Now showing items 301-320 of 666

    • Living conditions among persons with disabilities in Uganda, A National, representative household survey. SINTEF Report No. 2020 – 01387 

      Eide, Arne Henning; Nanono, Nulu; Omona, Julius (SINTEF Rapport;2020:01387, Research report, 2020)
      The national, representative study on living conditions among people with disabilities was carried out in Uganda in 2018 - 2019. The data also includes a sample of non­ disabled people, providing a basis for comparison ...
    • Locally Refinable Splines over Box-Partitions 

      Dokken, Tor; Lyche, Tom Johan; Pettersen, Kjell Fredrik (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2012)
      We address progressive local refinement of splines defined on axes parallel box-partitions and corresponding box-meshes in any space dimension. The refinement is specified by a sequence of mesh-rectangles (axes parallel ...
    • Lokal data-assimilering i SIMRA: Korreksjon av vindstyrke og retning ved bruk av flydata 

      Utnes, Torbjørn; Sørli, Karstein (Research report, 2009)
      I denne rapporten er det gjennomført systematiske korreksjoner av SIMRA-prediksjoner ved bruk av flydata. Disse korreksjonene er gjort på grunnlag av sammenligninger mellom ukorrigerte simuleringer og flydata i øvre del ...
    • Lokalt snøskredvarsel for Longyearbyen - Evaluering av nåværende system 

      Øien, Knut; Albrechtsen, Eirik (SINTEF Rapport;2022:01035, Research report, 2022)
      Denne rapporten beskriver og evaluerer det nåværende systemet for snøskredvarsel i Longyearbyen. Evalueringen baserer seg på sammenlikning mot regionalt varsel på Svalbard, lokalvarsel i Europa, samt en retningslinje ...
    • Low frequency sound insulation in building 

      Gjestland, Truls (Research report, 2006)
      This report is based on presentations and discussions in a workshop with participants from Chalmers University of Technology, Forsvarsbygg, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Norwegian University of Science and ...
    • Læringsbrett til alle elevene. Evaluering av bruk av læringsteknologier i Malvik-skolene. 

      Fjørtoft, Siw Olsen; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Petersen, Per Storrø (SINTEF Rapport;2023:00025, Research report, 2023)
      Rapporten gir innsikt i muligheter og utfordringer ved innføring og bruk av 1:1 læringsbrett til alle elever og lærere i en kommune. Forskningsprosjektet hadde tre overordnede mål basert på kommunens behov: - Evaluere bruk ...
    • Machine learning based investigation of influence of weather on transport mobility. 

      Tabib, Mandar; Rasheed, Adil (SINTEF Rapport, Research report, 2017)
      Current work involves data-driven analysis of travel mobility. For this purpose, traffic counts of cars and bikes at various traffic routes along With the associated weather have been collected in Oslo, Norway. Amongst the ...
    • Maintaining Information Flow Security under Refinement and Transformation 

      Seehusen, Fredrik; Stølen, Ketil (Research report, 2006)
      We address the problem of maintaining information flow security under refinement and transformation. To this end we define a schema for the specification of secure information flow properties and show that all security ...
    • Managing Extended Reality Initiatives in Organisations. A manager´s guide to XR 

      Dahl, Tone Lise; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Landmark, Andreas D. (SINTEF Digital rapporter;2020: 00659, Research report, 2020-06)
      This report is intended as a practical introduction guide to help organisations with the process of trying extended reality- technologies by introducing the technologies, giving examples of what these technologies can be ...
    • Mathematical modelling of seismic noise-model description and documentation 

      Hovem, Jens Martin (Research report, 2010)
      The objective of this project is to use a mathematical model for the propagation of seismic airgun signals in the water column and to forecast the effect such signals and noise may have on fish and animals in the sea. The ...
    • Måling av helikopterstøy Fjell kommune 

      Gjestland, Truls; Ustad, Asbjørn; Granøien, Idar Ludvig Nilsen (Research report, 2007)
      Det er gjennomført måling av støy fra helikoptertrafikk på Bjorøy og Bildøy i Fjell kommune. På hvert sted ble det gjort kontinuerlig opptak og registrering av alle overflyginger i løpet av en firedagers periode. Resultatene ...
    • Measurement of tyre/road noise from passenger car tyres according to the EU-directive 2001/43/EC, on a number of different road surfaces. 

      Berge, Truls Svenn; Storeheier, Svein Ådne; Ustad, Asbjørn (Research report, 2005)
      STF90 05135 The report presents measurements of passenger car tyres measured in 2003 and 2004. In 2003 preliminary measurements on 6 tyres on 9 different road surfaces were performed. In 2004, the measurements were ...
    • Menneskelige og organisatoriske årsaker til rømming av oppdrettslaks og regnbueørret 

      Thorvaldsen, Trine; Føre, Heidi Moe; Tinmannsvik, Ranveig Kviseth; Okstad, Eivind Halvard (Research report, 2018)
      Denne rapporten beskriver menneskelige og organisatoriske årsaker til rømming av oppdrettsfisk. Målet med arbeidet har vært økt kunnskap om medvirkende og bakenforliggende årsaker til rømming. Resultatene som presenteres ...
    • META – Specification of Automated Vehicle Control 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Tor, Kjetil Moseng (Research report, 2013)
      Current control routines of heavy goods vehicles are based on a kind of first-come-first-served approach with the help of the inspection operators experience and intuition. This report is a result from the Automated Vehicle ...
    • META: Final report on project results 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      The META project started in 2010 and ended in September 2013. The work in the project has focused on How the Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) can provide better services to the transport industry, in this case ...
    • META: Transport Instruction and Response implementation guide 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is established by the META project and addresses the implementation of the GS1-defined Transport Instruction transaction which is implemented by means of two messages: Transport Instruction and ...
    • META: Transport Service Description Implementation Guide 

      Vennesland, Audun; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is developed by the META project. It aims to describe and clarify how the Transport Service Description transaction should be implemented. The purpose of the Transport Service Description transaction ...
    • META: Transport Status Request and Notification implementation guide 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is established by the META project and addresses the implementation of the GS1-defined Transport Status transaction which is implemented by means of two messages: Transport Status Request and ...
    • Metamodels for Model-Driven Development - Requirement and Usage 

      Solheim, Ida; Johnsen, Svein Gløer; Neple, Tor (Research report, 2006)
      Within software engineering, there are several standardisation activities aiming at developing the best general process metamodel. Two candidate standards are SPEM (of OMG) and SMSDM (of ISO/IEC). This paper studies each ...
    • Meteorologimodell for bruk ved beregning av støy fra lette våpen 

      Henriksen, Viggo; Olsen, Herold (SINTEF Rapport;2021:00232, Research report, 2021)
      Som en del av forskningssamarbeidet mellom SINTEF og Forsvarsbygg, som ble startet i 2018, skal SINTEF lage en modell for beregning av skytestøy, som tar hensyn til meteorologi og som gir bedre resultater på 500 til 2000 ...