Blar i SINTEF Open på forfatter "Thunshelle, Kari"
Acceptable air velocities using demand-controlled ventilation for individual cooling
Thunshelle, Kari; Nordby, Henrik S.; Solberg, Håkon Rikoll; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Schild, Peter G. (Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2020)One of the main challenges in highly insulated buildings is the increasing share of energy demand for cooling. New solutions for low energy cooling are needed. Individual cooling by demand-controlled ventilation and use ... -
Brukerundersøkelse om innemiljø på Marienlyst skole
Thunshelle, Kari; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard (ZEB Project report;5, Research report, 2012)Innemiljøet på Marienlyst skole i Drammen, Norges første "passivhus-skole", er evaluert gjennom intervju og spørreskjema med brukere. Det er utført tre intervjurunder i løpet av 2011 med totalt 23 informanter; lærere, ... -
Building Services Solutions Suitable for a Low Emission Urban Areas
Rønneseth, Øystein; Haase, Matthias; Georges, Laurent; Thunshelle, Kari; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Fjellheim, Øystein; Mysen, Mads; Thomsen, Judith (ZEN Report;26, Research report, 2020)It is believed that well-performing building envelopes with low thermal losses and low solar heat gains enable simplified building services solutions. The purpose of this report is to summarize the status of promising ... -
Cooking emissions from typical Norwegian meals: basis for advanced exposure studies
Jutulstad, Adele; Yang, Aileen; Schild, Peter G.; Chaudhuri, Arnab; Thunshelle, Kari (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Sustainable urban dwellings are built space-efficient, and open-plan kitchens have increasingly become the norm. A study of newer building projects has shown that the kitchen space is in the inner area of the apartment ... -
Cooking habits and usage of kitchen hoods in Norwegian homes
Jutulstad, Adele; Yang, Aileen; Schild, Peter G.; Chaudhuri, Arnab; Thunshelle, Kari (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Sustainable urban development results in more space and energy-efficient apartments. Open plan solutions are becoming more common, and the market is exploring new configurations and ventilation solutions for the kitchen ... -
Demand-controlled ventilation in schools: Influence of base ventilation rates on subjective symptoms, perceived indoor environment and young adults' learning performance
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (SINTEF Proceedings;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)The ventilation airflow rates in a demand-controlled ventilation strategy typically vary between a base (Vmin) and a maximum ventilation rate (Vmax). Classrooms have relatively short but intense hours of occupancy and a ... -
Demand-controlled ventilation: do different user groups require different CO2-setpoints?
Haugland, Martine Borgen; Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The aim of this study is to investigate whether children's bioeffluent generation rate is proportional to their carbon dioxide (CO2) generation rate. Consequently, to assess if there is a need to differentiate the CO2- ... -
Effect of ventilation on perceived air quality in 18 classrooms
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The aim of this paper is to assess whether reducing the minimum ventilation airflow rate (Vmin) has any negative impacts on perceived air quality (PAQ) upon entering an unoccupied room. Seventeen healthy young adults were ... -
Exposure to cooking emitted volatile organic compounds with recirculating and extracting ventilation solutions
Wojnowski, Wojciech Karol; Yang, Aileen; Mikoviny, Tomas; Wisthaler, Armin; Thunshelle, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Energy-efficient urban development leads to the compact design of apartments. Recirculating ventilation solutions are an attempt to minimize the space required for ventilation ducting, but more data on their performance ... -
How Does Low Relative Humidity Affect Perceived Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Symptoms in Modern Office Buildings in Cold Climates?
Lind, Merethe; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Yang, Aileen; Mysen, Mads (Chapter, 2019)To assess how people are influenced by relative humidity (RH) in cold climates, a study was conducted in an open office landscape in Oslo, Norway. The study took place during three cold days in February 2017. Fourteen ... -
Impact of Typical Faults Occurring in Demand-controlled Ventilation on Energy and Indoor Environment in a Nordic Climate
Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Fjellheim, Øystein; Jensen, Rasmus (Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2020)This study evaluates typical faults occurring in demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) system and the impact on three output results: energy use, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. The methodologies used in this study ... -
Mostly dry: current ventilation practice efficiently limits moisture excess in mechanically ventilated apartments
Coskuntuna, Salih Berkay; Kraniotis, Dimitrios; Barnoshian, Siavash; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)The current Norwegian building code (TEK 17) requires the new residential buildings to have balanced ventilation with heat recovery, in addition to the strict regulations regarding thermal performance and airtightness of ... -
Mot et lavutslippsamfunn. Energi og energiforsyning - en mulighetsstudie: Case Brøset
Murphy, Mark Allen; Thunshelle, Kari; Wigenstad, Tore (Prosjektrapport (SINTEF Byggforsk);62, Research report, 2010)Rapporten konkluderer ikke mht. optimal løsning for å oppnå et lavt utslipp ved bruk av stasjonær energi. Imidlertid er den ment å gi en oversikt over hvordan problemstillingen kan belyses, og hvordan en kan jobbe med ulike ... -
Ombruk av byggematerialer. Veileder for dokumentasjon av ytelser
Kron, Magnus; Plesser, Thale Sofie Wester; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Stråby, Karolina; Thunshelle, Kari (Others, 2022)Forord. Byggenæringen genererer mye avfall, og både rehabilitering og nybygging krever store mengder byggematerialer. I dag er byggematerialene stort sett nye og dessuten i høy grad lagd av jomfruelige råvarer. Ombruk ... -
Omsorgsbygg med plussenergi-ambisjoner
Thunshelle, Kari (Journal article, 2023)I Bærum kommune er det oppført et demobygg som er en del av EU-prosjektet Cultural-E. SINTEF er forskningspartner, og bidrar med å definere løsninger for plussenergibygninger under norske forhold. -
Oppvarming via tilluft. Veiledning og krav for næringsbygg med enerigambisjoner
Thunshelle, Kari (SINTEF Fag;38, Research report, 2016)Denne veilederen oppsummerer resultatene fra Fou-prosjektet ForKlima – forenklet behovsstyrt klimatisering i kontorbygg med svært lavt oppvarmingsbehov. Den viser hvordan det i bygg med tilstrekkelig lavt oppvarmingsbehov ... -
Planløsning påvirker inneklimaet i små leiligheter
Denizou, Karine; Thunshelle, Kari (Journal article, 2022)Dagens boliger skal være areal- og energieffektive, og det bygges store leilighetsbygg rundt knutepunkter med mye støy og forurensning. Det kan bli en utfordring for inneklimaet. -
Process-related risks in refurbishment of dwellings using prefabricated wall elements with integrated PV and ventilation ducts
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Lukina, V.; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Thunshelle, Kari (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Prefabricated façade elements with integrated technical infrastructure is an attractive technology for refurbishment of existing dwellings. Heating and cooling demand can be reduced, local energy production introduced, and ... -
Renovation concepts for residential buildings. Research status, challenges and opportunities
Haase, Matthias; Lolli, Nicola; Thunshelle, Kari (ZEN Report;19, Research report, 2020)This study looks at the challenges and opportunities in the deep energy renovation market with prefab elements. An analysis of 39 European projects was conducted, and the results where structured in three topics. It clearly ... -
Reuse of building materials. Guide to the documentation of performance
Kron, Magnus; Plesser, Thale Sofie Wester; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Stråby, Karolina; Thunshelle, Kari (Book, 2022)Preface. The construction industry generates a good deal of waste, and both rehabilitation and new construction require large quantities of building materials. At present, building materials in use are mostly new and also ...