Now showing items 181-200 of 792

    • A Final Move to Your Own House 

      Feenstra, Femke (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      Objective – What makes a house a home? Many residents of care centres do not feel at home. 'This is not my own house', is what we heard in many of our conversations with residents. What makes the current houses into homes? ...
    • Double Dynamic Lighting Balancing Diffuse and Direct Light 

      Hansen, Ellen Kathrine; Mathiasen, Nanet (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      The objective of this paper is to investigate how daylight dynamics can act as a point of inspiration for developing a lighting design concept for work environments such as open space offices. Most often the dynamics of ...
    • Encounters and Retreat in The Living Environment of Vulnerable Elderly 

      Jürgenhake, Birgit (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      The objective of this conference paper is to discuss the problem of loneliness among vulnerable elderly and the question if and how architecture could offer a contribution to a better balance between encounters and retreat ...
    • Housing and Low Vision Rehabilitation – Across Theories, Practices and Everyday Settings 

      Øien, Turid Borgestrand (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      Objective – The objective of this paper is to open up the ‘black box’ of low vision rehabilitation related to domestic lighting and to explore a current progress in practice. Background - Alterations and adjustments of ...
    • Ethical Challenges Conducting Research in Environments for Incarcerated Children and Adolescents 

      Nolbeck, Kajsa; James, Franz; Lindahl, Göran; Lundin, Stefan; Olausson, Sepideh; Thodelius, Charlotta; Wijk, Helle (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      The objective of this paper is to describe and discuss ethical challenges when conducting research in the context of compulsory institutional care of children and adolescents (youth), more specifically on issues related ...
    • Universal Design of Public Transport Systems for People with Mental Health Impairments 

      Nielsen, Anja Fleten (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective – In this project we have examined what barriers people with mental impairments have in relation to travel, what can be done to make it easier for them to travel, and if today’s understanding of universal design ...
    • Housing Design in an Aging Urban Context 

      Verma, Ira (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective – The aim of the study was to gain further knowledge on housing design supporting older people in their daily living. The physical condition and social situation of each person may vary during the life course. ...
    • The Physical Environment and its Effect on Health Outcomes – A Systematic Review 

      Marcheschi, Elizabeth; Sigurjónsson, Ásgeir; Ulrich, Roger S.; Elf, Marie (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective: The study aims to identify and review the latest existing knowledge about evidence- based design (EBD) for healthcare architecture and determine the extent to which such findings pertain to the overarching goals ...
    • Activating Patients in Healthcare Buildings: Lessons Learned From The Urban Scale 

      Annemans, Margo; van Dyck, Delfien; Heylighen, Ann (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective – In this paper we aim to learn from research on an urban scale how the built environment can impact on people’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour in order to translate this to designing healthcare ...
    • Talking to Practice: Exploring Challenges for Practitioners When Planning for Walking 

      Knapskog, Marianne; Rynning, Maja Karoline (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective – To develop adequate knowledge and tools for practice, we need insight into how practitioners work and what their needs are. Here, we sought to explore the different ways in which practitioners’ map and evaluate ...
    • Introduction. Why Our Physical Environment is Key to our Health and Well-Being 

      Wågø, Solvår; Bakken, Siri (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter, 2021)
    • Health-Promoting Urban Planning: A Case Study of an Evidence-Based Design Process 

      Åshage, Anna; Bengtsson, Anna (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Planning and building health-promoting, sustainable, and resilient urban environments is a complex challenge. Beside the negative effects caused by stressors in our urban living environments, health status also drops because ...
    • Outward drying of basement walls. Documentation of a laboratory experiment 

      Asphaug, Silje Kathrin; Hjermann, Ingrid (Klima 2050 Note;136, Notat, 2021)
      Introduction. In Norway, recommendations for the construction of basement walls changed in 2015. It is now recommended to use vapour-permeable thermal insulation on the exterior side of basement walls to increase outward ...
    • Energy and Power: Essential Key Performance Indicators for Zero Emisson Neighbourhoods An Analysis Of 6 Pilot Areas 

      Lien, Synne Krekling; Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Bottolfsen, Hanne Liland; Lolli, Nicola; Sartori, Igor; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Clauß, John (ZEN Report;36, Research report, 2021)
      The development of the definition, assessment criteria and key performance indicators of Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN), is an ongoing process that will last throughout the program period of FME ZEN. This work will ...
    • ZEN Data management and monitoring. Requirements and architechture 

      Sinaeepourfard, Amir; Krogstie, John; Petersen, Sobah Abbas (ZEN Report;34, Research report, 2021)
      This report details considerations and requirements for an ICT architecture and its data management features within a ZEN and smart cities context. It is a deliverable from Task 1.1.2 Information Management of Big Data ...
    • Forurenset overvann. En litteraturstudie 

      Sivertsen, Edvard; Raspati, Gema Sakti; Barrio, Maria; Bruaset, Stian; Azrague, Kamal (Klima 2050 Report;28, Research report, 2021)
      I løpet av de siste fem-seks årene har det i Norge vært en økende interesse for håndtering av overvann. Fokuset har stort sett vært på håndtering av overvannsmengde, men også håndtering av forurensninger i overvannet har ...
    • Klimatilpasning i arealplanlegging. Eksempler fra Trondheim 

      Riise, Elin Meinich; Sondell, Rebecka Karolin Snefuglli; Solli, Jøran; Time, Berit; Bø, Lars Arne (Klima 2050 Report;29, Research report, 2021)
      Hensikten med denne rapporten er å finne ut hvordan klimatilpasning er hensyntatt i et utvalg av planer fra Trondheim kommune og noen eksempler fra Oslo kommune. Metodisk er det sett på samlet 24 reguleringsplaner fra ...
    • Sesonglagring av varme for lokale energisystem – analyse av potensialet på Furuset 

      Kauko, Hanne; Wolfgang, Ove; Pinel, Dimitri (ZEN Report;35, Research report, 2021)
      Sesonglagring for varme som et tiltak for redusert effektbehov. Bruk av overskuddsvarme sammen med fjernvarme for å dekke oppvarmingsbehov i områder er et viktig tiltak for å frigjøre kapasitet i strømnettet til ...
    • Insentiver og kriterier for klimatilpasning – reduksjon av klimagassutslipp og energieffektivisering med overføringsverdi og pekere framover 

      Sandberg, Eli; Bjelle, Eivind Lekve (SINTEF Notat;41, Research report, 2021)
      Dette notatet presenterer en kartlegging av insentiver for klimatilpasning og energieffektivi-sering for boliger, og insentivordninger for klimatilpasning for andre markedssegmenter for å drøfte grad av overføringsverdi ...
    • Ombruk av byggematerialer – marked, drivere og barrierer 

      Sandberg, Eli; Kvellheim, Ann Kristin (SINTEF Notat;40, Research report, 2021)
      Studier viser at ombruk av byggematerialer kan bidra til å redusere avfallsmengden og ut-slippene i den norske BAE-næringen. Denne rapporten tar for seg markedsutsiktene for ombruk av byggematerialer og identifiserer viktige ...