Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Suul, Jon Are Wold"
Now showing items 1-20 of 64
30 tonns utslippsfri gravemaskin. Teknologistatus, kartlegging og erfaringer
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Sundseth, Kyrre; Ødegård, Anders; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Azrague, Kamal; Haukaas, Nils-Olav; Ibsen, Jan Ivar; Lekanger, Randi; Ianssen, Christina (SINTEF Fag;52, Research report, 2018)Prosjektet "Zero Emission Digger" (ZED) har som hovedmål å realisere en prototyp for en utslippsfri 30 tonns beltegravemaskin. Hensikten med prosjektet er å utvikle en slik maskin fra et konseptdesign til et kommersielt ... -
A Comparative Study of Methods for Estimating Virtual Flux at the Point of Common Coupling in Grid-Connected Voltage Source Converters with LCL Filter
Roslan, Nurul Fazlin; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Rocabert, Joan; Rodríguez, Pedro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Grid synchronization based on virtual flux (VF) estimation allows for control of grid-connected power converter without depending on ac-voltage measurements. This is useful in voltage-sensor-less applications for reducing ... -
A Virtual synchronous machine implementation for distributed control of power transformers in SmartGrids
D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Fosso, Olav B (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The ongoing evolution of the power system towards a “SmartGrid” implies a dominant role of powerelectronic converters, but poses strict requirements on their control strategies to preserve stability andcontrollability. In ... -
Analysis of MMC Dynamics in DQZ Coordinates for Vertical and Horizontal Energy Balancing Control
Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert; Freytes, Julian; Guillaud, Xavier; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper presents a control system implementation in dqz-coordinates for equalizing the average energies stored in each arm of a Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC); a control objective that is typically referred to as ... -
Applying Vector Fitting for Measurement-based Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Model Identification of a Grid-Forming Converter
Reis, Lisa; Smith, Andrew MacMillan; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper presents an approach for applying Vector Fitting (VF) to identify a small-signal state-space model of a power electronic converter represented as a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. A workflow for ... -
Bedre mobilitet med selvkjørende buss på Sula. Forprosjekt
Lervåg, Lone-Eirin; Lillestøl, Per J; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Fagerholt, Randi Ann; Hjelkrem, Odd Andre; Olsen, Martin Fredrik; Dahl, Dahl (SINTEF rapport;2022:00321, Research report, 2022)Rapporten dokumenterer resultater fra et forprosjekt i Frøya kommune, hvor formålet har vært å frembringe et nødvendig kunnskapsgrunnlag for realisering av et transporttilbud med selvkjørende buss for øysamfunnet på Sula. ... -
Bisection Algorithm based Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel Converters
Hamayoon, Saad; Hovd, Morten; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this work, an idea based on the bisection algorithm is used to reduce the computational burden of indirect finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) for modular multilevel converters (MMCs). The proposed ... -
Classification and analysis of impact on small-signal dynamics and stability from expansion of VSC-HVDC systems to multi-terminal HVDC grids
D'Arco, Salvatore; Beerten, Jef; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper presents a structured approach for analysing the effect of HVDC transmission system expansion on the small signal dynamics. The methodology decomposes the expansion of the system into a sequence of steps and ... -
Combination of Backstepping and Reduced Indirect FCS-MPC for Modular Multilevel Converters
Hamayoon, Saad; Hovd, Morten; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this paper, backstepping is applied as a first step of modulation control in the abc reference frame for modular multilevel converters (MMCs). In the second step, reduced indirect FCS-MPC is applied where the number of ... -
Combination of Backstepping and Reduced Indirect FCS-MPC for Modular Multilevel Converters
Hamayoon, Saad; Hovd, Morten; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this paper, backstepping is applied as a first step of modulation control in the abc reference frame for modular multilevel converters (MMCs). In the second step, reduced indirect FCS-MPC is applied where the number of ... -
Comparative Analysis of Small-Signal Dynamics in Virtual Synchronous Machines and Frequency-Derivative-Based Inertia Emulation
Suul, Jon Are Wold; D'Arco, Salvatore (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper presents a comparison of small-signal dynamics for a current controlled Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM), a voltage controlled VSM and a df/dt-based control strategy for inertia emulation. The comparison is ... -
Configuration and model order selection of frequency-dependent π-models for representing dc-cables in small-signal eigenvalue analysis of HVDC transmission systems
D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Beerten, Jef (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Eigenvalue-based analysis of small-signal dynamics in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems requires cable models that are compatible with a state-space representation. While distributed parameter models ... -
Coordinated Voltage-Frequency Control for High-Efficiency Full-Range Operation of Inductive Battery Charging Systems with Large Coupling Variations
Zhou, Jiayu; Guidi, Giuseppe; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper presents a coordinated voltage-frequency control (CVFC) method for inductive battery charging systems that ensures full-range output power control at high efficiencies over large variations in coupling conditions. ... -
A Current Controlled Virtual Synchronous Machine Adapted for Operation under Unbalanced Conditions
Avdiaj, Eros; Suul, Jon Are Wold; D'Arco, Salvatore; Piegari, Luigi (International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of control strategies for operation of a Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM) under unbalanced conditions in both grid-connected and islanded mode. The basis for the evaluation ... -
Decentralized Energy Management Concept for Urban Charging Hubs with Multiple V2G Aggregators
Gümrükcü, Erdem; Klemets, Jonatan Ralf Axel; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Ponci, Ferdinanda; Monti, Antonello (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This work introduces a decentralized management concept for the urban charging hubs (UCHs) where electric vehicles (EVs) can access multiple charger clusters, each controlled by an aggregator. The given day ahead schedules ... -
Decoupled Active and Reactive Power Controllers for Damping Low-Frequency Oscillations using Virtual Synchronous Machines
Jankovic, Njegos; Roldan-Pérez, Javier; Prodanovic, Milan; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Rouco, Luis (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this paper, a power oscillation damping (POD) controller embedded in virtual synchronous machines (VSMs) is proposed. This controller suggests the decoupled use of both active and reactive powers to damp low-frequency ... -
Dynamic Wireless Charging of Autonomous Vehicles: Small-scale demonstration of inductive power transfer as an enabling technology for self-sufficient energy supply
Guidi, Giuseppe; Lekkas, Anastasios M.; Stranden, Jon Eivind; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Recent developments toward selfdriving cars combined with technology for wireless inductive power transfer can enable electric vehicles that are fully autonomous with respect to operation and energy requirements. Furthermore, ... -
Energy and infrastructure - demands and requirements
Rennemo, Ola Martin; Hjelkrem, Odd Andre; Kristensen, Terje; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Brauhaus, Peter; Aamodt, Arne (Research report, 2018) -
Enhancement of Steady State Response of Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control
Hamayoon, Saad; Hovd, Morten; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this work, a simple method is presented to improve the steady-state response of indirect finite control set model predictive control (I-FCS-MPC) techniques. The I-FCSMPC methods return the discrete optimal solution, and ... -
Evaluation and Suppression of Oscillations in Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load and Pulse Skipping Modulation
Zhou, Jiayu; Guidi, Giuseppe; Ljøkelsøy, Kjell; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper identifies how Constant Voltage Load (CVL) characteristics cause Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) systems to exhibit a poorly damped oscillation mode. When operated with pulse skipping strategies such as Pulse ...