• Introduction to the themed issue - Poststructural approaches to fisheries 

      Mather, Charles; Johnsen, Jahn Petter; Sønvisen, Signe Annie; Sridhar, Aarthi; Stephen, Johny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-10-09)
      This themed issue of papers for Maritime Studies emerges out of a special session of the MARE 2015 conference held in Amsterdam. The aim of this Introduction is to provide a brief background to poststructural scholarship ...
    • Investigating a Simplified Model for Moonpool Piston Mode Response in Irregular Waves 

      Ommani, Babak; Kristiansen, Trygve; Berget, Kjetil (ASME digital collection;OMAE2018-78352, Chapter, 2018-06-25)
      Estimating moonpool piston mode response at resonance is important for operation safety. This is a difficult task, in particular, due to nonlinear nature of the moonpool response connected to the damping imposed by the ...
    • Investigating the Physicochemical Property Changes of Plastic Packaging Exposed to UV Irradiation and Different Aqueous Environments 

      Conradie, Wihann; Dorfling, Christie; Chimphango, Annie; Booth, Andy; Sørensen, Lisbet; Akdogan, Guven (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A wide range of weathering processes contributes to the degradation of plastic litter items which leads to the formation of microplastics that may be detrimental to marine ecosystems and the organisms inhabiting them. In ...
    • Investigating the potential for a commercial fishery in the Northeast Atlantic utilizing mesopelagic species 

      Grimaldo, Eduardo; Grimsmo, Leif; Álvarez, Paula; Herrmann, Bent; Tveit, Guro Møen; Tiller, Rachel; Slizyte, Rasa; Aldonondo, Naroa; Guldberg, Trude; Toldnes, Bendik; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Schei, Marte; Selnes, Merethe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      During three cruises in the Mid Atlantic Ridge area in 2016 and 2017, we studied the biomass of mesopelagic fish and its potential as a source of protein and oil for animal feed and human consumption. We collected samples ...
    • Investigation and analysis of a CO2 heat pump chiller with novel two-stage evaporator 

      Bengsch, Jan; Hazarika, Mihir Mouchum; Hafner, Armin; Widell, Kristina Marianne Norne (Chapter, 2023)
      This study was carried out to investigate the performance of a transcritical CO2 heat pump chiller that provides heating and cooling simultaneously. There are several applications where such CO2 systems are implemented, ...
    • Investigation of Higher-Harmonic Wave Forces and Ringing Using CFD Simulations 

      Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans; Pakozdi, Csaba (ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering;OMAE2018-77925, Chapter, 2018-06-25)
      Typical offshore structures are designed as tension-leg platforms or gravity based structures with cylindrical substructures. The interaction of waves with the vertical cylinders in high sea states can result in a resonant ...
    • Investigation of inhomogeneous wave conditions in Sulafjorden 

      Stefanakos, Christos; Dai, Jian; Leira, Bernt Johan (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Complex fjord topography (bathymetry and coastline) may differentiate significantly wave conditions not only compared with the offshore ones but in the vicinity of few tens of meters. In the present work, possible ...
    • Investigation of the feasibility for a combined offshore wind and wave energy plant in the Norwegian waters 

      Stefanakos, Christos; De Vaal, Jacobus Bernardus; Dos Santos Sousa Rodrigues, José Miguel (Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Offshore areas in Norwegian waters with negative correlation between wind and wave energy resources have been identified. This finding is of great importance, as it suggests that combined wind and wave energy deployment ...
    • Iodine content in bulk biomass of wild-harvested and cultivated edible seaweeds: Inherent variations determine species-specific daily allowable consumption 

      Roleda, Michael; Skjermo, Jorunn; Marfaing, Hélène; Jonsdottir, Rosa; Rebours, Celine; Gietl, Anna; Stengel, Dagmar; Nitschke, Udo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-18)
      This study represents a large-scale investigation into iodine contents in three commercially important and edible seaweed species from the North Atlantic: the brown algae Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta, and the ...
    • iProcess - Total utilization of raw materials in the supply chain for food with a bio-economical perspective - 2019:01041 

      Tveit, Guro Møen; Salomonsen, Cecilie; Misimi, Ekrem; Aursand, Marit; Eilertsen, Aleksander; Courtade, Magali (SINTEF Ocean AS rapporter;2019:01041 A, Research report, 2019-10)
      Main objective Develop novel concepts and methods for flexible and sustainable food processing in Norway – that are to cope with small volume series and high biological variation of the existing raw materials – to enable ...
    • iPROCESS innovation - Innovative and Flexible Food Processing Technology in Norway 

      Krupa, Alexandre; Andersen, Petter Vejle; Wold, Jens Petter; Thakur, Maitri; Verboven, Pieter; Lind, Morten; Dreyer, Heidi Carin; Vatn, Jørn; Tveterås, Ragnar; Sandvold, Hilde Ness (SINTEF rapporter;2020:00981 A, Research report, 2020-11)
      To develop novel concepts and methods for flexible and sustainable food processing in Norway with the aim of coping with small volume series and high biological variation in existing raw materials, to enable increased raw ...
    • Is there a limit to the potential effects of shortening lastridge ropes on the size selectivity of diamond mesh codends? 

