Now showing items 822-841 of 10305

    • Automatisk etterkontroll av restpinnebein i pre-rigor laksefileter 

      Westavik, Harry; Misimi, Ekrem (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk;A26112, Research report, 2014-05-12)
      Det ikke mulig å avgjøre om en laksefilet er beinfri etter pinnebeinplukking ved bare å se og kjenne på filetens overflate. Det kan fortsatt sitte igjen avrevne bein nede i fiskekjøttet. Disse laksebeina er sannsynligvis ...
    • Automatisk fjerning av svarthinne hos torsk til saltfisk og klippfisk Et grunnlag for realisering av ny teknologi 

      Westavik, Harry; Bondø, Morten Steen; Fossum, John André (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A22559, Research report, 2012-03-21)
      Prosjektet er en videreføring av forprosjektet "Karakterisering av svarthinne hos atlanterhavstorsk (Gadus morhua L.) og stillehavstorsk (Gadus macrocepha/us L.)" i regi av FHFs Faggruppe konvensjonell og er finansiert av ...
    • Automatisk singulering og kvalitets­sortering i produksjonslinje for hel laks - Sluttrapport FHF-prosjekt 900847 

      Westavik, Harry; Øye, Elling Ruud; Bondø, Morten Steen; Eilertsen, Aleksander; Mathiassen, John Reidar Bartle (SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk reports;A27678, Research report, 2016-05-11)
      Prosjektet startet i 2013 med målsettingen; å utvikle konsept for automatisk singulering, orientering og sortering av hel laks basert på ytre kvalitetsparametere. Konseptene som utvikles i dette prosjektet skal sannsynliggjøre ...
    • Automatisk sortering av klippfisk ved hjelp av maskinsyn: Forprosjekt 

      Erikson, Ulf Gøran; Misimi, Ekrem; Fossum, John André (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A20153, Research report, 2011-08-22)
      Automatisk klassifisering av klippfisk Muligheten for automatisert kvalitetssortering av klippftsk er vurdert. Et parti klippfisk ble klassifisert av en erfaren vraker og resultatene ble sammenliknet med resultatene fra ...
    • Automatisk veiing av pelagisk fisk ombord Fase 1 - Sluttrapport 

      Eilertsen, Aleksander; Aursand, Ida Grong; Mathiassen, John Reidar Bartle; Øye, Elling Ruud (SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk reports;A27568, Research report, 2016-04-14)
      Prissetting (kr/kg) av pelagisk fisk er i stor grad basert på individvekt og fastsatte vektklasser. Det er derfor av stor betydning å ha et godt estimat på vektfordelingen av fisken i hele verdikjeden. Det gjelder fra ...
    • Automotive Intelligence Embedded in Electric Connected Autonomous and Shared Vehicles Technology for Sustainable Green Mobility 

      Vermesan, Ovidiu; John, Reiner; Pype, Patrick; Daalderop, Gerardo; Kriegel, Kai; Mitic, Gerhard; Lorentz, Vincent; Bahr, Roy; Sand, Hans-Erik; Bockrath, Steffen; Waldhör, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The automotive sector digitalization accelerates the technology convergence of perception, computing processing, connectivity, propulsion, and data fusion for electric connected autonomous and shared (ECAS) vehicles. This ...
    • Autonomous agile teams: challenges and future directions for research 

      Stray, Viktoria; Moe, Nils Brede; Hoda, Rashina (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      According to the principles articulated in the agile manifesto, motivated and empowered software developers---relying on technical excellence and simple designs---create business value by delivering working software to ...
    • Autonomous Crop Row Guidance Using Adaptive Multi-ROI in Strawberry Fields 

      Ponnambalam, Vignesh Raja; Bakken, Marianne; Moore, Richard; Omholt Gjevestad, Jon Glenn; From, Pål Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Automated robotic platforms are an important part of precision agriculture solutions for sustainable food production. Agri-robots require robust and accurate guidance systems in order to navigate between crops and to and ...
    • An autonomous drone-based system for inspection of electrical substations 

      Langåker, Helge-André; Kjerkreit, Håkon; Syversen, Christoffer L; Moore, Richard J.D.; Holhjem, Øystein Hov; Jensen, Irene; Morrison, Aiden J; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Kvien, Oddgeir; Berg, Gunnar; Olsen, Thomas; Hatlestad, Alexander; Negård, Thomas; Broch, Rolf; Johnsen, Jørn E (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • An autonomous drone-based system for inspection of electrical substations 

