Now showing items 2095-2114 of 10948

    • D 3.3 Oxygen-carrier validation in CLC pilot units 

      Vin, Nicolas; Lambert, Arnold; Bakoc, Kristina; Bertholin, Stephane; Li, Zuoan; Larring, Yngve; Saanum, Inge; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Langørgen, Øyvind (Research report, 2021)
    • D1.4 Mapping, characterization and critical evaluation of the state-of-the-art 

      del Alamo Serrano, Gonzalo; Tranås, Olaf Lehn (ArbaHeat Deliverable;D1.4, Research report, 2019)
    • D2.2 Updated cyber risk assessment for the maritime industry 

      Meland, Per Håkon; Bernsmed, Karin; Wille, Egil; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan; Nesheim, Dag Atle (SINTEF Rapport;2021:00341, Research report, 2021)
      This report presents an updated assessment of the cyberthreat landscape in the context of CySiMS-SE. It is based on the previous work from CySiMS “D1.1 Risk Model and Analysis” and the methodology from CySiMS-SE “D2.1 ...
    • D2.3 CySiMS Cyber Event Exercise Handbook 

      Bernsmed, Karin; Borgaonkar, Ravishankar Bhaskarrao (SINTEF rapport;2021:00319, Research report, 2021)
      This document is a handbook for developing cyber event exercises relevant for the intended users of the CySiMS-SE secure communication solution. The document includes a selected set of scenarios that are relevant to ...
    • D2.3 Recommendations for certification and standardisation of Wind Farm Control Deliverable D2.3 - FarmConners 

      Manjock, Andreas; Canet, Helena; Campagnolo, Filippo; Bossanyi, Ervin; Bayo, Ricard Tomàs; Duc, Thomas; Vrana, Til Kristian; Nwobu, John; Kölle, Konstanze; Freundreich, Kai (Research report, 2022)
    • D2.3.01/02/04 Sensors for condition monotoring of different componenets of (offshore-)wind power plants 

      Vogl, Andreas; Østbø, Niels Peter; Bjerkan, Leif; Jørgensen, Jens Kjær (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2012)
      In this report an overview is given over condition monitoring (CM) and structural health monitoring(SHM) for offshore wind turbines with a special focus on two innovative sensor types – Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and ...
    • D3.1 Fishery Pilot Definition 

      Granholm, Göran; Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar; Uriondo, Zigor; Quincozes, Iñaki; Jensen, Jørgen Haavind; Haugen, Joakim (Data-Driven Bioeconomy;D3.1, Research report, 2017-10-20)
      The objective of WP3 Fishery Pilot is to demonstrate how Big Data can boost the fishery sector. The Fishery Pilot focus is on two separate types of fisheries in two countries: Oceanic Tuna fisheries in Spain and small ...
    • D3.4 Fuel conversion phenomena 

      Haugen, Nils Erland L; Langørgen, Øyvind; Saanum, Inge; Karchniwy, Ewa Malgorzata; Klimanek, Adam; Szlek, Andrzej; Korus, Agnieszka; Sladek, Slawomir; Bertholin, Stephane; Tebianian, Sina; Tilland, Airy; Luo, Kun; Zhang, Hancong; Sun, Liyan; Masi, Enrica; Simonin, Olivier (Research report, 2022)
    • D4.1 Status: legal/regulatory barriers for transboundary CO2 ship transport 

      Jordal, Aina Benedikte Kristin; Seglem, Heidi (Working paper, 2020)
    • D4.2 Legal and regulatory framework for Swedish/Norwegian CCS cooperation 

      Jordal, Aina Benedikte Kristin; Mazzetti, Marit; Windfeldt, Magnus; Kjærstad, Jan; Seglem, Heidi; Wærp, Una; Lundqvist, Karin; Kolberg, Ludwig; Håkansson, Åsa (SINTEF Rapport;2022:00023, Research report, 2022)
      A description is provided of the legal/regulatory situation, as of early December 2021, for CO2 transport from Sweden/Preem AB to Norway/Northern Lights. CO2 transport from Sweden to Norway for the purpose of geological ...
    • D4.3 Multi-modal communication - Securing future communication across different sectors and technologies 

