• Reducing cod bycatch in flatfish fisheries 

      Santos, Juan; Stepputtis, Daniel; Oesterwind, Daniel; Herrmann, Bent; Lichtenstein, Uwe; Hammerl, Constanze; Krumme, Uwe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Management measures to facilitate the recovery of fish stocks can lead to shifts in traditional fishing patterns and target species. In the Baltic Sea, drastic reductions in catch quota for cod (Gadus morhua) force mixed ...
    • Species separation efficiency and effect of artificial lights with a horizonal grid in the Basque bottom trawl fishery 

      Cuende, E.; Herrmann, Bent; Sistiaga, Manu; Basterretxea, M.; Edridge, A.; Mackenzie, E.K.; Kynoch, R.J.; Diez, G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Achieving effective size selectivity for different species within a fishing gear is a major challenge in mixed fisheries. Fish behaviour may be exploited to separate species into separate codends where different selective ...