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Recent Submissions

  • Alternative energikilder og -bærere i sjømatnæringen Delrapport 3 i EnerSea - Tilgang på fornybar energi for sjømatnæringen fram mot 2040 

    Slette, Hans Tobias; Lona, Eivind; Tveten, Erlend Grytli; Pedersen, Martha Johanne; Steen, Stine; Belsnes, Michael Martin; Jafarzadeh, Sepideh; Mehta, Shraddha (SINTEF Nordvest rapporter;2024:00623 A, Research report, 2024-05-31)
    Rapporten oppsummerer energi- og effektbehov og beskriver status for alternative energikilder og -bærere i sjømatnæringen. Den presenterer også en analyse av reduksjonen i klimagassutslipp ved en total omstilling til ...
  • Lipidome Plasticity Enables Unusual Photosynthetic Flexibility in Arctic vs. Temperate Diatoms 

    Svenning, Jon Brage; Vasskog, Terje; Campbell, Karley Lynn; Bæverud, Agnethe Hansen; Myhre, Torbjørn Norberg; Dalheim, Lars; Forgereau, Zoe Lulu; Osanen, Janina Emilia; Hansen, Espen Holst; Bernstein, Hans Christopher (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The diatom lipidome actively regulates photosynthesis and displays a high degree of plasticity in response to a light environment, either directly as structural modifications of thylakoid membranes and protein–pigment ...
  • The Nypro database – An online information sharing arena for mine tailings resources, their characteristics, and potential applications 

    Høyli, Randulf (Others, 2023)
    Deposition of mine tailings is one of the major controversies within the Norwegian mining industry and its public acceptance. The tailings represent valuable resources that could be put to alternative use, and increased ...
  • Microplastics Derived from Commercial Fishing Activities 

    Syversen, Tore; Lilleng, Grethe (Chapter, 2023)
    Ordinary fishing activity is a source of microplastics to the sea that is often overlooked and scarcely reported in the literature. In this paper, we estimate the number of microplastics in the ocean that originates from ...
  • Smartere transport Møre og Romsdal – L4.3 Sikkerhetskrav til et autonomt, sjøverts persontransportsystem 

    Holte, Even Ambros; Wennersberg, Lars Andreas Lien; Pobitzer, Armin (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2020 A-043, Research report, 2020-05-08)
    Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune som del av prosjektet Smartere Transport – Møre og Romsdal. Alle systemer som inngår i et autonomt sjøverts persontransportsystem i bynære områder ...
  • Analyzing the Feasibility of an Unmanned Cargo Ship for Different Operational Phases 

    Bellingmo, Pauline Røstum; Wille, Egil; Nordahl, Håvard; Mørkrid, Odd Erik; Holte, Even Ambros (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    The maritime industry has begun to look into autonomous ships as an alternative to conventional ships due to growing pressure to reduce the environmental impact of maritime transportation, to increase safety, to mitigate ...
  • A study of energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions in Norwegian small-scale processing of whitefish 

    Høyli, Randulf; Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    This study considers the energy use and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at three fish processing companies, representing a seasonal small-scale whitefish processing industry within the Norwegian coastal fisheries. ...
  • Five Things You Should Not Use Blockchain For 

    Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Haro, Peter; Frøystad, Christian (Chapter, 2020)
    The Bitcoin fever notwithstanding, the underlying blockchain technology cannot solve all data exchange and product needs, as some seem to believe. This paper provides examples of problems that we believe are poorly suited ...
  • An offer to help: Impacts of covid-19 lockdown on local sharing economies 

    Halvorsen, Trond; Jakobsen, Kine Charlotte; Floch, Jacqueline (Chapter, 2022)
    The preventive measures applied in response to the covid-19 pandemic have transformed social and economic activities. Based on a case study of the Norwegian digital sharing platform Nabohjelp (English: Neighbour help), ...
  • Arbeidskraft i Nord 

