Alexander; Negård, Thomas; Broch, Rolf; Johnsen, Jørn E (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In the years to come, large power grid operators will operate and maintain an ever-increasing asset base. New innovative solutions are needed to increase the quality and efficiency of asset management to avoid corresponding ...
    • Autonomous Job Analysis: A Method for Design of Autonomous Marine Operations 

      Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Vagia, Marialena; Fjerdingen, Sigurd Aksnes; Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Svendsen, Eirik; Rundtop, Per (Journal article, 2016)
      Increased use of autonomy is considered crucial for continued growth in maritime industries like oil- and gas, waterborne transport, and fisheries- and aquaculture. This article presents a method called Autonomous Job ...
    • Autonomous UAS-Based Agriculture Applications: General Overview and Relevant European Case Studies 

      Merz, Mariann; Pedro, Dário; Skliros, Vasileios; Bergenhem, Carl; Himanka, Mikko; Houge, Torbjørn; Lundkvist, Henrik; Matos-Carvalho, João P.; Cürüklü, Baran; Hamrén, Rasmus; Ameri, Afshin E.; Ahlberg, Carl; Johansen, Gorm Idar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Emerging precision agriculture techniques rely on the frequent collection of high-quality data which can be acquired efficiently by unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The main obstacle for wider adoption of this technology is ...
    • Autonomous Vehicles - Trust, Safety and Security Cases: The Complete Picture 

      Myklebust, Thor; Stålhane, Tor; Jenssen, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Safety cases are required by several functional safety standards, specifications, and guidelines. Cybersecurity cases have recently been required by ISO/SAE 21424:2021 for automotive and EN TS 50701:2021 for the railway ...
    • AUV Pipeline Following using Reinforcement Learning 

      Fjerdingen, Sigurd Aksnes; Kyrkjebø, Erik; Transeth, Aksel Andreas (Chapter, 2010)
    • Avfallshåndtering fra sjøbasert havbruk 

      Hognes, Erik Skontorp; Skaar, Christofer (SINTEF Rapport;OC2017 A-218, Research report, 2017)
      Resultatene viser at norske havbruksaktører i dag har rutiner for avfallshåndtering og bruker tilgjengelige tilbud. Aktørene dokumenterer i liten grad mengder, sortering og hva avfallet går til, men vet at disse opplysningene ...
    • Avoiding Snow and Ice Formation on Exterior Solar Cell Surfaces - A Review of Research Pathways and Opportunities 

      Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gao, Tao; Alex Mofid, Sohrab; Kolås, Tore; Stenstad, Per Martin; Ng, Serina (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Today energy-efficient and energy-harvesting buildings experience an ever-increasing interest and demand. Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) may in this respect represent a powerful and versatile tool for reaching ...
    • Avrenningskoeffisienter passer dårlig for prosjektering av grønne tak 

      Muthanna, Tone Merete; Schärer, Lotte Askeland; Sivertsen, Edvard (Journal article, 2020)
      Grønne tak er et populært overvannstiltak som bidrar til forsinkelse av avrenningen og redusert avrenningsvolum etter nedbørshendelser. Den rasjonelle metoden er en mye brukt metode for dimensjonering av overvannstiltak, ...
    • Avstandsoppfølging av personer med kroniske sykdommer. Tjenesteutvikling i nasjonalt pilotprosjekt. 

      Das, Anita; Reitan, Jarl; Holbø, Kristine; Boysen, Elin Sundby; Ausen, Dag (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2018)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg arbeidet som er gjort i forbindelse med tjenesteutviklingen når det gjelder avstandsoppfølging av kronisk syke. De fire prosjektene som er blitt fulgt i dette prosjektet er henholdsvis «HelsaMi+» ...
    • Avtalespesialister i det psykiske helsevernet i Midt-Norge: kartlegging av helsetilbudet, samhandling og tilgjengelighet 

      Husum, Tonje Lossius; Gråwe, Rolf Wilhelm; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon (SINTEF Rapport;A2393, Research report, 2005)
      STF78 A045022 Denne rapporten viser resultater fra en undersøkelse med svar fra henvisende leger i Midt-Norge (både fra spesialisthelsetjenesten og fastlegene), avtalespesialister (psykiatere og psykologer) i HMN og ...
    • Axes of contestation in sustainability transitions 

      Madsen, Stine Hach Juul; Miörner, Johan; Hansen, Teis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Research in sustainability transitions increasingly acknowledges that the structural characteristics of socio-technical systems differ. However, little attention has been paid to the specific transition dynamics that can ...