      Bernsmed, Karin; Bour, Guillaume; Meland, Per Håkon; Borgaonkar, Ravishankar Bhaskarrao; Wille, Egil (SINTEF rapport;2021:00314, Research report, 2021)
      This document introduces the concept of multi-modal communication, using the coordination of a Search and Rescue (SAR) operation as an illustrating scenario, identifies challenges for secure information exchange and ...
    • D5.3 Studies on CLC-CCS deployment and infrastructure development 

      Roussanaly, Simon; Anantharaman, Rahul; Gouraud, Vincent; Gaouyat, Elodie; Laroche, Catherine; Bertholin, Stéphane (Research report, 2024-08-30)
    • D5.4 State of the art - MACROSEA WP5 

      Alver, Morten; Solvang, Torfinn; Dybvik, Henrikke (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;2018:00045, Research report, 2018-01-18)
      The objective of the MACROSEA project is to facilitate industrial scale cultivation of seaweed in Norway. To achieve efficient large scale cultivation, development of cultivation technology is an important component, and ...
    • D6.4 - 3MWth CLC demonstration unit testing 

      Gouraud, Vincent; Font, Patrice; Vin, Nicolas; Mejia Mendez, Deisy; Yang, Xiaoyu; Clavel, Stephane; Montjovet, Florian; Roux, Maximillien; Desgranges, Refis; Langørgen, Øyvind; Wei, Shuting; Li, Zhenshan; Wang, Yang; Xinglei, Liu (Research report, 2024)
    • D7.5 Final infrastructure Development plan 

      Malin, Minna; Auvinen, Heidi; Tukiainen, Pauliina; Härkönen, Mika; Jussila, Ari; Halvorsen, Trond; Vik, Lars Harald; Nikkanen, Ville; Hedeler, Barbara; de Buyn, Frederik (Research report, 2018)
      ERIFORE – European Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy – has been an Infradev-1 project (GA No 654371, 1.1.2016 – 31.1.2018) under Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The future mission of the ERIFORE ...
    • Dagboksprosjektet. Tilbakeskuende del. Evaluering av plan- og bygningsloven 

      Bonnevie-Svendsen, Morten (Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);281, Research report, 2000)
    • Dagslys i rehabiliterte boliger 

      Haase, Matthias; Lolli, Nicola; Gruner, Michael (SINTEF Notat;25, Research report, 2017)
      Målsetningen med prosjektet er å finne svar på hvordan rehabilitering påvirker dagslysnivået og hvordan dagslysforhold påvirker energibehovet. Kompetansetilskuddet skal gå til å evaluere dagslysforhold i tre case-bygninger, ...
    • Daily Stand-Up Meetings: Start Breaking the Rules! 

      Stray, Viktoria; Moe, Nils Brede; Sjøberg, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Daily stand-up meetings are commonly used for software teams to collaborate and exchange information, but conducting them in a way that benefits the whole team can be challenging. We describe factors that can affect meetings ...
    • Damage threshold of CuCrFeTiV high entropy alloys for nuclear fusion reactors 

      Dias, M.; Magalhães, S.; Antão, F.; da Silva, Silva; Gonçalves, A.P.; Almeida Carvalho, Patricia; Correia, J.B.; Galatanu, A.; Alves, E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A CuCrFeTiV high entropy alloy was prepared and irradiated with swift heavy ions in order to check its adequacy for use as a thermal barrier in future nuclear fusion reactors. The alloy was prepared from the elemental ...
    • Damages in Wooden Roofs over heated rooms 

      Isaksen, Trygve (Særtrykk (Norges byggforskningsinstitutt);120, Others, 1966)