• Energy-Intensive Industry as a Practical and Cost-Effective Vector for Blue Hydrogen Exports – A Norwegian Case Study 

      Cloete, Schalk; Cloete, Jan Hendrik (SINTEF Proceedings;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      As political will gathers behind the ideal of rapid decarbonization, the future looks increasingly dim for oil & gas exporters. CCS offers a pathway for continued operation in the longer-term as the world decarbonizes, ...
    • Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process 

      Vergerio, Giulia; Knotten, Vegard (ZEN Report;54, Research report, 2024)
      Barriers and good practices in ambitious projects How can we ensure good processes before, during and after the realization of a zero-emission area? How can we ensure that buildings are realized as intended? Why do we ...
    • Er smått alltid godt i demensomsorgen? Om bo- og tjenestetilbud for personer med demens 

      Høyland, Karin; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Woods, Ruth; Haugan, Gørill (SINTEF Fag;33, Research report, 2015)
      Andelen av eldre med demens øker i befolkningen. Hvordan kan kommunene organisere framtidens boliger og tjenester slik at vi får gode og kostnadseffektive omsorgstilbud for denne voksende gruppen? Kanskje det er på tide å ...
    • Er smått alltid godt i eldreomsorgen? KUNNSKAPSSTATUS 

      Haugan, Gørill; Woods, Ruth; Høyland, Karin; Øyvind, Kirkevold (SINTEF Notat;16, Research report, 2015)
      Denne kunnskapsstatusen inngår i et prosjekt som drøfter eksempler på fysiske og organisatoriske modeller for fremtidens demensomsorg. Litteraturgjennomgangen viser konsensus i forskningen om at personsentrert omsorg ...
    • Erfaringer med bygningsintegrerte solfangere i Norge 

      Simonsen, Ingeborg; Time, Berit; Andresen, Inger (ZEB Project report;2, Research report, 2011)
      Hovedmålet til forskningssenteret ”Zero Emission Buildings” ZEB er å utvikle produkter og løsninger som skal gi oss bygninger med null klimagassutslipp knyttet til produksjon, drift og avhending. Skal vi klare dette må ...
    • Erfaringskartlegging av krav til utslippsfrie bygge- og anleggsplasser 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Fjellheim, Kristin; Gjersvik, Reidar (SINTEF Fag;86, Research report, 2022)
      Standard klima- og miljøkrav for Oslo kommunes egen bygge- og anleggsplasser ble innført i 2019 og Oslo kommune ved Klimaetaten ønsker en erfaringskartlegging av utslippsfrie byggeog anleggsplasser i kommunen. Denne rapporten ...
    • Estimation of flow rates and parameters in two-phase stratified and slug flow by an ensemble kalman filter 

      Ferrari, Marco; Bonzanini, Arianna; Arioli, Gianni; Poesio, Pietro (SINTEF Proceedings;2, Chapter; Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Data assimilation methods were introduced to reduce production costs and to optimize processes in different industrial fields, such as oil & gas reservoir industry or transport of multiphase flows in pipelines. In flow ...
    • Estimation of Mutual Solubility of Co2-H2o in Saline Aquifer Systems Using Epc-Saft Equation of State 

      Masoudi, Mohammad; Sundal, Anja; Hellevang, Helge (SINTEF Proceedings;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      A primary assessment of mutual solubility of CO2 and water for estimated max and min temperatures and pressures of the prospective reservoir formations of Aurora; Cook (at >2650 m depth) and Johansen (at >2700 m depth) ...
    • Estimation of Thickness and Layering of Johansen and Cook Sandstones at the Potential Co2 Storage Site Aurora 

      Aker, Eyvind; Kjønsberg, Heidi; Fawad, Manzar; Mondol, Nazmul Haque (SINTEF Proceedings;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      We have estimated the reservoir sand thickness and internal layering in the Aurora area, a planned geological CO2 storage site in the northern North Sea. The results are obtained by stochastic Markov chain Monte Carlo ...
    • Etablering av boliger for mennesker med rus- og psykiske lidelser – erfaringer fra norske kommuner 

