Now showing items 1-20 of 1732

    • Betongkonstruksjoners livsløp. "Laboratoriedata for kloridinitiert armeringskorrosjon” 

      Hynne, Trine; Lindgård, Jan (SINTEF Rapport;STF22 A00732, Research report, 2001)
      Internasjonalt eksisterer det flere typer prøvingsmetoder for laboratorieprøving av ulike betongers motstand mot kloridinntrenging. I Norge har det på 90-tallet vært vanlig å bruke følgende tre metoder, Kloridmigrasjon (NT ...
    • Hydrogen som energibærer - Energi- og utslippsregnskap for utvalgte energikjeder 

      Jordanger, Einar; Møller-Holst, Steffen; Brevik, Dag; Maurstad, Ola (SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2002)
    • Nanotechnology in SINTEF: Overview, Strategy and Recommendations 

      Akporiaye, Duncan; Bernstein, Ralph W.; Kilaas, Lars; Vogl, Andreas (Research report, 2005)
      STF90 A05407 A Strategic Working Group (SWG) was established to develop SINTEF’s strategy within Nanotechnology with representatives from SINTEF ICT and Materials and Chemistry. SINTEF looks upon nanotechnology as an ...
    • In situ investigation of spinodal decomposition in hypermonotectic Al–Bi and Al–Bi–Zn alloys 

      Schaffer, Paul; Mathiesen, Ragnvald; Arnberg, Lars; Di Sabatino, Marisa; Snigirev, Anatoly (Journal article, 2008)
    • Ore melting and reduction in silicomanganese production 

      Ringdalen, Eli; Gaal, S.; Tangstad, Merete; Ostrovski, Oleg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)
      The charge for silicomangansese production consists of manganese ore (often mixed with ferromanganese slag) dolomite or calcite, quartz, and in some cases, other additions. These materials have different melting properties, ...
    • Svekkelse av notlin på grunn av kontaktslitasje 

      Jensen, Østen; Dahle, Stine Veronica Wiborg; Gaarder, Rune Harald (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A106069, Research report, 2010-07-22)
      Litteratursøk og gjennomgang av eksisterende standarder har sammen med enkle innledende forsøkt vist at det finnes ingen direkte relevante teststandarder for slitasjetesting av notlin. Det ble av den grunn utviklet et ...
    • Effects of substrate annealing on the gold-catalyzed growth of ZnO nanostructures 

      Weigand, Christian Carl; Skåre, Daniel; Ladam, Cecile; Grepstad, Jostein; Weman, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The effects of thermal substrate pretreatment on the growth of Au-catalyzed ZnO nanostructures by pulsed laser deposition are investigated. C-plane sapphire substrates are annealed prior to deposition of a thin Au layer. ...
    • Particulate emissions from electrolysis cells 

      Gaertner, Heiko; Ratvik, Arne Petter; Aarhaug, Thor Anders (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series;2367-1181, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
      In the dry cleaning of the exhaust gas from the aluminium cells impurities are accumulated in the finer fractions of secondary alumina from the dry scrubbers. The present work describes new methods for the determination ...
    • CO2 pipeline integrity: A new evaluation methodology 

      Berstad, Torodd; Dørum, Cato; Jakobsen, Jana Poplsteinova; Kragset, Steinar; Li, Hailong; Lund, Halvor; Morin, Alexandre; Munkejord, Svend Tollak; Mølnvik, Mona Jacobsen; Nordhagen, Håkon Ottar; Østby, Erling (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
      A coupled fluid-structure model for pipeline integrity simulations has been developed. The pipe material and fracture propagation have been modelled using the finite-element method with a local fracture criterion. The ...
    • Performance evaluation of a complete Lagrangian KTGF approach for dilute granular flow modelling 

      Cloete, Schalk; Johansen, Stein Tore; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      Finely resolved gas–solid flow simulations were carried out using an improved Lagrangian method known as the dense discrete phase model (DDPM). The DDPM differs from the traditional Eulerian two fluid model (TFM) approach ...
    • Microstructure and performance of La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−d cathodes deposited on BaCe0.2Zr0.7Y0.1O3−d by infiltration and spray pyrolysis 

