Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Clauß, John"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Characterization of heat load profiles in buildings and their impact on demand side flexibility
Walnum, Harald Taxt; Alonso, Maria Justo; Clauß, John; Lindberg, Karen Byskov (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A data set of heat load measurements for 197 buildings from different building categories (apartment blocks, hotels, nursing homes, offices and schools), have been analysed to evaluate the potential for peak shaving. A ... -
Consequences of Local Energy Supply in Norway: A case study on the ZEN pilot project Campus Evenstad
Backe, Stian; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Pinel, Dimitri; Clauß, John; Lausselet, Carine; Woods, Ruth (ZEN Report;17, Research report, 2019)Denne rapporten vurderer Campus Evenstad på veien mot ZEN. Hensikten med rapporten er å vurdere hvilke tiltak som er relevante fremover for å realisere energimål knyttet til ZEN, og den skal gi en forståelse for potensial, ... -
Datadrevet oppvarming reduserer energibruken i bygg
Clauß, John; Svinndal, Åsmund; Simonsen, Erlend Kaland (Journal article, 2023)Ved å forutsi det faktiske oppvarmingsbehovet i et bygg kan man spare mye energi. -
Datasets for grey-box model identification from representative archetypes of apartment blocks in Norway
Bottolfsen, Hanne Liland; Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Clauß, John; Sartori, Igor (SINTEF Proceedings;5, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2020)Grey-box models combine a relatively simple physical description of the building with a data-driven inference of key parameters and are often used for this purpose. A challenge with grey-box models is that the model ... -
Demonstrating the load-shifting potential of a schedule-based control in a real-life educational building
Clauß, John; Brozovsky, Johannes Georg; Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This work investigates the potential of simplified control approaches to deploy the building energy flexibility (BEF), here for the shifting of the space-heating load in a real-life educational building. The educational ... -
Energy and Power: Essential Key Performance Indicators for Zero Emisson Neighbourhoods An Analysis Of 6 Pilot Areas
Lien, Synne Krekling; Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Bottolfsen, Hanne Liland; Lolli, Nicola; Sartori, Igor; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Clauß, John (ZEN Report;36, Research report, 2021)The development of the definition, assessment criteria and key performance indicators of Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN), is an ongoing process that will last throughout the program period of FME ZEN. This work will ... -
Evaluation Method for the Hourly Average CO2eq. Intensity of the Electricity Mix and Its Application to the Demand Response of Residential Heating
Clauß, John; Stinner, Sebastian; Solli, Christian; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Madsen, Henrik; Georges, Laurent (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This work introduces a generic methodology to determine the hourly average CO2eq. intensity of the electricity mix of a bidding zone. The proposed method is based on the logic of input–output models and avails the balance ... -
From TEK17 to ZEB-O – A case study for a residential building in northern Norway
Clauß, John; Nygård, Eivind; Thomsen, Judith (SINTEF Proceedings;5, Chapter; Chapter; Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2020)With a strong focus on reducing emissions from the building sector, it is important that new buildings can compensate for emissions caused during their operation by on-site renewable electricity generation. In academia, ... -
Impact of practical challenges on the implementation of data-driven services for building operation: Insights from a real-life case study
Clauß, John; Caetano, Luis; Svinndal, Åsmund Bror (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Data-driven applications in buildings using AI and machine learning have generated a lot of interest, but scaling these applications is challenging due to the uniqueness of each building. During the process of implementing ... -
Influence of space heating distribution systems on the energy flexibility of Norwegian residential buildings
Nickl, Christoph; Clauß, John; Georges, Laurent (SINTEF Proceedings;5, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2020)This work evaluates the influence of the heating distribution system on the energy flexibility of highly insulated single-family residential buildings. The behavior of three different systems (air heating, radiator heating, ... -
Opportunities for Local Energy Supply in Norway: A Case Study of a University Campus Site
Backe, Stian; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Pinel, Dimitri; Clauß, John; Lausselet, Carine (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Neighbourhoods can contribute to climate change mitigation by supplying and/or facilitating renewable energy sources (RES). In this context, we evaluate opportunities related to the energy system of a Norwegian university ... -
Pelefundamenter kan brukes til å utvinne og lagre geotermisk energi
Bekele, Yared Worku; Clauß, John (Journal article, 2020)Norske bygninger kan bli mer energieffektive ved å utvinne grunnvarme og lagre termisk energi i pelefundamenter. -
Performance evaluation and control scenarios for targeted heat injection and extraction in an existing geothermal borehole field in Norway
Clauß, John; Taveres-Cachat, Ellika Rose Renee; Justo Alonso, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This work presents the calibration, validation, and analysis of a borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) in building performance simulation using operational data from an existing borehole field in Kalnes, Norway. The data ... -
Predictive Heating Control and Perceived Thermal Comfort in a Norwegian Office Building
Lolli, Nicola; Gorantonaki, Evgenia; Clauß, John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)An office building in Trondheim, Norway, was used as a case study to test the influence of Predictive Control (PC) for the optimization of energy use on the employees’ thermal comfort. A predictive control was implemented ... -
Preparing buildings for data-driven operation. Examples from the ZEB Laboratory
Clauß, John; Lassen, Thomas Elvrum; Skeie, Kristian; Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Caetano, Luis; Sartori, Igor (ZEN Report;69, Research report, 2024)This report elaborates on how to prepare buildings for data-driven operation, with a spotlight on the solutions implemented in the ZEB Lab. As buildings evolve into dynamic, data-centric entities, the ability to harness ... -
Schools on hold – how simple measures can help improving the indoor environment in schools
Clauß, John; Wågø, Solvår Irene; Gullbrekken, Lars (SINTEF Proceedings;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)This work presents the lessons-learned from a Norwegian project called "Skoler på vent" – "Schools on hold" – which is aiming at finding simple and effective measures for improving the indoor climate in schools that have ... -
Skoler på vent. Tiltak for å ivareta inneklima og helse
Wågø, Solvår Irene; Clauß, John; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Gustavsen, Kai; Gullbrekken, Lars; Homb, Anders (SINTEF Fag;85, Research report, 2021)Målet for prosjektet "Skoler på vent" har vært å kartlegge innemiljøet og innemiljø-relaterte helseutfordringer i skolebygninger som er satt på vent, det vil si skolebygninger som venter på oppgraderinger eller som skal ...