Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Pinel, Dimitri"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
The Aggregation of Wind Time-Series in Capacity Expansion Models
Reulein, Dana; Li, Carmen; Pinel, Dimitri; Andresen, Christian Andre; Farahmand, Hossein; Parvania, Masood (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Capacity Expansion Models (CEMs) are widely used in the academic literature to understand the needs and dynamics of highly renewable energy systems. Due to computational constraints, it is common to aggregate time-series ... -
Assessing the potential of seasonal thermal storage for local energy systems: Case study for a neighborhood in Norway
Kauko, Hanne; Pinel, Dimitri; Graabak, Ingeborg; Wolfgang, Ove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)District heating has an important role in the shift to carbon-neutral energy systems through enabling the use of heat sources that would otherwise be wasted to cover buildings’ heating demands. The availability of many ... -
Consequences of Local Energy Supply in Norway: A case study on the ZEN pilot project Campus Evenstad
Backe, Stian; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Pinel, Dimitri; Clauß, John; Lausselet, Carine; Woods, Ruth (ZEN Report;17, Research report, 2019)Denne rapporten vurderer Campus Evenstad på veien mot ZEN. Hensikten med rapporten er å vurdere hvilke tiltak som er relevante fremover for å realisere energimål knyttet til ZEN, og den skal gi en forståelse for potensial, ... -
Cost Optimal Design of ZEN’s Energy System: Model Presentation and Case Study on Evenstad
Pinel, Dimitri; Korpås, Magnus; Lindberg, Karen Byskov (Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization : ISESO 2018, Chapter; Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2019)Zero Emission Neighborhoods (ZEN) is a concept studied in particular in the research center on ZEN in smart cities in Norway to reduce the CO2 emissions of neighborhoods. One question coming along this concept is how to ... -
Energifleksibilitet i bygg og områder
Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Kauko, Hanne Laura Pauliina; Backe, Stian; Sartori, Igor; Askeland, Magnus; Pinel, Dimitri; Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain; Thorvaldsen, Kasper Emil; Korpås, Magnus (FME ZEN Policy Brief;3, Others, 2024)Fleksibel energibruk er en nødvendig del av et energisystem basert på fornybar energi. I dette notatet gir FME ZEN anbefalinger for tiltak som kan øke energifleksibiliteten i bygg og områder. Vi beskriver status og muligheter ... -
Energy efficiency and conservation - Nordic Energy Outlooks - Final report WP3
Andersson, Leif Erik; Andersen, Kristoffer Steen; Haaskjold, Kristina; Johansson, Sara; Kannan, Shravan Kumar Pinayur; Lien, Synne Krekling; Qiu, Kang; Martin, Viktoria; Mata, Érika; Olkkonen, Ville; Pinel, Dimitri; Sandvall, Akram; Wisell, Tomas; Särnbratt, Mirjam; Manrique Delgado, Benjamin (Research report, 2023) -
Fossil‐free and resource efficient transport - Nordic Energy Outlooks - Final report WP4
Hansson, Julia; Unluturk, Burcu; Wisell, Tomas; Chang, Miguel; Haaskjold, Kristina; Hvidsten, Tobias Verheugen; Zeyringer, Marianne; Hasager, Mette; Vested, Malene Hovgaard; Babri, Sahar; Pinel, Dimitri; Hjelkrem, Odd Andre (Research report, 2023) -
Impact of the CO2 factor of electricity and the external CO2 compensation price on zero emission neighborhoods’ energy system design
Pinel, Dimitri; Korpås, Magnus; Lindberg, Karen Byskov (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Existing literature on Zero Emission Neighborhoods(ZENs) and Buildings (ZEBs) only allow for reaching the zero emission target locally. This paper evaluates the impact of allowing to buy CO2 compensation to reach that ... -
Impact of the Offshore Wind Development Plans in the North Sea on the Decarbonization of the European Energy System
Pinel, Dimitri; Reulein, Dana; Andresen, Christian Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Large amounts of offshore wind (OW) power are expected to be installed in the North Sea in the next decades with countries aiming for a total of 300 GW by 2050 as stated in the Ostend declaration. This scale-up will help ... -
Innovasjonsrapport 2020. Forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (FME ZEN)
Bergsdal, Håvard; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Cervenka, Zdena; Holm, Øystein; Thomsen, Judith; Sartori, Igor; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Stokke, Raymond Andreas; De Boer, Luitzen; Hamdan, Hasan; Holmen, Elsebeth; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Backe, Stian; Kauko, Hanne; Georges, Laurent; Walnum, Harald Taxt; Lien, Synne Krekling; Skaar, Christofer; Wolfgang, Ove; Brattebø, Helge; Lausselet, Carine; Resch, Eirik; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Pinel, Dimitri; Thorvaldsen, Kasper Emil; Alonso, Maria Justo; Askeland, Magnus; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Favero, Matteo; Carlucci, Salvatore; Liu, Peng (ZEN Report;28, Research report, 2020)Forord. Forskning og innovasjon er grunnpilaren i vår visjon om å utvikle bærekraftige områder med null klimagassutslipp. Innovasjonskomiteen skal bistå senterledelsen i dette arbeidet gjennom å etablere gode innovasjonsprosesser ... -
Opportunities for Local Energy Supply in Norway: A Case Study of a University Campus Site
Backe, Stian; Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Pinel, Dimitri; Clauß, John; Lausselet, Carine (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Neighbourhoods can contribute to climate change mitigation by supplying and/or facilitating renewable energy sources (RES). In this context, we evaluate opportunities related to the energy system of a Norwegian university ... -
Sesonglagring av varme for lokale energisystem – analyse av potensialet på Furuset
Kauko, Hanne; Wolfgang, Ove; Pinel, Dimitri (ZEN Report;35, Research report, 2021)Sesonglagring for varme som et tiltak for redusert effektbehov. Bruk av overskuddsvarme sammen med fjernvarme for å dekke oppvarmingsbehov i områder er et viktig tiltak for å frigjøre kapasitet i strømnettet til ... -
Workflow-Based Architecture for Optimal Planning of Integrated Local Multi-Energy Systems
Askeland, Magnus; Morch, Andrei Z; Papadimitriou, Christina; Di Somma, Marialaura; Coccia, Alesso; Pinel, Dimitri; Richardson, Peter; Sforza, Gianluca (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Integrated local multi-energy systems are recognized as a promising option to achieve the ambitious energy and climate goals set by the European Commission for 2030. The nature of integrated systems requires a sound ... -
Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in the European Energy System
Backe, Stian; Pinel, Dimitri; Askeland, Magnus; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Korpås, Magnus; Tomasgard, Asgeir (ZEN Report;30, Research report, 2021)Implications of linking local and international emission targets. Political ambitions to mitigate climate change are driving the transformation of energy systems. These ambitions imply that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ...