• Ombruk av vinduer – muligheter og utfordringer 

      Moschetti, Roberta; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Skogstad, Hans Boye; Time, Berit (SINTEF Notat;47, Research report, 2022)
      Forord. Byggenæringen kaster i dag mye materialer som kan brukes på nytt. Dette notatet er et resultat av en innledende studie hvor muligheter og utfordringer for ombruk av vinduer ble undersøkt. Vi har også utarbeidet et ...
    • Ombygging til blågrønne og blågrå tak | Problemstillinger og sjekklister 

      Elvebakk, Kristin; Time, Berit; Skjeldrum, Petter Martin; Kvande, Tore (Klima 2050 Report;10, Research report, 2018)
      Forord. Denne anvisningen synliggjør hvilke forhold som må ivaretas ved etablering av blågrønne og blågrå tak på eksisterende tak. Den omhandler viktige forhold som må vurderes og tas hensyn til i oppstartsfasen, ...
    • Omega-3 and alpha-tocopherol provide more protection against contaminants in novel feeds for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) than omega-6 and gamma tocopherol 

      Søfteland, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll; Berntssen, Marc; Kirwan, Jennifer A.; Størseth, Trond Røvik; Viant, Mark.R.; Torstensen, Bente Elisabeth; Waagbø, Rune; Olsvik, Pål Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Extended use of plant ingredients in Atlantic salmon farming has increased the need for knowledge on the effects of new nutrients and contaminants in plant based feeds on fish health and nutrient-contaminant interactions. ...
    • Omgjøring av vedtak i NAV og Trygderetten 

      Mandal, Roland; Dyrstad, Karin; Melby, Line; Midtgård, Trude Mariane (SINTEF Rapport;A27675, Research report, 2016)
      Rapporten presenterer resultatene fra et forskningsprosjekt som har kartlagt årsakene til at Nav og Trygderetten omgjør vedtak om økonomiske ytelser, etter at brukerne har påklaget dem. Rapporten konkluderer blant annet ...
    • Omsorgsbelastning for pårørende til hjemmeboende personer med demens 

      Hagen, Per Ivar; Eide, Arne Henning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Hensikten med studien er å analysere faktorer som forklarer omsorgsbelastning blant pårørende til hjemmeboende personer med demens. Studien bidrar med ny kunnskap ved å analysere en rekke forklaringsfaktorer samlet – i ...
    • Omsorgsboliger bygd i regi av boligbyggelag : Kartlegging og erfaringer 

      Woods, Ruth; Høyland, Karin (SINTEF Fag;26, Research report, 2014)
      Rapporten undersøker erfaringene med at boligbyggelag og norske kommuner fra 1997 til 2005 bygde ca. 6 000 omsorgsboliger organisert i borettslag. Undersøkelsen ble utført i sju kommuner. Her drøftes tendensen til at ...
    • Omsorgsbygg med plussenergi-ambisjoner 

      Thunshelle, Kari (Journal article, 2023)
      I Bærum kommune er det oppført et demobygg som er en del av EU-prosjektet Cultural-E. SINTEF er forskningspartner, og bidrar med å definere løsninger for plussenergibygninger under norske forhold.
    • Omsorgsplasser i Vestnes kommune, grunnlag for dimensjonering av ny sjukeheim 

      Rohde, Tarald; Høyland, Karin (SINTEF Rapport;A27810, Research report, 2016)
      Som grunnlag for å planlegge etableringen av nye sjukeheims- eller omsorgsplasser i Vestnes kommune gir denne rapporten en oversikt over dagens tilbud og hvordan det må utvides for å dekke det økte behovet som flere eldre vil gi.
    • On capital utilization in the hydrogen economy: The quest to minimize idle capacity in renewables-rich energy systems 

      Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Ruhnau, Oliver; Hirth, Lion (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The hydrogen economy is currently experiencing a surge in attention, partly due to the possibility of absorbing variable renewable energy (VRE) production peaks through electrolysis. A fundamental challenge with this ...
    • On Common Research Needs for the Next Generation of Floating Support Structures 