      Ricote, Sandrine; Bonanos, Nikolaos; Rørvik, Per Martin; Haavik, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−d (LSCF) cathodes have been deposited on proton-conducting BaCe0.2Zr0.7Y0.1O3−d (BCZY27) electrolyte and studied in symmetric cells to investigate the cathode microstructure and electrochemical ...
    • Experimental and numerical study on the behaviour of PVC and HDPE in biaxial tension 

      Ognedal, Anne Serine; Clausen, Arild Holm; Polanco-Loria, Mario A.; Benallal, Ahmed; Raka, Bumedijen; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      This paper presents and discusses a set of biaxial tests on two different polymer materials; PVC and HDPE. The biaxial tests are used to evaluate a hyperelastic–viscoplastic constitutive model involving the pressure-dependent ...
    • Intracellular metabolite pool changes in response to nutrient depletion induced metabolic switching in Streptomyces coelicolor 

      Wentzel, Alexander; Sletta, Håvard; Wellington, E.M.H.; Ellingsen, Trond Erling; Bruheim, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      A metabolite profiling study of the antibiotic producing bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) has been performed. The aim of this study was to monitor intracellular metabolite pool changes occurring as strains of S. ...
    • A method for comparing the HF formation potential of aluminas with different water contents 

      Sommerseth, Camilla; Osen, Karen Sende; Rosenkilde, Christian; Meyer, Astrid J.; Kristiansen, Linda; Aarhaug, Thor Anders (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series;2367-1181, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      In the aluminium industry today, smelters often have to rely on more than one alumina supplier. This creates diversity in the properties of smelter grade alumina (SGA). A method has been developed to compare the HF formation ...
    • Innovation in a heterogeneous CCS research centre, managerial and organizational challenges 

      Aasen, Tone Merethe; Mølnvik, Mona J.; Aarlien, Rune; Bredesen, Rune; Munkejord, Svend Tollak; Brunsvold, Amy; Gundersen, Truls (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      Recently, the Norwegian authorities have established a number of Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (CEER), intended to develop new knowledge, foster breakthrough technology and promote innovation in order ...
    • Impurity Elements in Raw Gas Ultra-Fines from Aluminium Electrolysis Cells 

      Gaertner, Heiko; Ratvik, Arne Petter; Aarhaug, Thor Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      The effect of alumina feeding and pot suction rate on the amount and composition of fine particles in raw gases has been investigated. Particle size distribution of ultra-fines (Di < 10 μm) were measured in real time and ...
    • Potentiometric Fluoride Analysis with Improved Analytical Performance 

      Aarhaug, Thor Anders; Nagy, Kalman; Smith, Kieran G. (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series;2367-1181, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      Since the 1960s SINTEF has, in collaboration with the Nordic aluminium smelters, developed methods for sampling and analysis of fluoride. Unlike conventional potentiometric analysis, this methodology involves detection of ...
    • Utilization of dual - PSA technology for natural gas upgrading and integrated CO2 capture 

      Grande, Carlos Adolfo; Blom, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      In this study, we have considered Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology natural gas purification and integrated CO2 capture. We present the utilization of Dual-PSA technology for obtaining pipeline-quality methane and ...
    • Investigating thermal donors in n-type Cz silicon with carrier density imaging 

      Hu, Yu; Schøn, Hendrik; Øvrelid, Eivind Johannes; Nielsen, Øyvind; Arnberg, Lars (Journal article, 2012)
    • Investigation of La1−xSrxCrO3−∂ (x ~ 0.1) as Membrane for Hydrogen Production 

      Larring, Yngve; Vigen, Camilla Kaori; Ahouanto, Florian; Fontaine, Marie-Laure; Peters, Thijs; Smith, Jens Bragdø; Norby, Truls; Bredesen, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      Various inorganic membranes have demonstrated good capability to separate hydrogen from other gases at elevated temperatures. Hydrogen-permeable, dense, mixed proton-electron conducting ceramic oxides offer superior ...