Blar i SINTEF Open på dokumenttype "Research report"
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A mathematical model for the nurse rostering system
(Research report, 2011)The model we present in this report is mainly developed on work done together with the company Gatsoft AS. With minor changes and extensions, a version of the model has been implemented and delivered to Gatsoft as a plug-in ... -
A Method for Model-Driven Information Flow Security
(Research report, 2009)We present a method for software development in which information flow security is taken into consideration from start to finish. Initially, the user of the method (i.e., a software developer) specifies the ... -
A modular approach to the modelling and analysis of risk scenarios with mutual depenencies
(Research report, 2008)This report describes a modular approach to the modelling and analysis of risk scenarios with mutual dependencies. The presented approach may be used to deduce the risk-level of an overall system from previous risk analyses ... -
A new Norwegian bioeconomy based on cultivation and processing of seaweeds: Opportunities and R&D needs
(Research report, 2014) -
A new Norwegian bioeconomy based on cultivation and processing of seaweeds: Opportunities and R&D needs
(SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk reports;A25981, Research report, 2014-06-03)Cultivation of macroalgae at the lowest trophic level, using only sunlight and nutrients from the sea while taking up CO:z, will have a neutral carbon footprint and the biomass will contribute significantly to meet the ... -
A new Norwegian bioeconomy based on cultivation and processing of seaweeds: Opportunities and R&D needs
(SINTEF Rapport;A25981, Research report, 2014) -
A Norwegian ZEB Definition Guideline
(ZEB Project report;29, Research report, 2016)The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive and consistent guideline for the Norwegian definition of Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB) and the associated calculation methodologies. The guidelines described in ... -
A Norwegian ZEB-definition embodied emission
(ZEB Project report;17, Research report, 2014)This report deals with how to define what a Zero Emission Building (ZEB) is with explanation and analysis of different parameters related to embodied emissions of CO2 equivalents. The report can be used as a guidance tool ... -
A preliminary investigation of the potential of radar-based short-term precipitation forecasting in Central Norway : an Experiment on using Lagrangian persistence for nowcasting of two events
(SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2013) -
A preliminary study on using manufactured sand from Jelsa Quarry for the production of plastic concrete mixes. FA 2 Competitive constructions. SP 2.3 High quality manufactured sand for concrete
(COIN Project report;42, Research report, 2012) -
A productivity study of Norwegian construction industry
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);45, Research report, 1988) -
A Review of the Physics of Aircraft Trailing Vortices
(Research report, 2015)In this review the formation, movement and persistence of aircraft trailing vortices are discussed. The focus is on parameters that are important for the safety and productivity of air travel and transport. This ... -
A Segregated Implicit Pressure Projection Method for Turbulent Flows
(Research report, 2007)In the present report an improved solution algorithm is described for the SIMRA program. The algorithm is a segregated, implicit projection method, which improves the stability property substantially. Although the computer ... -
A short review of the state-of-the-art of pneumatic oil barriers and bubble flotation at sea
(SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A103024, Research report, 2010-03-22)The authors have reviewed sources of information relevant to the use of air bubbles to develop new technology for combating oil spills at sea, including an overview of the status of oil spill response in Norwegian waters. ... -
A stochastic weather generator based on resampling historical ensemble weather forecasts and its application to hydrological simulation
(SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2017) -
A survey of approaches for prioritizing trains in congested railroad networks
(Research report, 2012) -
A Survey of Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem Part I: Basic Problems and Supply Side Extensions
(Research report, 2008)This survey paper reviews the recent heuristic and metaheuristic solution methods for the well-known capacitated vehicle routing problem and arc routing problem as well as several extensions of the basic problems related ... -
A Survey of Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem Part II: Demand Side Extensions
(Research report, 2008)This survey paper presents a review of the recent heuristic and metaheuristic solution techniques for different extensions of the well-known capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) that are related to the demand type. ... -
A survey of the requirements for emission-free building and construction sites
(SINTEF Fag;86 E, Research report, 2021)The City of Oslo’s Climate Agency has engaged SINTEF to carry out a survey of emissionfree building and construction sites for Oslo Municipality's projects. The principal themes are electricity supply, emission-free ... -
A Systematic Method for Risk-driven Test Case Design Using Annotated Sequence Diagrams
(SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2014)Risk-driven testing is a testing approach that aims at focusing the testing on the aspects or features of the system under test that are most exposed to risk. Current risk-driven testing approaches succeed in identifying ...