      Wågø, Solvår Irene; Høyland, Karin; Bø, Lars Arne (SINTEF Fag;64, Research report, 2020)
      Dette prosjektet er en videreføring av prosjektet Bokvalitet og verdighet – en evaluering av boliger for mennesker med rus- og psykiske lidelser (Wågø, Høyland & Bø, 2019). I begge prosjektene har vi undersøkt botilbud for ...
    • Ethical Challenges Conducting Research in Environments for Incarcerated Children and Adolescents 

      Nolbeck, Kajsa; James, Franz; Lindahl, Göran; Lundin, Stefan; Olausson, Sepideh; Thodelius, Charlotta; Wijk, Helle (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      The objective of this paper is to describe and discuss ethical challenges when conducting research in the context of compulsory institutional care of children and adolescents (youth), more specifically on issues related ...
    • Etterevaluering av EKSBO-pilotprosjekt. Enebolig i Asker 

      Klinski, Michae1; Fredriksen, Eyvind; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Svensson, Anna (SINTEF Notat;23, Research report, 2017)
      SINTEF Byggforsk har evaluert en enebolig i Asker som var pilot i NFR-prosjektet "Kostnadseffektive energikonsepter for eksisterende boliger", EKSBO, med energitiltak gjennomført i 2006 og 2009/10. Ikke alle opprinnelig ...
    • Ettermontering av heis i boligselskaper. Veiledning med eksempler 

      Denizou, Karine; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet (SINTEF Fag;46, Research report, 2017)
      Forord. Denne veiledningen med eksempler er utviklet på bakgrunn av dokumentasjon og analyser fra casestudier i prosjektet Helhetlige løsninger for etterinstallering av heis i boligselskaper. Prosjektet har vært finansiert ...
    • Etterprøving av bygningers energibruk. Metodikk 

      Dokka, Tor Helge; Grini, Catherine (SINTEF Fag;6, Research report, 2013)
      Rapporten presenterer en foreløpig metodikk for etterprøving av bygningers energibruk. Den er ment som et underlag til den kommende standarden fra Standard Norge, og er utarbeidet av SINTEF Byggforsk og Entro AS på oppdrag ...
    • European power market analyses to be carried out within FME ZEN. ZEN deliverable D5.3.1 for 2017 

      Wolfgang, Ove (Zen Report;1, Research report, 2018)
      Local energy solutions such as the utilization of local renewable energy resources, and increased energy efficiency, are important for being able to reduce European greenhouse gas emissions to amounts that are in line e.g. ...
    • Evaluation of a novel 3-pipe solution for hydronic heat distribution in passive-house standard apartment buildings 

      Lundblad, Jonathan; Andreassen, Nora; Olsen, Johanna; Chaudhuri, Arnab (SINTEF Proceedings;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      The energy efficiency of new buildings in Norway has been steadily improved over the last decades, but with less heating, hydronic heating systems have adversely increased in price. Lessening electric power consumption in ...
    • Evaluation of design interventions for hospitality and privacy at inpatient wards 

      AnneMarie, Eijkelenboom; Blok, Geke (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      Objective – Inspired by the strong vision of the hospital organization on hospitality, a new hospital was built with the intention to provide an open environment which supports privacy and interaction between the occupants. ...
    • Evaluation of hospital ward layouts in recent norwegian hospitals 

      Fronczek-Munter, Aneta; Mo, Tone Opdahl; Dahl, Unni; Konstante, Rita; Tradin, Hilde (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      Objective – This paper presents current results from evaluations of two recently built Norwegian hospitals and aims towards collecting data to develop guidelines for hospital ward layouts. Background – There is a growing ...
    • Evaluation of Personalized Thermal Conditioning Chair in Net Zero Energy Building Office 

      Hanazono, Shintaro; Kubota, Yuki; Nobe, Tatsuo (SINTEF Proceedings;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      The net Zero Energy Building (ZEB) aims to promote a productive working environment with high occupant satisfaction while minimizing energy input. Personal air-conditioning is a technology which can significantly contribute ...
    • Evaluation of Results from SDR Campaigns and Pilot Data 

      Vevelstad, Solrun Johanne; Grimstvedt, Andreas; Haugen, Geir; Wiig, Merete; Vernstad, Kai (SINTEF Proceedings;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      For ethanolamine (MEA) many degradation products have been identified and quantified, and the formation of these compounds at different process conditions should be verified. This short paper shows that lab scale experiments, ...