• ARKTRANS The multimodal ITS framework architecture Version 6 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Westerheim, Hans; Moseng, Tor Kjetil; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2009)
      ARKTRANS is the Norwegian ITS framework architecture. ARKTRANS is multimodal. This means that the specifications are common to all transport modes (road, sea, rail and air). The specifications also are harmonised across ...
    • ARKTRANS. The Norwegian system framework architecture for multimodal transport systems supporting freight and passenger transport Version 5.0 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Westerheim, Hans; Skylstad, Geir Frode; Haugset, Børge (Research report, 2006)
      The four transport modes, road, sea, air and railway, have identical needs and challenges with respect to freight and passenger transport related to the use of information and communication technology (ICT). They also see ...
    • Evaluation Approach for Smart Charging Ecosystem – with Focus on Automated Data Collection and Indicator Calculations 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Jiang, Shanshan; Hallsteinsen, Svein Olav; Venticinque, Salvatore; Sard, Regina Enrich (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Access to charging is a prerequisite for the transition to electric mobility. There are however challenges related to charging and charging infrastructures, e.g., charging availability, grid capacity during peak hours, and ...
    • Lessons Learned from Demonstrating Smart and Green Charging in an Urban Living Lab 

      Jiang, Shanshan; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Hallsteinsen, Svein Olav; Lindberg, Karen Byskov (Chapter, 2022)
      Smart and green electric vehicle charging needs digital support which integrates systems from the energy, transport and building sectors. The GreenCharge project has proposed, demonstrated, and evaluated such support in ...
    • META - Mer Effektiv Transport med ARKTRANS 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (Lecture, 2011)
      Den delen av META-prosjektet som omhandler transportkjeder presenteres. META-prosjektet skal fremme standardisert elektronisk informasjonsutveksling mellom aktører i slike transportkjeder. Generelle og multimodale ...
    • META – Specification of Automated Vehicle Control 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Tor, Kjetil Moseng (Research report, 2013)
      Current control routines of heavy goods vehicles are based on a kind of first-come-first-served approach with the help of the inspection operators experience and intuition. This report is a result from the Automated Vehicle ...
    • META: Final report on project results 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      The META project started in 2010 and ended in September 2013. The work in the project has focused on How the Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) can provide better services to the transport industry, in this case ...
    • META: Transport Instruction and Response implementation guide 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is established by the META project and addresses the implementation of the GS1-defined Transport Instruction transaction which is implemented by means of two messages: Transport Instruction and ...
    • META: Transport Service Description Implementation Guide 

      Vennesland, Audun; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is developed by the META project. It aims to describe and clarify how the Transport Service Description transaction should be implemented. The purpose of the Transport Service Description transaction ...
    • META: Transport Status Request and Notification implementation guide 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun (Research report, 2013)
      This implementation guide is established by the META project and addresses the implementation of the GS1-defined Transport Status transaction which is implemented by means of two messages: Transport Status Request and ...
    • MultiRIT Multimodal Travel Iniformation Services 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun; Westerheim, Hans; Flatberg, Truls; Løkberg, Ola; Haugset, Børge (Research report, 2008)
      This report documents the results from the MultiRIT research project and documents ·        The MultiRIT multimodal framework architecture for travel information services. ·   ...
    • Needs and challenges concerning privacy risk managementwithin Intelligent Transport Systems 

      Erdogan, Gencer; Omerovic, Aida; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Tardy, Isabelle (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      There are many privacy concerns within Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). On the one hand, end-users are concerned about their privacy-risk exposure when using ITS, while on the other hand, ITS providers need to claim ...
    • Rammeverk for nye og bedre godsdata - Elektronisk innrapportering og alternative datakilder 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Hovi, Inger Beate; Caspersen, Elise; Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus; Westerheim, Hans (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      Prosjektet Nye GodsData har sett på hvordan datainnhentingen til nasjonale statistikker på godstransport kan effektiviseres og forbedres. Denne rapporten summerer opp resultatene. Del 1 gir en oversikt over dagens ...
    • Retail Supply Chain: Transport Dashboard 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2017)
      The report addresses a user centered approach for the elaboration of user needs and the related functional requirements for collaboration and coordination support in the supply chains of one of the largest retailers in ...
    • SamÅpne: Prosesser for samordnet åpning av kommunale data 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Jiang, Shanshan; Stav, Erlend (SINTEF Rapport;2022:01151, Research report, 2022)
      Rapporten beskriver prosesser for samordnet åpning av kommunale data for • Kommuner som ønsker å etablere gode prosesser for åpning av data • Nasjonale aktører (f.eks. Digitaliseringsdirektoratet og KS) som kan bidra ...
    • Stakeholder Motivation Analysis for Smart and Green Charging for Electric Mobility 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Jiang, Shanshan; Hallsteinsen, Svein Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      An innovative smart charging infrastructure is a prerequisite for the wide scale adoption of electric mobility (eMobility) to avoid intolerable demand peaks in the electricity grid, and to ensure predictable availability ...
    • Systematic mapping of scientific publications on MaaS 

      Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Stav, Erlend; Vennesland, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a concept aiming for the provision of a diversity of transport services to travellers via one single user interface as one integrated service. The intention is to provide flexible mobility ...
    • Teknologitrender som påvirker transportsektoren 

      Bakken, Trond; Carlin, Mats Stefan; Bjerkan, Kristin Ystmark; Westerheim, Hans; Nordlander, Tomas; Bahr, Roy; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan; Myklebust, Thor; Holmstrøm, Sture; Transeth, Aksel; Foss, Trond; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Herrera, Ivonne Andrade; Mokkelbost, Tommy; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Ødegård, Anders; Kristensen, Terje; Zenith, Federico; Reitaas, Terje; Aakvaag, Niels; Skjetne, Jan Håvard (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2017)
      SAMMENDRAG: Økt digitalisering, automatisering og elektrifisering Fremtidens transportsektor vil kjennetegnes av økt digitalisering, automatisering og elektrifisering. I denne rapporten redegjør vi for generelle teknologitrender ...
    • Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service 

      Omerovic, Aida; Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Tardy, Isabelle (Chapter, 2017)
      Increasingly many services depend on access to data that are traceable to individuals, the so-called "personally identifiable information" (PII). The ecosystem of PII-dependent services is growing, becoming highly complex ...