Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - SINTEF Ocean by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1472
1st DeepWind 5 MW Baseline design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The first 5MW baseline design of the DeepWind concept is presented for a Darrieus type floating wind turbine system for water depths of more than 150 m. This design will be used as design reference to test the next ... -
1st RE-food Symposium - Goa, India, Feb. 2018 - Sustainable technologies for Food processing and preservation
(SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2018:00680, Research report, 2018-06-20)There is an urgent need to provide food and feed ingredients for the growing world population while tackling the problem of food loss at a global scale at the same time. Solutions for reducing food loss and strengthening ... -
2019:00075 A - D5.1 Industrial production line for seedlings - MACROSEA WP5
(SINTEF Ocean rapporter;2019:00075 A, Research report, 2019-01-17)The production process for seedlings of macroalgae is analysed with regard to challenges and bottlenecks associated with industrial scale production. Based on issues identified for each sub-process, an action plan with ... -
2D-packing with an application to stowage in Roll-on Roll-off liner shipping
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-14)Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo) ships represent the primary source for transporting vehicles and other types of rolling material over long distances. In this paper we focus on operational decisions related to stowage of cargoes ... -
3D motion dynamics of axisymmetric bodies falling through water
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-01)A new simplified method for analysis of 3D motion dynamics of axisymmetric slender bodies falling from air through water is presented. Slender-body theory for potential flow of incompressible water is combined with 2D + t ... -
6-DoF Closed-Loop Grasping with Reinforcement Learning
(Chapter, 2024)We present a novel vision-based, 6-DoF grasping framework based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) that is capable of directly synthesizing continuous 6-DoF actions in cartesian space. Our proposed approach uses visual ... -
A 2D Experimental and Numerical Study of Moonpools With Recess
(ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;OMAE2018-78326, Chapter, 2018-06-25)Moonpool resonance is investigated in a two-dimensional setting in terms of regular, forced heave motions of a model with moonpool with different rectangular-shaped recess configurations. A recess is a reduced draft zone ... -
A chicken protein hydrolysate exerts anti-atherosclerotic effect beyond plasma cholesterol-lowering activity in Apoe−/− mice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-13)Chicken protein hydrolysates (CPHs) generated from rest raw materials through enzymatic hydrolysis using Corolase PP or Alcalase were shown to reduce inflammation and stimulate hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation ... -
A comparison of methods for analyzing multivariate sensory data in designed experiments - A case study of salt reduction in liver paste
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04)This paper presents a comparison of different methods for analyzing designed experiments. The methods used are based on PCA, PLS and ANOVA, used either separately or in combination. Special emphasis will be on how to obtain ... -
A comparison of physical and numerical modeling of homogenous isotropic propeller blades
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-03)Results of the fluid-structure co-simulations that were carried out as part of the FleksProp project are presented. The FleksProp project aims to establish better design procedures that take into account the hydroelastic ... -
A genetic search-based heuristic for a fleet size and periodic routing problem with application to offshore supply planning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)This paper introduces a genetic search-based heuristic to solve an offshore supply vessel planning problem (SVPP) faced by the Norwegian oil and gas company Statoil. The aim is to help the company in determining the optimal ... -
A Hydrodynamic Analysis of Motion Coupling Effect of Floating Storage Tank Supported by Marine Fenders
(ASME Proceedings | Ocean Space Utilization;OMAE2017-61726, Chapter, 2017-06-25)This study concerns a new concept of floating oil storage facility, to be deployed in coastal waters, in which separate oil storage tanks float in an array, separated by a mooring fender system. In this paper, hydrodynamic ... -
A Machine Vision System for Robust Sorting of Herring Fractions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-07-16)Among the rest raw material in herring (Clupea harengus) fractions, produced during the filleting process of herring, there are high-value products such as roe and milt. As of today, there has been little or no major effort ... -
A meta-analysis of plaice size-selection data in otter trawl codends
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07)The influence that mesh size, the number of open meshes around the circumference, twine thickness and catch size have on the size-selection of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in otter trawl codends is investigated by ... -
A metaheuristic solution method for optimizing vessel fleet size and mix for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms under uncertainty
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-10)Maintenance operations at offshore wind farms are challenging due to the offshore element; maintenance technicians and spare parts need to be transported from an onshore port or offshore station to the individual wind farm ... -
A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)We present a discrete optimisation model that chooses an optimal fleet of vessels to support maintenance operations at Offshore Wind Farms (OFWs). The model is presented as a bi-level problem. On the first (tactical) level, ... -
A New Formulation for the Combined Maritime Fleet Deployment and Inventory Management Problem
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-09-27)This paper addresses the fleet deployment problem and in particular the treatment of inventory in the maritime case. A new model based on time-continuous formulation for the combined maritime fleet deployment and inventory ... -
A new Norwegian bioeconomy based on cultivation and processing of seaweeds: Opportunities and R&D needs
(SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk reports;A25981, Research report, 2014-06-03)Cultivation of macroalgae at the lowest trophic level, using only sunlight and nutrients from the sea while taking up CO:z, will have a neutral carbon footprint and the biomass will contribute significantly to meet the ... -
A non-invasive approach to assess texture changes in sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage by fluorescence imaging
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10)The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of fluorescence microscopy coupled with chemical, physical and data analysis methods for reliable and non-invasive detection of changes in texture parameters of sous-vide ... -
A Numerical Study on Stratified Shear Layers With Relevance to Oil-Boom Failure
(ASME Digital colletion;OMAE2014-23981, Chapter, 2014-06)Interface dynamics of two-phase flow, with relevance for leakage of oil retained by mechanical oil barriers, is studied by means of a 2D lattice-Boltzmann method combined with a phase-field model for interface capturing. ...