      Langåker, Helge-André; Kjerkreit, Håkon; Syversen, Christoffer L; Moore, Richard J.D.; Holhjem, Øystein Hov; Jensen, Irene; Morrison, Aiden J; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Kvien, Oddgeir; Berg, Gunnar; Olsen, Thomas; Hatlestad, Alexander; Negård, Thomas; Broch, Rolf; Johnsen, Jørn E (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In the years to come, large power grid operators will operate and maintain an ever-increasing asset base. New innovative solutions are needed to increase the quality and efficiency of asset management to avoid corresponding ...
    • Autonomous Grasping Using Novel Distance Estimator 

      Skaldebø, Martin Breivik; Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This paper introduces a novel distance estimator using monocular vision for autonomous underwater grasping. The presented method is also applicable to topside grasping operations. The estimator is developed for robot ...
    • Autonomous Job Analysis: A Method for Design of Autonomous Marine Operations 

      Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Vagia, Marialena; Fjerdingen, Sigurd Aksnes; Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Svendsen, Eirik; Rundtop, Per (Journal article, 2016)
      Increased use of autonomy is considered crucial for continued growth in maritime industries like oil- and gas, waterborne transport, and fisheries- and aquaculture. This article presents a method called Autonomous Job ...
    • Autonomous Monitoring and Inspection Operations with UUVs in Fish Farms 

      Kelasidi, Eleni; Su, Biao; Caharija, Walter; Føre, Martin; Pedersen, Magnus Oshaug; Frank, Kevin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this study, a general control framework for autonomous operations in highly complex and dynamically changing environments such as fish farms is proposed and experimentally validated. Since fish farms feature an environment ...
    • Autonomous ROV inspections of aquaculture net pens using DVL 

      Amundsen, Herman Biørn; Caharija, Walter; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This article presents a method for guiding a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to autonomously traverse an aquaculture net pen. The method is based on measurements from a Doppler velocity log (DVL) and uses the measured ...
    • Autonomous ship concept evaluation – Quantification of competitiveness and societal impact 

      Nordahl, Håvard; Nesheim, Dag Atle; Lindstad, Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The prospect of large-scale international adoption of autonomous ships has led to expectations of reduced costs and emissions for waterborne transport of goods. This is commonly attributed to the possibility of removing ...
    • Autonomous subsea intervention (SEAVENTION) 

      Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Schjølberg, Ingrid; Lekkas, Anastasios; Risholm, Petter; Mohammed, Ahmed Kedir; Skaldebø, Martin Breivik; Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Tsiourva, Maria Efstathia; Py, Frédéric (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This paper presents the main results and latest developments in a 4-year project called autonomous subsea intervention (SEAVENTION). In the project we have developed new methods for autonomous inspection, maintenance and ...
    • Autonomous UAS-Based Agriculture Applications: General Overview and Relevant European Case Studies 

      Merz, Mariann; Pedro, Dário; Skliros, Vasileios; Bergenhem, Carl; Himanka, Mikko; Houge, Torbjørn; Lundkvist, Henrik; Matos-Carvalho, João P.; Cürüklü, Baran; Hamrén, Rasmus; Ameri, Afshin E.; Ahlberg, Carl; Johansen, Gorm Idar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Emerging precision agriculture techniques rely on the frequent collection of high-quality data which can be acquired efficiently by unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The main obstacle for wider adoption of this technology is ...
    • Autonomous Vehicles - Trust, Safety and Security Cases: The Complete Picture 

      Myklebust, Thor; Stålhane, Tor; Jenssen, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Safety cases are required by several functional safety standards, specifications, and guidelines. Cybersecurity cases have recently been required by ISO/SAE 21424:2021 for automotive and EN TS 50701:2021 for the railway ...
    • AutoSafe - D1.1 – Rammeverk for vurdering av farer ved operasjon av autonome passasjerskip 

      Fjørtoft, Kay Endre; Holte, Even Ambros (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2021 A-099, Research report, 2021-04-22)
      Innen autonom passasjertransport til sjøs er det så langt fremmet få konkrete nye forslag til løsninger som ivaretar passasjersikkerheten ved kritiske hendelser. Ved å dokumentere og systematisere aktuelle farer, relaterte ...
    • Autoship D2.1 - Complete supply chain mapping & identifications of interactions between SSS and IWW demonstrators 

      Wennersberg, Lars Andreas Lien; Nordahl, Håvard; Bolbot, Victor; Theotokatos, Gerasimos (Research report, 2019-06-01)
      A generic supply chain model for a Short Sea Shipping (SSS) use-case and an Inland Waterways (IWW) use-case is developed through an analysis of their respective supply chains. The supply chain models for each of the two ...