• Smart bruk av kjemikalier skal gi mer bærekraftig vinterdrift av flyplasser 

      Lysbakken, Kai Rune (Journal article, 2022)
      Et nytt verktøy skal gjøre det enklere å bruke riktig mengde kjemikalier for å hindre is og snø på rullebanen.
    • Smart Communities of Intelligent Software Agents for Collaborating and Semantically Interoperable Micro-Grids 

      Aversa, Rocco; Di Martino, Beniamino; Horn, Geir Henrik; Hallsteinsen, Svein Olav; Venticinque, Salvatore; Jiang, Shanshan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      CoSSMic was an European project that developed a multi-agent solution for smart management of energy from shared photovoltaic panels by photovoltaic panels. Software agents implements collaborating consumer and producer ...
    • Smart Data Placement for Big Data Pipelines: An Approach based on the Storage-as-a-Service Model 

      Khan, Akif Quddus; Nikolov, Nikolay Vladimirov; Matskin, Mihhail; Prodan, Radu; Song, Hui; Roman, Dumitru; Soylu, Ahmet (Chapter, 2022)
      The development of big data pipelines is a challenging task, especially when data storage is considered as part of the data pipelines. Local storage is expensive, hard to maintain, comes with several challenges (e.g., data ...
    • Smart Data Placement Using Storage-as-a-Service Model for Big Data Pipelines 

      Khan, Akif Quddus; Nikolov, Nikolay; Matskin, Minhail; Prodan, Radu; Roman, Dumitru; Sahin, Bekir; Bussler, Christoph; Soylu, Ahmet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Big data pipelines are developed to process data characterized by one or more of the three big data features, commonly known as the three Vs (volume, velocity, and variety), through a series of steps (e.g., extract, ...
    • Smart EV charging systems for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods 

      Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Jiang, Shanshan; Torsæter, Bendik Nybakk; Völler, Steve (ZEN Report;5, Research report, 2018)
      The increased use of electric vehicles (EVs) calls for new and innovative solutions for charging infrastructure. At the same time, it is desirable to improve the energy flexibility of neighbourhoods. This paper presents ...
    • Smart fault handling in medium voltage distribution grids 

      Tutvedt, Kjell Anders; Seguin, R.; Kjølle, Gerd Hovin; Simonsen, Stig; Hermansen, Tonje Skoglund; Myhr, Ingrid (CIRED Conference Proceedings;2017, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper presents first results from a pilot project on using fault indicators and self-healing in medium voltage distribution grids. Directional earth-fault indicators were chosen and deployed in real environments to ...
    • Smart grid referansearkitektur og use cases 

      Sand, Kjell (SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2014)
      Denne rapporten er et resultat av WP1 i DeVID-prosjektet og har som formål å introdusere metoder for å beskrive og dekomponere Smart grids-domenet i mindre elementer slik at de enkelte elementer blir mer avgrenset og ...
    • Smart Grid Threat Modelling Tool Documentation 

      Flå, Lars Halvdan (Notat;, Research report, 2023)
    • Smart hospital conceptualisations by experts in teams 

      van der Zwart, Johan (SINTEF Proceedings;8, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      Objective – The concept of Smart hospitals looks to future hospitals as infrastructures for effective and efficient clinical processes as well as infrastructures for supportive social interactions between patients and ...
    • Smart Journey Mining for Improved Service Quality 

      Halvorsrud, Ragnhild; Mannhardt, Felix; Johnsen, Einar Broch; Tapia Tarifa, Silvia Lizeth (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This paper describes emergent challenges in extending and uniting research in service science and process mining. By combining formal representations of user journeys with process mining constructs, we aim to develop tools ...
    • Smart Maritime Sea Map to Green Shipping 

      Gamlem, Gunnar Malm (Research report, 2023-12)
      This reports sums up the research on green shipping from the SFI Smart Maritime programme and associated projects [↗]. The report presents the essence of research at NTNU and SINTEF Ocean to inspire and advise ship owners, ...
    • Smart meters and people using the grid: exploring the potential benefits of AMR-technology 

