• Routing Applications in Newspaper Delivery 

      Hasle, Geir (Research report, 2012)
      The goal of this report is to give an up-to-date account of routing applications in the newspaper business. We describe the newspaper supply chain, and focus on the “last mile” distribution that has been advocated as an ...
    • ROV Navigation in a Fish Cage with Laser-Camera Triangulation 

      Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Kirkhus, Trine; Caharija, Walter; Thielemann, Jens T; Amundsen, Herman Biørn; Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Grøtli, Esten Ingar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Aquaculture net cage inspection and maintenance is a central issue in fish farming. Inspection using autonomous underwater vehicles is a promising solution. This paper proposes laser-camera triangulation for pose estimation ...
    • RTO Participation in the 6th Framework Programme 

      Kristiansen, Ernst Herlof (Lecture, 2007)
      Forskningsinstitutters innsats i EUs 6 rammeprogram
    • Rus og psykiske lidelser i psykisk helsevern for voksne 

      Gråwe, Rolf Wilhelm; Ruud, Torleif (SINTEF rapport;A59, Research report, 2006)
      Hensikten med denne studien var å beskrive forekomsten av pasienter med både rus og psykiske lidelser (ROP-pasienter) i ulike deler av spesialisthelsetjenesten og finne ut om de skiller seg fra andre pasienter med hensyn ...
    • Rusklienter og tjenester før "rusreformen". En tverrsnittsundersøkelse 

      Gundersen, Tonje; Grut, Lisbet; Loeb, Mitchell Elliott; Ruud, Torleif; Eikeland, Tone Bergljot; Nesvåg, Sverre; Olsen, Espen (SINTEF Rapport;A6090, Research report, 2004)
      Rapporten beskriver tilbudet til rusmiddelmisbrukere, og deres behov, slik dette vurderes av tjeneste­apparatet. Det belyses hvilke virkemidler og tiltak som står til rådighet, hvilke behov det registreres at rusmiddelmisbrukere ...
    • Safe navigation in a coastal environment of multiple surface vehicles under uncertainties: A combined use of potential field constructions and NMPC 

      Tran, Ngo-Quoc-Huy; Prodan, Ionela; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Lefevre, Laurent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper deals with the motion planning problem for surface vehicles in the presence of varying environmental disturbances. The goal is to steer the vehicles from an initial to a final destination while ensuring connectivity ...
    • Safe Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Spaces through Lyapunov-Constrained Behavior 

      Fjerdingen, Sigrud Aksnes; Kyrkjebø, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This paper presents a safe learning strategy for continuous state and action spaces by utilizing Lyapunov stability properties of the studied systems. The reinforcement learning algorithm Continous Actor-Critic Learning ...
    • SafeMate – Behovskartlegging mobil trygghetsalarm. VRI forprosjekt Oslo MedTech 

      Svagård, Ingrid Storruste; Ausen, Dag (Research report, 2012)
      SINTEF har gjennomført en behovskartlegging for en ny mobil trygghetsalarm for bruk i de kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenestene med Bærum kommune som brukerpartner. Behovskartleggingen er gjennomført i rammen av et VRI-prosjekt ...
    • Safety and Human Dependability in seaborne autonomous vessels 

      Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Johnsen, Stig Ole; Myklebust, Thor (Chapter, 2023)
      Highly automated and autonomous seaborne vessels (ASV) are developed to improve environmental impact and transport of goods and people. ASV are expected to be remotely supervised, to fulfil legal requirements and assure ...
    • Safety and reliability reports 1986-2004 

      Øien, Knut (SINTEF Rapport;STF50 A05118, Research report, 2005)
      This report gives an overview of the research reports produced in the period 1986 – 2004 by SINTEF Technology and Society, Department of Safety and Reliability.Only unrestricted reports are referenced, however both Norwegian ...
    • Safety and security of drones in the oil and gas industry 

      Johnsen, Stig Ole; Bakken, Trond; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Holmstrøm, Sture; Merz, Mariann; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Jacobsen, Sigurd Robert; Storvold, Rune (Chapter, 2020)
      This paper describes safety and security challenges and best practices of the use of drones in the oil and gas industry, with consideration of the harsh weather conditions in the Northern Territories of Norway. We have ...
    • Safety barriers to prevent release of hydrocarbons during production of oil and gas 

      Sklet, Snorre; Hauge, Stein (SINTEF rapport;STF38 A04419, Research report, 2004)
      This report documents a set of scenarios related to release of hydrocarbons during production on oil and gas platforms. For each release scenario, initiating events, barrier functions aimed to prevent loss of containment, ...
    • Safety climate and mindful safety practices in the oil and gas industry 

      Dahl, Øyvind; Kongsvik, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Introduction The existence of a positive association between safety climate and the safety behavior of sharp-end workers in high-risk organizations is supported by a considerable body of research. Previous research has ...
    • Safety climate as an indicator for major accident risk: Can we use safety climate as an indicator on the plant level? 

      Kvalheim, Sverre Andreas; Antonsen, Stian; Haugen, Stein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Measuring safety climate is regarded a proactive approach to safety management. With increased focus on developing indicators for major accidents, there is a need to critically assess the effectiveness of current practices ...
    • Safety Critical Software and Security - How Low Can You Go? 

      Bernsmed, Karin; Meland, Per Håkon; Jaatun, Martin Gilje (Chapter, 2018)
      The safety of aviation software is ensured by performing development according to the DO-178C standard. However, this standard has a blind spot in that it fails to consider software security aspects in development. The ...
    • Safety when implementing digital Technology and Infrastructure. 

      Stene, Trine Marie (Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference(ESREL);, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Increasing critical infrastructure (CI) resilience is a European strategy to enhance safety and security. A digital radio standard for the rail have been developed by The International Union of Railways (UIC) - The Global ...
    • Safety when implementing digital Technology and Infrastructure. 

      Stene, Trine Marie (Chapter, 2019)
      Increasing critical infrastructure (CI) resilience is a European strategy to enhance safety and security. A digital radio standard for the rail have been developed by The International Union of Railways (UIC) - The Global ...
    • Salt clogging during supercritical CO2 injection into a downscaled borehole model 

      Berntsen, Andreas Nicolas; Todorovic, Jelena; Raphaug, Martin Hagen; Torsæter, Malin; Chavez Panduro, Elvia Anabela; Gawel, Kamila (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Injection of CO2 into saline storage aquifers is often accompanied by drying of the formation water and salt precipitation. Subsequent salt clogging of a well bore and the near wellbore rock matrix may lead to injectivity ...
    • Samarbeid mellom helsetjenestene for mennesker med psykiske lidelser 

      Tøndel, Gunhild; Ose, Solveig Osborg (SINTEF Rapport;A26357, Research report, 2014)
    • Samarbeid mellom NAV og fylkeskommunen om å hindre frafall fra videregående skole - Utfordringer og gode grep 

      Buland, Trond Hallgeir; Mathiesen, Ida Holth; Mordal, Siri; Solberg, Astrid (Research report, 2017)