      Aksnes, Vegard Øgård; Alsos, Hagbart Skage; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth; Berthelsen, Petter Andreas; Delhaye, Virgile Roger; Furevik, Birgitte Rugaard; Jostad, Hans Petter; Kristiansen, Trygve; Ommani, Babak (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The world is facing several industrial and societal challenges, such as providing enough renewable energy and enough safe and healthy food as formulated in the United Nations sustainable development goals. Using floating ...
    • On controllability of four-product dividing wall columns 

      Lukac, Goran; Halvorsen, Ivar Johan; Olujic, Zarko; Dejanovic, Igor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Although potential for reduction of energy requirement and related carbon dioxide emissions is highly attractive – around 50% compared to conventional three column sequences – process industries are still reluctant to ...
    • On Converting Crisp Failure Possibility into Probability for Reliability of Complex Systems 

      Sahin, Bekir; Yazidi, Anis; Roman, Dumitru; Uddin, Md Zia; Soylu, Ahmet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The reliability of complex systems is analyzed based on several systematic steps using many safety engineering methods. The most common technique for safety system analysis and reliability, vulnerability and criticality ...
    • On corner cutting in multi-obstacle avoidance problems 

      Stoican, Florin; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Prodan, Ionela; Oara, Cristian (Journal article, 2015)
      One challenging and not extensively studied issue in obstacle avoidance is the corner cutting problem. Avoidance constraints are usually imposed at the sampling time without regards to the intra-sample behavior of the ...
    • On Enhancing Visual Query Building over KGs Using Query Logs 

      Klungre, Vidar Norstein; Soylu, Ahmet; Giese, Martin; Waaler, Arild; Kharlamov, Evgeny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Knowledge Graphs have recently gained a lot of attention and have been successfully applied in both academia and industry. Since KGs may be very large: they may contain millions of entities and triples relating them to ...
    • On intermetallic phases formed during interdiffusion between aluminium alloys and stainless steel 

      Bergh, Tina; Arbo, Siri Marthe; Hagen, Anette Brocks; Blindheim, Jørgen; Friis, Jesper; Khalid, Muhammad Zeeshan; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Holmestad, Randi; Westermann, Ida; Vullum, Per Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      One of the major challenges in welding of aluminium (Al) alloys and steels is the growth of brittle intermetallic phases, which depends on the thermomechanical processing history and the alloying elements. This work focuses ...
    • On Model Predictive Path Following and Trajectory Tracking for Industrial Robots 

      Arbo, Mathias Hauan; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this article the model predictive path following controller and the model predictive trajectory tracking con-troller are compared for a robotic manipulator. We consider both the Runge-Kutta and collocation based ...
    • On obtaining optimal well rates and placement for CO2 storage 

      Allen, Rebecca; Nilsen, Halvor Møll; Andersen, Odd; Lie, Knut-Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Large-scale storage of CO2 in saline aquifers is considered an essential technology to mitigate CO2 emissions. Storage potential has mainly been estimated based on volumetrics or detailed simulations for specific injection ...
    • On Scalability and Replicability of Smart Grid Projects—A Case Study 

      Sigrist, Lukas; May, Kristof; Morch, Andrei Z; Verboven, Peter; Vingerhoets, Pieter; Rouco, Luis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper studies the scalability and replicability of smart grid projects. Currently, most smart grid projects are still in the R&D or demonstration phases. The full roll-out of the tested solutions requires a suitable ...
    • On scenario construction for stochastic shortest path problems in real road networks 

      Zhang, Dongqing; Wallace, Stein William; Guo, Zhaoxia; Dong, Yucheng; Kaut, Michal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Stochastic shortest path (SSP) computations are often performed under very strict time constraints, so computational efficiency is critical. A major determinant for the CPU time is the number of scenarios used. We demonstrate ...
    • On the Atomic Structure of the β′′ Precipitate by Density Functional Theory 

      Frafjord, Jonas; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Holmestad, Randi; Friis, Jesper (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The substitution of elements into the precipitate in the 6xxx-series of aluminium alloys is an interface sensitive problem. The strain caused by the misfit between the precipitate and the matrix interacts with the size ...