      Löfström, Erica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The debate on the introduction of AMR (Automated Meter Reading) in Norwegian households is largely built on the assumption that users will react on price incitements in relation to electricity. However, the basic function ...
    • Smart mobilitet i distriktene - Sammenstilling av nasjonal og internasjonal kunnskap 

      Bardal, Kjersti Granås; Meland, Solveig; Bragtvedt, Stian; Gjertsen, Arild (Nordlandsforskning rapport;7, Research report, 2021-05)
      Nye, smarte mobilitetsløsninger kan bidra til å løse noen av utfordringene knyttet til å etablere og drive bærekraftige kollektivtransporttjenester i distriktene. Utviklingen i teknologi muliggjør blant annet utvikling av ...
    • Smart Spare Parts Management – A digital supply network perspective 

      Boivie, Klas Magnus; Arbo, Siri Marthe; Leirmo, Torbjørn Langedahl (Research report, 2022)
      As additive manufacturing (AM) is being utilized across various sectors, value chains are disrupted and new approaches to spare parts management can be adopted. This report provides an introduction to the state-of-the-art ...
    • Smart Tags that are exactly Reliable Enough 

      Taklo, Maaike M. Visser; Belle, Branson; Wright, Daniel Nilsen; Vardøy, Astrid-Sofie Borge; Garcia, Alexandre; Eriksson, Torbjörn; Hagel, Olle; Danestig, Magnus (Chapter, 2017)
      Smart tags for fast moving consumer goods are among the products predicted to be part of the Internet of Everything. The tags must be extremely low cost, be fabricated in huge volumes, and have a quality accepted by the ...
    • Smart Tourism in Cities: Exploring Urban Destinations with Audio Augmented Reality 

      Boletsis, Costas; Chasanidou, Dimitra (Chapter, 2018)
      Audio augmented reality (AR) allows for the simultaneous perception of the real environment and a virtual audio overlay. This is especially important in a mobile use context, where users should be continuously aware of ...
    • Smartere transport Møre & Romsdal – L2.4/L3.2 – Sikker dokking, ombordstigning, evakuering og krav til landside 

      Pobitzer, Armin; Sadjina, Severin Simon; Tveten, Erlend Grytli; Holte, Even Ambros (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2022 A-056, Research report, 2022-08-17)
      Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune som del av prosjektet Smartere Transport i Møre og Romsdal. Hovedmålet har vært å utrede og vurdere ulike konseptuelle løsningsforslag for ivaretakelse ...
    • Smartere transport Møre og Romsdal L2.1 Fartøyskonsept for autonom passasjertransport 

      Borgen, Henning; Holte, Even Ambros; Pobitzer, Armin; Gribkovskaia, Victoria (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2021 A-061, Research report, 2022-03-14)
      Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune som del av prosjektet Smartere Transport – Møre og Romsdal. Hovedmålet har vært å utlede og vurdere ulike fartøyskonsepter som kan møte ulike krav ...
    • Smartere transport Møre og Romsdal – L4.3 Sikkerhetskrav til et autonomt, sjøverts persontransportsystem 

      Holte, Even Ambros; Wennersberg, Lars Andreas Lien; Pobitzer, Armin (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2020 A-043, Research report, 2020-05-08)
      Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune som del av prosjektet Smartere Transport – Møre og Romsdal. Alle systemer som inngår i et autonomt sjøverts persontransportsystem i bynære områder ...
    • Smartere transport – Møre & Romsdal: L4.2 Regulatoriske utfordringer for autonom sjøverts persontransport 

      Holte, Even Ambros; Wille, Egil (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2022 A-113, Research report, 2023-07-06)
      Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune som del av prosjektet Smartere Transport – Møre og Romsdal. Rapporten retter innledningsvis fokus mot eksisterende initiativ innen regelverk og ...