Now showing items 8357-8376 of 8904

    • Unngå fuktskader på bygninger 

      Bøhlerengen, Trond (Journal article, 2020)
      FAGARTIKKEL: – Vi vet at grunnlaget for de fleste byggskadene legges i prosjekteringsfasen. Det er her de viktige valgene gjøres, med tanke på utforming og oppbygging av de enkelte konstruksjonsdeler som vegger, tak, gulv, ...
    • Unngå helse- og miljøskadelige stoffer i byggevarer 

      Aas, Camilla Bakken; Parekh, Neha (Journal article, 2022)
      Markedet etterspør dokumentasjon av produkters helse- og miljøegenskaper, men det kan være vanskelig å vite hva som er tilstrekkelig dokumentasjon.
    • Unngå skader på flislagte terrasser og balkonger 

      Nesje, Arne Jan (Journal article, 2020)
      Flislagte terrasser, svalganger, balkonger og trapper har lang levetid hvis de blir prosjektert og utført riktig. Det er spesielt viktig å ta hensyn til frost, fukt og temperaturbevegelser.
    • Unngå vannskader fra innbygde WC-sisterner i tørre toalettrom 

      Fiskum, Lars-Erik (Journal article, 2020)
      Innbygde WC-sisterner har blitt vanlig de siste årene. Rammesystemet og sisternetanken er normalt av svært god kvalitet, og lite beheftet med svakheter. Men dessverre har feilmonteringer resultert i mange vannskader.
    • Unplanned Admissions to Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment and Services Received Prior to Admission 

      Ose, Solveig Osborg; Kalseth, Jorid; Ådnanes, Marian; Tveit, Tone; Lilleeng, Solfrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background Inpatient bed numbers are continually being reduced but are not being replaced with adequate alternatives in primary health care. There is a considerable risk that eventually all inpatient treatment will be ...
    • Unraveling Enhanced Activity, Selectivity, and Coke Resistance of Pt–Ni Bimetallic Clusters in Dry Reforming 

      Niu, Juntian; Wang, Yalan; Liland, Shirley Elisabeth Sjø; Regli, Samuel K.; Yang, Jia; Rout, Kumar Ranjan; Luo, Jun; Rønning, Magnus; Ran, Jingyu; Chen, De (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      By introducing Pt atoms into the surface of reduced hydrotalcite (HT)-derived nickel (Ni/HT) catalysts by redox reaction, we synthesized an enhanced active and stable Ni-based catalyst for methane dry reforming reaction. ...
    • Unraveling the roles of the reductant and free copper ions in LPMO kinetics 

      Stepnov, Anton; Forsberg, Zarah; Sørlie, Morten; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Wentzel, Alexander; Kjendseth, Åsmund Røhr; Eijsink, Vincent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are monocopper enzymes that catalyze oxidative depolymerization of industrially relevant crystalline polysaccharides, such as cellulose, in a reaction that depends ...
    • Unscented Kalman Filter Based State and Parameter Estimation in Percussive Drilling Systems 

      Song, Xianfeng; Kane, Pascal-Alexandre; Abooshahab, Mohammad Ali (Chinese Control Conference (CCC);1934-1768, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Down-The-Hole (DTH) percussion tool is recognized for its high average rate of penetration (ROP), when drilling medium hard to very hard rock formations. This ROP which depends on the bit-rock contact conditions at the ...
    • Unscheduled Meetings in Hybrid Work 

      Sporsem, Tor Thorsrud; Strand, Audun Fauchald; Hanssen, Geir Kjetil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      By studying four development teams in the Norwegian companies NAV and Entur, we found that unscheduled meetings are maintained by using tools like Discord and Zoom to create virtual rooms. From our findings, we provide ...
    • Unstructured Voronoi grids conforming to lower-dimensional objects 

      Berge, Runar Lie; Klemetsdal, Øystein; Lie, Knut-Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We present a novel mixed-dimensional method for generating unstructured polyhedral grids that conform to prescribed geometric objects in arbitrary dimensions. Two types of conformity are introduced: (i) control-point ...
    • An updated short chemical-kinetic nitrogen mechanism for carbon-free combustion applications 

