Now showing items 1969-1988 of 2501

    • Spatial Orientation in Cardiac Ultrasound Images Using Mixed Reality: Design and Evaluation 

      Maddali, Dharani Dhar; Brun, Henrik; Kiss, Gabriel; Hjelmervik, Jon M.; Elle, Ole Jakob (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Spatial orientation is an important skill in structural cardiac imaging. Until recently, 3D cardiac ultrasound has been visualized on a flat screen by using volume rendering. Mixed reality devices enhance depth perception, ...
    • Specifying Policies Using UML Sequence Diagrams - An Evaluation Based on a Case Study 

      Solhaug, Bjørnar; Elgesem, Dag; Stølen, Ketil (Research report, 2007)
      This report provides a case study based evaluation of UML sequence diagrams as a notation for policy specification. Policy rules are defined on the basis of deontic logic, and provided a trace based semantics interpreted ...
    • Speech Enhancement with Deep Learning 

      Gelderblom, Femke B.; Viggen, Erlend Magnus (Conference object, 2017)
    • Spill-point analysis and structural trapping capacity in saline aquifers using MRST-co2lab 

      Nilsen, Halvor Møll; Lie, Knut Andreas; Møyner, Olav; Andersen, Odd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Geological carbon storage represents a substantial challenge for the subsurface geosciences. Knowledge of the subsurface can be captured in a quantitative form using computational methods developed within petroleum production. ...
    • Spillaudiometri - Sluttrapport 

      Tronstad, Tron Vedul (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2019)
      Det har blitt utviklet et dataspill, Lyders lyder, for barn som måler hørselen til brukeren mens det spilles. Spillet bruker tale-i-støy som testmetode. Målgruppen er barn i førskolealder og systemet er designet for å passe ...
    • Spline based Mesh Generator for high fidelity simulation of flow around turbine blades 

      Fonn, Eivind; Rasheed, Adil; Kvarving, Arne Morten; Kvamsdal, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Mesh generation involving complex geometries, such as wind turbine blades, is highly complicated. The problem is generally addressed using tetrahedral meshes, or hybrid meshes with hexahedral elements close to the body and ...
    • Spontaneous Volunteering During the Utøya Terror Attacks – A Document Study 

      Aalberg, Asbjørn Lein; Bye, Rolf Johan (Chapter, 2021)
      During the terrorist attacks in Norway 22th of July 2011, 77 persons was killed and many more injured. The attacks led to massive, multifaceted efforts of civil society, especially concerning the attacks at Utøya, for ...
    • Spotify Guilds: How to Succeed With Knowledge Sharing in Large-Scale Agile Organizations 

      Šmite, Darja; Moe, Nils Brede; Levinta, Georgiana; Floryan, Marcin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The new generation of software companies has revolutionized the way companies are designed. While bottom-up governance and team autonomy improve motivation, performance, and innovation, managing agile development at scale ...
    • Spotify Guilds: When the Value Increases Engagement, Engagement Increases the Value 

      Šmite, Darja; Moe, Nils Brede; Floryan, Marcin; Levinta, Georgiana; Chatzipetrou, Panagiota (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      With the increasing popularity of agile development and team-oriented practices, bottom-up coordination structures have found their ways into software companies, first changing the small companies and now revolutionizing ...
    • Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2019. TFoU-rapport 2020:1 

      Naper, Linn Renée; Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg; Løe, Ida Camilla; Fagerholt, Randi Ann (TFoU-rapport;2020:1, Research report, 2020)
      Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2019 er resultatene fra en årlig undersøkelse fra Utdanningsdirektoratet til barnehagesektoren. Temaene i årets undersøkelse er: Bemanningsnormen og pedagognormen, kompetanse og samarbeid ...
    • Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2020 - Analyse og resultater fra Utdanningsdirektoratets spørreundersøkelse til barnehagesektoren 

      Myhr, Arnhild Ramberg; Løe, Ida Camilla; Naper, Linn Renée; Janninger, Linda (SINTEF Rapport;2021:00076, Research report, 2021)
      Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2020 presenterer resultatene fra den årlig spørreundersøkelse fra Utdanningsdirektoratet til barnehagesektoren i Norge. Temaene i årets undersøkelse er: Koronastengte barnehager våren 2020, ...
    • Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2022 

      Haugset, Anne Sigrid; Myhr, Arnhild; Naper, Linn Renée (SINTEF Rapport;2022:01387, Research report, 2023)
      Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2021 presenterer resultatene fra den årlige spørreundersøkelsen fra Utdanningsdirektoratet til barnehagesektoren i Norge. Temaene i årets undersøkelse er: barn som er nyankomne fra Ukraina, ...
    • Stability Analysis of a Hierarchical Architecture for Discrete-Time Sensor-based Control of Robotic Systems 

      Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Falco, Pietro; Natale, Ciro; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The stability of discrete time kinematic sensor-based control of robots is investigated in this paper. A hierarchical inner-loop/outer-loop control architecture common for a generic robotic system is considered. The inner ...
    • Stability analysis of snake robot locomotion based on averaging theory 

      Liljeback, Pål; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This paper investigates the controllability and stability properties of a planar snake robot influenced by anisotropic viscous ground friction. An analysis of the model shows that any asymptotically stabilizing control law ...
    • Stable and robust neural network controllers 

      Sterud, Camilla; Moe, Signe; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Chapter, 2021)
      Neural networks are expressive function approimators that can be employed for state estimation in control problems. However, control systems with machine learning in the loop often lack stability proofs and performance ...
    • Stable Simplex Spline Bases for C3 Quintics on the Powell–Sabin 12-Split 

      Lyche, Tom Johan; Muntingh, Agnar Georg Peder (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      For the space of \(C^3\) quintics on the Powell–Sabin 12-split of a triangle, we determine explicitly the six symmetric simplex spline bases that reduce to a B-spline basis on each edge and have a positive partition of ...
    • Stakeholder Motivation Analysis for Smart and Green Charging for Electric Mobility 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Jiang, Shanshan; Hallsteinsen, Svein Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      An innovative smart charging infrastructure is a prerequisite for the wide scale adoption of electric mobility (eMobility) to avoid intolerable demand peaks in the electricity grid, and to ensure predictable availability ...
    • Standards and Initiatives for Service Modeling - The Case of OMG SoaML 

      Roman, Dumitru; Carrez, Cyril; Elvesæter, Brian; Berre, Arne- Jørgen (Chapter, 2011)
      Service modeling is a key element of any service-oriented system. It is the foundation on which core service-related tasks such as service discovery, composition, and mediation rely. During the past years standardization ...
    • State of the Art in Form-based Mobile User Interface Design and Configuration 

      Rolfsen, Rolf Kenneth (Research report, 2007)
      This report is based on a State of the Art analysis of existing literature in the field of form based mobile user interface design end configuration. In the academic literature we do not find many specific design-patterns ...
    • State of the Art in using Context in Mobile Information Systems 

      Rahlff, Odd Wiking (Research report, 2007)
      This report is a State of Art of how adaptation to context may influence the works and the interface of mobile information systems. Oppdragsgiver: FLAMINKO Project Group