• A responsibility-centered approach to defining levels of automation 

      Myhre, Bård; Hellandsvik, Are; Petersen, Stig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Several authors and organisations have over the last 40 years suggested various ways to describe different levels of automation. In this paper we give an introduction to some of the most relevant models and present some ...
    • Responssentertjenester i helse og omsorgstjenesten: behov og fremtidsbilder. Delrapport 1- 2016 fra prosjektet M4ALMO 

      Svagård, Ingrid Storruste; Boysen, Elin Sundby; Fensli, Rune Werner; Vatnøy, Torunn Kitty (Research report, 2016)
      Rapporten er en delleveranse fra RFF-prosjektet "M4ALMO - Modeller for alarmmottak". Rapporten sammenfatter funn og dokumentere kunnskap som er utviklet gjennom en serie workshops i prosjektet avholdt høsten 2015 og våren ...
    • Results of a Ka Band Campaign for the Characterisation of Propagation Conditions for SatCom Systems at High Latitudes 

      Tjelta, Terje; Rytír, Martin; Bråten, Lars Erling; Grotthing, Per Arne; Cheffena, Michael; Håkegård, Jan Erik (Chapter, 2017)
      Satellite services in the High North are utilized extensively for both communication purposes and for earth and climate observations. This paper presents results of two year measurements at 20 GHz and co-sited meteorological ...
    • Retail Supply Chain: Transport Dashboard 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2017)
      The report addresses a user centered approach for the elaboration of user needs and the related functional requirements for collaboration and coordination support in the supply chains of one of the largest retailers in ...
    • Rethinking Coordination in Large-Scale Software Development 

      Dingsøyr, Torgeir; Bjørnson, Finn Olav; Moe, Nils Brede; Rolland, Knut-Helge Ronæs; Seim, Eva Amdahl (Chapter, 2018)
      Coordination was early identified as a key challenge in software development, and in particular in large development projects. With the arrival of agile methods and their increasing use also in large-scale projects, this ...
    • A Retrospective Analysis of Maritime Cyber Security Incidents 

      Meland, Per Håkon; Bernsmed, Karin; Wille, Egil; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan; Nesheim, Dag Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The maritime industry is undergoing a rapid evolution through the introduction of new technology and the digitization of existing services. At the same time, the digital attack surface is increasing, and incidents can lead ...
    • Reuse and Migration of Legacy Systems to Interoperable Cloud Services- The REMICS project 

      Mohagheghi, Parastoo; Berre, Arne- Jørgen (Lecture, 2010)
      This presentation at the project track in MODELS 2010 discusses the objectives of the REMICS project, the technical approach and the expected results.
    • Revealing Work Practices in Hospitals Using Process Mining 

      Mannhardt, Felix; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle (Chapter, 2018)
      In order to improve health care processes (both in terms of quality and efficiency), we do need insight into how these processes are actually executed in reality. Interviewing health personnel and observing them in their ...
    • Reverse engineering of CAD models via clustering and approximate implicitization 

      Raffo, Andrea; Barrowclough, Oliver Joseph David; Muntingh, Agnar Georg Peder (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In applications like computer aided design, geometric models are often represented numerically as polynomial splines or NURBS, even when they originate from primitive geometry. For purposes such as redesign and isogeometric ...
    • Reverse Logistics for Improved Circularity in Mass Customization Supply Chains 

      Bakås, Ottar; Tveit, Stine Sonen; Thomassen, Maria Kristina Kollberg (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Manufacturing companies that seek to improve circularity performance across the supply chain, face many challenges in the transition of traditional linear approaches into more circular supply chain models. Reverse logistics ...
    • Reversing the trend through collaboration in the petroleum industry 

      Skarholt, Kari; Lamvik, Gunnar Martin (Chapter, 2018)
      The purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of bipartite and tripartite cooperation in the Norwegian petroleum industry and how it contributes to improve safety conditions. Lack of trust between the parties and ...
    • Revidert beregning av helikopterstøy for ny landingsplass ved St. Olavs hospital 

      Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen (Research report, 2008)
      Støysonekart for den nye landingsplassen som skal bygges på taket av Akutten på St. Olavs hospital er revidert i tråd med ny retningslinje fra Miljøverndepartementet, T-1442, og nye inn- og utflygingsruter. Inn- og ...
    • Revidert støykartlegging Stavanger lufthavn Sola. Beregning for 2014 og en prognose for 2025. 

      Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen; Randeberg, Rolf Tore (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2015)
      DENNE RAPPORTEN ERSTATTES AV SINTEF-Rapport A27551 Det er utarbeidet nytt støysonekart for Stavanger lufthavn Sola i tråd med retningslinje T-1442/2012 fra Miljøverndepartementet samt Forurensningsforskriften. Beregningene ...
    • Revidert støykartlegging Stavanger lufthavn Sola. Ny beregning for 2014 og en prognose for 2025. 

      Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen; Randeberg, Rolf Tore (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      DENNE RAPPORTEN ERSTATTER SINTEF-Rapport A27226 Det er utarbeidet nytt støysonekart for Stavanger lufthavn Sola i tråd med retningslinje T-1442/2012 fra Miljøverndepartementet samt Forurensningsforskriften. Beregningene ...
    • Reviderte flystøyberegninger for Polarsirkelen lufthavnutvikling AS 

      Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen; Haukland, Frode (Research report, 2009)
      Denne rapport erstatter rapporten SINTEF A6166 fra 2008-03-12 og presenterer reviderte beregninger av flystøy for alternative forslag til en ny flyplass i Mo i Rana. Endringene består av en reduksjon i det forventede ...
    • Reviderte støysoner for Trondheim helikopterplass, St. Olavs hospital 

      Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen (SINTEF Digital rapporter;2019:00557, Research report, 2019)
      Det er gjennomført en oppdatert beregning av helikopterstøy ved St-. Olavs hospital i Trondheim. Beregningen med NORTIM gjøres for 2029 basert på oppdatert prognose og endringer i flåten av helikopter. De nye helikoptrene ...
    • Reviderte støysoner for Trondheim helikopterplass, St. Olavs hospital. Prognose med nytt redningshelikopter. 

      Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen; Gelderblom, Femke B. (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      Det er utført beregninger av støy for helikopteraktiviteten ved St. Olavs hospital i Trondheim for dagens situasjon, for året da nytt redningshelikopter forventes å ha overtatt og for en prognose ti år fram i tid. Dagens ...
    • A Review of Automated Speech-Based Interaction for Cognitive Screening 

      Boletsis, Costas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Language, speech and conversational behaviours reflect cognitive changes that may precede physiological changes and offer a much more cost-effective option for detecting preclinical cognitive decline. Artificial intelligence ...
    • A Review of Resilience in Autonomous Transport to Improve Safety and Security 

      Johnsen, Stig Ole; Kilskar, Stine Skaufel (Chapter, 2020)
      The risks of autonomous systems are emerging and we need to explore how risks can be mitigated through resilience engineering. This paper presents results from a literature review on resilience in autonomous transport ...
    • RFID and Wireless Sensors for Building Industry 

      Vermesan, Ovidiu; Viktil, Martin (Lecture, 2008)
      Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), and smart sensing tagging, is used in different industries to track products and objects. This technology has significantly developed and reduced in price over the last years. The ...