      Jiang, Yuanjie; Gruber, Andrea; Seshadri, Kalyanasundaram; Williams, Forman (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Chemical‐kinetic combustion mechanisms for hydrogen‐oxygen‐nitrogen systems, motivated originally by concerns about NOx emissions during hydrogen burning, have recently acquired renewed interest as a result of the possibility ...
    • UPGRADE – Veileder for energiambisiøs oppgradering av yrkesbygg 

      Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Svensson, Anna (SINTEF Notat;11, Research report, 2014)
      En helhetlig, stegvis gjennomgang av hvordan man bør gå fram for å få til en ambisiøs energioppgradering. Temaer som inngår i veilederen er tilstandsanalyser, mulighetsstudier, kostnadsanalyse, støtteordninger og beskrivelser ...
    • Upgrading heritage escape route doors – Mounting of glass, protective boards and sealing lists 

      Haukø, Anne-Marit; Wedvik, Barbro (Research report, 2021)
      Preface. This document has been prepared within Task 3 Escape route doors of Project 4.3 Fire safety measures for dwellings within FRIC - Fire Research and Innovation Centre. It is a continuation of the first part of the ...
    • Upgrading Marine Oils from Cod (Gadus morhua) On-Board the Deep-Sea Vessels—From Waste to Value 

      Meidell, Line Skontorp; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Significant amounts of marine raw material are lost on-board the deep-sea vessels due to fast quality degradation. Optimal on-board handling and processing strategies can upgrade these resources from waste to food ingredients ...
    • Upgrading of Fire Resistance to Architectural Heritage Escape Route Timber Doors 

      Haukø, Anne-Marit; Wedvik, Barbro; Bergius, Mikael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Original timber stairwell doors in historic masonry apartment buildings of architectural heritage value can be found in the larger cities of Norway. In Oslo, there are around 4000 such buildings, of which many still hold ...
    • An upright bottomless vertical cylinder with baffles floating in waves 

      Moreau, Mael Korentin Ivan; Kristiansen, Trygve; Ommani, Babak; Molin, Bernard Jean Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Damping of the surge and pitch motions, as well as the first lateral sloshing mode in a rigid free-floating upright circular dock with bilge boxes and open bottom is investigated. Model tests are carried out on a 0.80 m ...
    • Uptake and toxicity of methylmethacrylate-based nanoplastic particles in aquatic organisms 

      Booth, Andy; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Frenzel, Max; Johnsen, Heidi; Altin, Dag (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The uptake and toxicity of 2 poly(methylmethacrylate)-based plastic nanoparticles (PNPs) with different surface chemistries (medium and hydrophobic) was assessed using aquatic organisms selected for their relevance based ...
    • Upward and downward two-phase flow of in a pipe: Comparison between experimental data and model predictions 

      Hammer, Morten; Deng, Han; Liu, Lan; Langsholt, Morten Chr.; Munkejord, Svend Tollak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In order to deploy capture and storage (CCS) systems to mitigate climate change, it is crucial to develop reliable models for design and operational considerations. A key element of the system is the interface between ...
    • Urban water system metabolism assessment using WaterMet2 model 

      Behzadian, Kourosh; Kapelan, Zoran; Govindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge; Sægrov, Sveinung; Rozos, Envangelos; Makropoulos, Christos; Ugarelli, Rita Maria; Milina, Jadranka; Hem, Lars John (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This paper presents a new “WaterMet2” model for integrated modelling of an urban water system (UWS). The model is able to quantify the principal water flows and other main fluxes in the UWS. The UWS in WaterMet2 is ...
    • Usability evaluation of four functional identical versions of DES (Database of empirical studies) 

      Følstad, Asbjørn; Heim, Jan (Research report, 2006)
      Simula research laboratory, dept. of software engineering, has hired four different contractors to develop one version each of the department's new Database of Empirical Studies (DES). The four versions have been developed ...