• 1, 2, 3 Housing! Good, affordable and energy efficient housing for refugees 

      Thomsen, Judith; Woods, Ruth; Lolli, Nicola (SINTEF Notat;31, Research report, 2018)
      Prosjektet "1, 2, 3! Boliger" har studert hvordan en bolig oppleves fra flyktningenes perspektiv. Flyktninger som bosettes i kommuner, får tildelt en bolig ved hjelp av kommunen. Kommunene har et ansvar for å stille med ...
    • 30 tonns utslippsfri gravemaskin. Teknologistatus, kartlegging og erfaringer 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Sundseth, Kyrre; Ødegård, Anders; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Azrague, Kamal; Haukaas, Nils-Olav; Ibsen, Jan Ivar; Lekanger, Randi; Ianssen, Christina (SINTEF Fag;52, Research report, 2018)
      Prosjektet "Zero Emission Digger" (ZED) har som hovedmål å realisere en prototyp for en utslippsfri 30 tonns beltegravemaskin. Hensikten med prosjektet er å utvikle en slik maskin fra et konseptdesign til et kommersielt ...
    • A guide to dayligthting and solar shading systems at high latitude 

      Arnesen, Heidi; Kolås, Tore; Matusiak, Barbara (ZEB Project report;3, Research report, 2011)
    • A Norwegian ZEB Definition Guideline 

      Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl; Sørnes, Kari; Inman, Marianne Rose; Andresen, Inger (ZEB Project report;29, Research report, 2016)
      The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive and consistent guideline for the Norwegian definition of Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB) and the associated calculation methodologies. The guidelines described in ...
    • A Norwegian ZEB-definition embodied emission 

      Kristjansdottir, Torhildur; Fjeldheim, Henning; Selvig, Eivind; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Time, Berit; Georges, Laurent; Dokka, Tor Helge; Bourelle, Julien; Bohne, Rolf André; Cervenka, Zdena (ZEB Project report;17, Research report, 2014)
      This report deals with how to define what a Zero Emission Building (ZEB) is with explanation and analysis of different parameters related to embodied emissions of CO2 equivalents. The report can be used as a guidance tool ...
    • A survey of the requirements for emission-free building and construction sites 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Fjellheim, Kristin; Gjersvik, Reidar (SINTEF Fag;86 E, Research report, 2021)
      The City of Oslo’s Climate Agency has engaged SINTEF to carry out a survey of emissionfree building and construction sites for Oslo Municipality's projects. The principal themes are electricity supply, emission-free ...
    • A zero emission concept analysis of a single family house 

      Dokka, Tor Helge; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie; Georges, Laurent; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Time, Berit; Haase, Matthias; Maltha, Mette Maren; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug (ZEB Project report;9, Research report, 2013)
      The main aim of the work has been to do modeling and calculations of the energy use, embodied emission and the total CO2-emission for a typical Norwegian residential building. By doing this we try to reveal and study the ...
    • A zero emission concept analysis of a single family house: Part 2 sensitivity analysis 

      Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie; Georges, Laurent; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Good, Clara Stina (ZEB Project report;21, Research report, 2015)
      This report presents the results from a sensitivity analysis regarding the influence of using emission data from Norwegian EPD’s instead of the generic data from Ecoinvent, using different CO2eq-factors (for electricity ...
    • A zero emission concept analysis of an office building 

      Dokka, Tor Helge; Kristjansdottir, Torhildur; Time, Berit; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Haase, Matthias; Tønnesen, Jens (ZEB Project report;8, Research report, 2013)
      The main aim of the work has been to do modeling and calculations of the energy use, embodied emission and the total CO2-emissions for a typical Norwegian office building. The goal is to find the most important parameters ...
    • Airflow Measurements for Air Handling Units 

      Rønneseth, Øystein; Liu, Peng; Alonso, Maria Justo (SINTEF Fag;51, Research report, 2018)
      Executive summary This technical report is intended as a preliminary study on airflow measurements as they are basic for the evaluation of the efficiency of air handling units (AHUs) in ventilation systems. The report ...
    • Allokering av klimagassutslipp fra avfallsforbrenning med energigjenvinning i livsløpsanalyser 

      Næss, Jan Sandstad; Mattson, Kim Rainer; Giroux, Baptiste; Rustad, Ida; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar G. (Zen Report;61, Research report, 2024)
      Avfall som ved endt livsløp brukes til å produsere energi til bruk i et nytt livsløp, skaper et allokeringsproblem i livsløpsanalyser (LCA) der miljøpåvirkninger enten må allokeres til avfalls-behandling, energiproduksjon ...
    • Alternative binders based on lime and calcined clay 

      Østnor, Tone Anita; Justnes, Harald (COIN Project report;68, Research report, 2015)
      Alternative binders are in this report defined as binders without Portland cement. In this particular project it will be based on calcined clay or fly ash as a source of reactive silica and alumina in combination with lime ...
    • Ambisiøs energioppgradering med etterisolert fasade. Fuktsikre løsninger for yttervegger og overganger i mur- og betongbygg 

      Klinski, Michael (SINTEF Fag;27, Research report, 2014)
      Det er viktig å samordne energieffektivisering med øvrig fasaderehabilitering ut fra et helthetlig konsept for bygningen.Denne rapporten viser gode, fuktsikre løsninger som gir grunnlag for energiambisiøs oppgradering når ...
    • An Intelligible and Practicable Methodology for Power System Dynamic Analysis : Part 1: System Modeling : Part 2: Component Modeling 

      Johannesen, Arne (SINTEF Research;1, Research report, 2013)
      This paper summarizes a compact process of power system dynamic analysis that – indifferent of the level of detail observed in the electrical modeling of any given component – allows for appropriate power network modeling ...
    • Anbefalinger ved ombruk av byggematerialer 

      Sørnes, Kari; Nordby, Anne Sigrid; Fjeldheim, Henning; Hashem, Said Moqim Bani; Mysen, Mads; Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl (SINTEF Fag;18, Research report, 2014)
      Hvordan kan ombruk bli et kostnadseffektivt og praktisk alternativ til nye materialer i markedet? Hvordan kan ombruk bli et kostnadseffektivt og praktisk alternativ til nye materialer i markedet, både internt i ...
    • Annual report 2018 

      Woods, Ruth; Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal; Hestnes, Anne Grete; Gustavsen, Arild (ZEN Report;15, Research report, 2019)
      Summary of the research from 2018 After two years of operation, the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) is be¬ginning to find its form. PhDs, Postdocs, and researchers are collaborating ...
    • Annual Report 2018 

      Time, Berit (Klima 2050 Report;14, Research report, 2019)
    • Annual report 2019 

      Bremvåg, Annika; Hestnes, Anne Grete; Gustavsen, Arild (ZEN Report;21, Research report, 2020)
      Preface. Three years into the Research Centre activities we already see results from case studies, the work package research activities, pilot projects, and living labs. We have established a solid set-up and framework for ...
    • Arilds gate 6 - oppgradering av en verneverdig bygård i Trondheim: Et pilotprosjekt i REBO 

      Simonsen, Ingeborg; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug; Magnus, Eva; Löfström, Erica; Kjølle, Kari (SINTEF Notat;1, Research report, 2013)
      REBO er et kortnavn for Husbankens fireårige strategiske forskningsprogram ”God boligkvalitet for alle – utfordringer og løsninger for etterkrigstidens boligblokker” 2008–2012. Denne rapporten presenterer pilotprosjektet ...