Browsing SINTEF Open by Document Types "Research report"
Now showing items 1-20 of 3093
1, 2, 3 Housing! Good, affordable and energy efficient housing for refugees
(SINTEF Notat;31, Research report, 2018)Prosjektet "1, 2, 3! Boliger" har studert hvordan en bolig oppleves fra flyktningenes perspektiv. Flyktninger som bosettes i kommuner, får tildelt en bolig ved hjelp av kommunen. Kommunene har et ansvar for å stille med ... -
10 prosentsregelen: Kommunale boliger i borettslag
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);298, Research report, 2001) -
145 kV kompakte kraftledninger med belagte liner, BLX og komposittmaterialer i mastekonstruksjonen
(SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 1999) -
1st RE-food Symposium - Goa, India, Feb. 2018 - Sustainable technologies for Food processing and preservation
(SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2018:00680, Research report, 2018-06-20)There is an urgent need to provide food and feed ingredients for the growing world population while tackling the problem of food loss at a global scale at the same time. Solutions for reducing food loss and strengthening ... -
1ste delrapport fra prosjektet: Evaluering av omstillingsprosessen i Helse Sør-Øst RHFUtvidet opptaksområde. Forutsetningene for omstillingsprogrammet
(SINTEF rapport;A24485, Research report, 2014)Utvidet opptaksområde i Helse Sør Øst, forutsetningene for omstillingsprogrammet Forslaget om å slå sammen Helse Sør RHF og Helse Øst RHF ble fremmet av Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet som en del av St. prp. Nr. 44 (2006-2007) ... -
2019:00075 A - D5.1 Industrial production line for seedlings - MACROSEA WP5
(SINTEF Ocean rapporter;2019:00075 A, Research report, 2019-01-17)The production process for seedlings of macroalgae is analysed with regard to challenges and bottlenecks associated with industrial scale production. Based on issues identified for each sub-process, an action plan with ... -
25 år med selvbestemt abort
(SINTEF rapport;A2413, Research report, 2005)STF78 A052501 Rapporten bygger på en analyse av alle utførte svangerskapsavbrudd registrert i Statistisk sentralbyrå fra 1. januar 1979 til og med 31. desember 2003. I løpet av de 25 første årene med lov om selvbestemt ... -
30 tonns utslippsfri gravemaskin. Teknologistatus, kartlegging og erfaringer
(SINTEF Fag;52, Research report, 2018)Prosjektet "Zero Emission Digger" (ZED) har som hovedmål å realisere en prototyp for en utslippsfri 30 tonns beltegravemaskin. Hensikten med prosjektet er å utvikle en slik maskin fra et konseptdesign til et kommersielt ... -
97-endringen i plan- og bygningsloven og ansvarsrollene. Nye roller, det faglige ansvaret og styringen
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);385, Research report, 2004) -
A Carbon neutral power system in the Nordic region in 2050 : D3.1 in the NORSTRAT project
(SINTEF Energi; Rapport; TR A7365, Research report, 2015) -
A carbon neutral power system in the Nordic region in 2050 D3.1 in the NORSTRAT project
(SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2014) -
A Case-based Assessment of the FLUIDE Framework for Specifying Emergency Response User Interfaces
(SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)In this report, we present the results from assessing the FLUIDE Framework for model-based specification of user interfaces supporting emergency responders. First, we outline the special challenges faced when developing ... -
A feasibility study for road and weather information and variable speed limits
(SINTEF rapport;A27878, Research report, 2016) -
A feasibility study in model based prediction of impact of changes on system quality
(Research report, 2010)We propose a method, called PREDIQT, for model based prediction of impact of architecture design changes on system quality attributes. PREDIQT supports simultaneous analysis of several quality attributes and their trade-offs. ... -
A feasibility study in model based prediction of impact of changes on system quality
(Research report, 2010)We propose a method, called PREDIQT, for model based prediction of impact of architecture design changes on system quality attributes. PREDIQT supports simultaneous analysis of several quality attributes and their trade-offs. ... -
A Generic Language and Tool for Variability Modeling
(Research report, 2009)This paper presents an approach to variability modeling where variability models are made in a separate, generic language CVL (Common Variability Language) that works with any other language defined by a metamodel. CVL ... -
A guide to dayligthting and solar shading systems at high latitude
(ZEB Project report;3, Research report, 2011) -
A Handbook for Product development using 3 Dimensional Concurrent Engineering
(SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2018)This report is intended as guide for manufacturing enterprises wanting to try 3- Dimensional Product Development for themselves. It is built on experiences from aconcrete Product Development Project, but here the participants ... -
A linear State-Space Model of an Offshore Wind Turbine, Implemented in the STAS Wind Power Plant Analysis Program
(SINTEF Energi. Rapport;TR A7474, Research report, 2015)A set of MATlab/Octave scripts have been developed, which output state matrices describing the linearized aerolastic dynamics of an offshore wind turbine. The aerodynamic model is based on momentum balance,and includes ... -
A Lower Bound for the Node, Edge, and ArcRouting Problem
(Research report, 2011)The Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem (NEARP) was defined by Prins and Bouchenoua in 2004. They also proposed a memetic algorithm procedure and defined a set of test instances: the so-called CBMix benchmark. The NEARP ...