Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Baer, Daniela"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Approaches to Social Innovation in Positive Energy Districts (PEDs)—A Comparison of Norwegian Projects
Baer, Daniela; Loewen, Bradley; Cheng, Caroline Y; Thomsen, Judith; Wyckmans, Annemie; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Ahlers, Dirk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Positive Energy District (PED) concept is a localized city and district level response to the challenges of greenhouse gas emission reduction and energy transition. With the Strategic Energy Transition (SET) Plan aiming ... -
Barn i byen. Gode oppvekstmiljøer for barn i sentrale bydeler i Trondheim
Bø, Lars Arne; Høyland, Karin; Skaar, Marianne; Wågø, Solvår Irene; Rokseth, Lillian Sve; Baer, Daniela; Gorantonaki, Evgenia; Bjørgen, Astrid; Giske, Mats Andreas (SINTEF Fag;98, Research report, 2023)Prosjektet har som mål å identifisere hvilke forutsetninger i form av verktøy og virkemidler som må på plass for å skape gode oppvekstmiljøer for barn og gjøre det attraktivt for barne-familier å bosette seg og bli boende ... -
A case study analysis of Positive Energy District concepts between Switzerland and Norway
Haase, Matthias; Baer, Daniela (Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2021)Reaching for the Global Sustainability Goals, urban areas play a crucial role, as they are identified as the main area for global emissions. Cities do play a prominent role to put global goals into local policies and means ... -
A closer look at constraints, stakeholders and boundary definitions in Energy (Master) Planning between neighbourhood and district
Haase, Matthias; Baer, Daniela (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper analyzes and contrasts the framing goals and limitations that must be considered when energy master planning is conducted for communities in six different countries. The analyses will be based on findings from ... -
Constraints, Stakeholders, and Framing Goals in Energy Master Planning Between Neighborhood and District
Haase, Matthias; Baer, Daniela (Chapter, 2021)This paper analyzes and contrasts the constraints, stakeholders, and framing goals that must be considered when Energy Master Planning (EMP) is conducted for communities in seven countries. The analysis is based on findings ... -
Deling i ZEN-områder. Casestudie med utgangspunkt i ZEN-piloten Ydalir
Baer, Daniela; Bø, Lars Arne; Gorantonaki, Evgenia; Qui, Xinlu (ZEN Report;59, Research report, 2024)Hvordan bør et ZEN-område planlegges for å legge best mulig til rette for deling? Casestudie med utgangspunkt i ZEN-piloten Ydalir Skal man få til gode delingsløsninger for mobilitet, arealer eller utstyr, må de planlegges ... -
Energy Master Planning on neighbourhood level: learnings on stakeholders and constraints from the Norwegian case of Ydalir
Baer, Daniela; Haase, Matthias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While energy planning on the building level is characterized by a limited number of stakeholders and a clear ambition setting, this situation changes when expanding to a neighbourhood level. Depending on the context of the ... -
Fra universelt utformede bygg til inkluderende områdeutvikling
Høyland, Karin; Denizou, Karine; Baer, Daniela; Evensmo, Hilde Finess; Schanche, Pernille (SINTEF Fag;50, Research report, 2018)Fra forordet: Prosjektet "Fra universelt utformede bygg til inkluderende områdeutvikling" er initiert av SINTEF Byggforsk og finansiert av midler fra Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (BUFDIR). Utgangspunkt for ... -
GIS-basert verktøy for å estimere fremtidige flomskadekostnader
Sondell, Rebecka Snefuglli; Baer, Daniela; Labonnote, Nathalie; Sivertsen, Edvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Sea level rise is a climate challenge that society will face in the years to come. Despite high awareness of the problem, adaptation measures are still largely missing. Two factors that have been identified that explain ... -
Guidelines. PI-SEC report 2.4. Regulatory and planning implications for municipalities
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Gohari, Savis; Baer, Daniela (PI-SEC;2.4, Research report, 2019)Introduction. When engineering meets pragmatism, challenges arise in terms of how to solve problems. The process of studying how instruments and tools can be improved and developed to integrate energy aspects into urban ... -
A Holistic Sustainability Evaluation of Positive Energy Districts - Planetary Boundaries Framing the Transformation of Districts
