• A zero emission concept analysis of an office building 

      Dokka, Tor Helge; Kristjansdottir, Torhildur; Time, Berit; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Haase, Matthias; Tønnesen, Jens (ZEB Project report;8, Research report, 2013)
      The main aim of the work has been to do modeling and calculations of the energy use, embodied emission and the total CO2-emissions for a typical Norwegian office building. The goal is to find the most important parameters ...
    • Inndeling av Norge i klimasoner 

      Tokle, Trude; Tønnesen, Jens (Rapport. SINTEF Energi AS;TR A4856, Research report, 1999)
    • Life cycle inventory library for embodied emissions in ventilation components 

      Bergsdal, Håvard; Tønnesen, Jens; Borg, Alexander; Solli, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Technical components are generally poorly described in environmental assessments of buildings. In this work, an extensive library of life cycle inventories for generic ventilation components and dimensions have been developed ...