    Jakobsen, Kine Charlotte; Sønvisen, Signe Annie; Walderhaug, Ståle; Ræder, Truls Bakkejord (SINTEF Rapport;2021:00012, Research report, 2021)
    Arbeidskraft i nord Etterspurt kompetanse og rekrutteringsmønster i arbeidslivet endres i takt med den teknologiske og samfunnsmessige utviklingen. Rapporten tar for seg hvilke faktorer som påvirker hvordan bedrifter ...
  • A Tertiary Review on Blockchain and Sustainability With Focus on Sustainable Development Goals 

    Jiang, Shanshan; Jakobsen, Kine Charlotte; Bueie, Jonas; Li, Jingyue; Haro, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    Sustainable development is crucial to securing the future of humanity. Blockchain as a disruptive technology and a driver for social change has exhibited great potential to promote sustainable practices and help organizations ...
  • Carbon dynamics and energy recovery in a novel near-zero waste aquaponics system with onsite anaerobic treatment 

    Zhu, Ze; Yogev, Uri; Goddek, Simon; Yang, Fei; Keesman, Karel J.; Gross, Amit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    Aquaponics is gaining renewed interest to enhance food security. This study aimed to investigate the performance of a novel off-grid aquaponics system with near-zero water and waste discharge, focusing on the carbon cycle ...
  • A Digital Twin of the Research Vessel Gunnerus for Lifecycle Services: Outlining Key Technologies 

    Zhang, Houxiang; Li, Guoyuan; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Chu, Yingguang; Ellefsen, André Listou; Han, Peihua; Major, Pierre Yann; Skulstad, Robert; Wang, Tongtong; Hildre, Hans Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    Digitalization has become a key aspect of making maritime industries more innovative, efficient, and fit for future operations. One of the most attractive aspects is the concept of digital twins , which refers to digital ...
  • Coupling of dynamic reaction forces of a heavy load crane and ship motion responses in waves 

    Chu, Yingguang; Li, Guoyuan; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Holmeset, Finn Tore; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    The conventional approach to dynamic analysis of ship motion response with shipboard operation equipment is usually done by establishing combined equations of motion of the multi-body system. The weakness of such methods ...
  • Slitasje på redskap - Kvantisering av slitasje fra ulike redskapstyper 

    Syversen, Tore; Vollstad, Jørgen; Lilleng, Grethe; Hanssen, Bård Johan (SINTEF rapport;2020:01296 A, Research report, 2020-12-04)
    Normal bruk av fiskeredskap er en av årsakene til at plast tilføres havet. Denne rapporten ser på slitasje fra fiskeredskap under normal bruk fra den norske fiskeflåten, både årsaker til slitasje og estimerer hvor store ...
  • SINTEFs policy for håndtering av forskningsdata 

    Unknown author (Others, 2022-06-15)
    Hensikten med policy for håndtering av forskningsdata er å sikre at forskningsdata i SINTEF lagres, brukes, arkiveres og tilgjengeliggjøres i tråd med gjeldende avtaleverk og rammevilkår. SINTEF skal oppfylle Forskningsrådets ...
  • Application of radio frequency identification tags for marking of fish gillnets and crab pots: Trials in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea, Norway 

    Syversen, Tore; Vollstad, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    Marking of fishing gear is an important step in reducing abandoned, lost, and discarded gear, thereby reducing the amount of plastic pollution in the sea. With the help of fishers in their daily work on the Norwegian coast, ...
  • SINTEFs publiseringspolicy 

    Unknown author (Others, 2023-01-01)
    SINTEF ønsker å utnytte mulighetene Open Access gir for publisering og spredning av ny kunnskap. Vår kunnskap skal bidra til et bedre samfunn og forskningsresultatene skal gjøres synlige og lett tilgjengelige. Samtidig ...
  • Towards increased utilisation of tailings in Norwegian mining industry 

    Høyli, Randulf; Jakobsen, Kine Charlotte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    In this study, we investigate the barriers, and potential measures, for increased tailings utilisation in Norwegian mining industry. The purpose of this study is to explore the potentials for increased utilisation of mine ...
  • A Retrospective Analysis of Maritime Cyber Security Incidents 

    Meland, Per Håkon; Bernsmed, Karin; Wille, Egil; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan; Nesheim, Dag Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    The maritime industry is undergoing a rapid evolution through the introduction of new technology and the digitization of existing services. At the same time, the digital attack surface is increasing, and incidents can lead ...

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