Haase, Matthias; Baer, Daniela (Chapter, 2023)The development of districts requires a distinct understanding of the current situation as well as a vision of future districts to be able to develop suit-able pathways for a sustainable transition. The concept of Positive ... -
Identifying and supporting exploratory and exploitative models of innovation in municipal urban planning; key challenges from seven Norwegian energy ambitious neighborhood pilots
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Baer, Daniela; Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The planning of energy ambitious neighborhood pilots in Norway typically begin with the creation of holistic and socially ambitious visions based on extensive stakeholder collaboration, citizen insight generation and vision ... -
Implementation of positive energy district concepts and energy master plans for decarbonization of districts
Haase, Matthias; Baer, Daniela (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In order to achieve a holistic approach to community energy planning for neighbourhoods and districts, it is crucial to provide planners, decision makers, and stakeholders with the necessary methods and instruments. However, ... -
Integrating User Needs in Sustainable Neighbourhood Transition of the Smart City – Expanding Knowledge and Insight among Professional Stakeholders
Baer, Daniela; Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar (Chapter, 2021)Climate neutral and social inclusive cities are set high on the European Agenda. The smart city approach is considered to be one measure within socio-technical systems to reach this ambition. In recent years, smart city ... -
Nullutslippsnabolag i smarte byer: Definisjon, vurderingskriterier og nøkkelindikatorer: Versjon 3.0
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Fjellheim, Kristin; Vandervaeren, Camille; Lien, Synne Krekling; Meland, Solveig; Nordström, Tobias; Baer, Daniela; Cheng, Caroline Y; Truloff, Shannon; Brattebø, Helge; Gustavsen, Arild (ZEN Report;38, Research report, 2022)Denne rapporten beskriver definisjonen, nøkkelindikatorer og vurderingskriterier som benyttes i forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområde i smarte byer (ZEN senteret). Denne tredje utgaven av ZEN-definisjonen bygger på ... -
Nytt blikk på medvirkningsprosesser i bærekraftig byutvikling
Baer, Daniela; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Gohari, Savis; Bø, Lars Arne; Junker, Eivind (ZEN Report;25, Research report, 2020)Denne rapporten viser hvordan bruk av designtenking kan gi ny kunnskap om hvordan man kan løse lokale utfordringer med innbyggerinvolvering. -
Planning for sharing neighbourhoods - Negotiating sustainable transition with adaptive governance models
Baer, Daniela; Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Thorough sharing is discussed as a promise concept to reduce emissions and enable sustainable development, little is known how the diverse approaches of sharing ranging from Collective Commons to the Sharing Economy can ... -
Planning instruments for smart energy communities. Report 2.2:A preliminary toolkit of municipal planning instruments
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Juhasz-Nagy, Eszter; Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret; Wyckmans, Annemie; Andersen, Inger; Baer, Daniela (Research report, 2017)PI-SEC addresses the thematic priority area Smart Cities and Communities and the challenge of developing effective planning instruments to improve the energy performance of built environments, and monitor corresponding ... -
Prevailing Approaches and Practices of Citizen Participation in Smart City Projects: Lessons from Trondheim, Norway
Gohari, Savis; Baer, Daniela; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Gilcher, Elena; Situmorang, Welfry Zwestin (Journal article, 2020)Citizen participation has become an important aspect in the design of smart cities. This paper investigates the frame and modality of citizen participation in a European Horizon2020 smart city project, +CityxChange, in ... -
The Potential of Design Thinking for Tackling the “Wicked Problems” of the Smart City
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Baer, Daniela; Gohari, Savis; Junker, Eivind (Chapter; Conference object, 2019)Cities’ transition to becoming ‘Smart Cities’ can be seen as one of the most complex and ‘wicked problems’ of our time; requiring cities to be able to make use of ‘bottom-up’ innovation and resources while managing a ...