      Sistiaga, Manu; Herrmann, Bent; Brinkhof, Jesse; Larsen, Roger B.; Santos, Juan; Stepputtis, Daniel; Brinkhof, Ilmar; Jacques, Nadine; Cerbule, Kristine; Petetta, Andrea; Cuende, Elsa; Kvalvik, Liz Beate Kolstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Shortening codend lastridge ropes can be an effective fishing gear modification to improve the size selection properties in diamond mesh codends. Lastridge ropes attached to codend selvedges withstand the longitudinal ...
    • JIP oil in ice summary report 

      Sørstrøm, Stein Erik; Brandvik, Per Johan; Buist, Ian; Dickins, David; Faksness, Liv-Guri; Potter, Steve; Rasmussen, Janne Fritt; Singsaas, Ivar (SINTEF rapport;A14181, Research report, 2010-04-10)
      The Joint Industry Program on oil spill contingency for Arctic and Ice-covered waters was established in 2006 and completed by the end of 2009. Acknowledging the fact that the Arctic exhibits different environments in the ...
    • Kalman estimation of position and velocity for ReaTHM testing applications 

      Mehammer, Eirill Bachmann; Føre, Martin; Sauder, Thomas Michel; Chabaud, Valentin Bruno; Parisini, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Offshore wind power research is a rapidly growing field, because of the present climate crisis and increasing focus on renewable energy. Model testing plays an important role in the risk and cost analysis associated with ...
    • Kartlegging av behov for kompetanse og arbeidskraft i sjømatnæringen - i dag og fram til 2020 

      Henriksen, Kristian; Olafsen, Trude; Sønvisen, Signe Annie (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk;A26222, Research report, 2014-08-06)
      Analysen gir rekrutteringsaktører, utdanningsinstitusjoner og bedrifter i sjømatnæringen en oversikt over kompetanse- og arbeidskraftbehov per i dag og framover mot 2020. Kompetanse- og arbeidskraftbehovet sees opp mot ...
    • Kartlegging av kompetansebehov i norsk fiskeri- og havbruksnæring 

      Sandberg, Merete Gisvold; Olafsen, Trude (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A066019, Research report, 2006-02-15)
      Målsettingen med prosjektet var å kartlegge kompetansebehovet i fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen i dag, samt avdekke hva slags behov aktørene i næringen vil ha i fremtiden. Noe av intensjonen med kartleggingen har vært å gi ...
    • Kartlegging av mulige løsninger rundt bruk av nedbrytbare materialer i fiske med garn for å redusere faren for spøkelsesfiske 

      Grimaldo, Eduardo; Rindahl, Lasse; Sistiaga, Manu Berrondo; Langedal, Gjermund; Jensen, Jack; Jørgensen, Bjørn (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A21536, Research report, 2012-01-03)
      Tapte fiskeredskap og spøkelsesfiske utgjør et stort miljøproblem både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Enkelte redskap utgjør en betydelig skjult, uønsket og unødvendig form for beskatning av ressursene, og skaper i tillegg ...
    • Kartlegging av tæringsskader på fiskebåter bygget i aluminium 

      Farstad, Arne; Aasjord, Halvard Laurits (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;STF80 A99007, Research report, 1999-10-20)
      Original fra arkiv Scannet  PDF   Rapporten beskriver den risiko som er forbundet med bruk av betong som ballastmateriale og elektriske anlegg i fiskebåter av aluminium. Det er innhentet uttalelser og drøftet ...
    • Kartlegging og optimalisering av industrielle konsepter for refresh-produkter av hvitfisk - Refresh 

      Uglem, Solveig; Svendsen, Eirik Starheim; Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle; Tveit, Guro Møen; Widell, Kristina Norne; Schei, Marte; Erikson, Ulf Gøran; Standal, Inger Beate (SINTEF rapport;2022:00505 A, Research report, 2022-05-20)
      Målet for dette prosjektet har vært å kartlegge industrielle prosesser for produksjon av refresh-produkter av hvitfisk, vurdere hvordan enkelte deler av prosessen påvirker kvalitet, og identifisere tiltak som kan settes ...
    • Keeping the human element to secure autonomous shipping operations 

      Meland, Per Håkon; Nesheim, Dag Atle; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Autonomous shipping operations are becoming economically and technically feasible, but this development also requires new human roles and responsibilities onshore for managing cyber events. The goal of this paper is to ...