Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Larsen, Kjell"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Active truncation of slender marine structures: Influence of thecontrol system on Fidelity
Sauder, Thomas Michel; Marelli, Stefano; Larsen, Kjell; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05)Performing hydrodynamic model testing of ultra-deep water floating systems at a reasonable scale ischallenging, due to the limited space available in existing laboratories and to the large spatial extent ofthe slender ... -
Analysis of S–N data for new and corroded mooring chains at varying mean load levels using a hierarchical linear model
Lone, Erling Neerland; Maincon, Philippe Emmanuel; Gabrielsen, Øystein; Sauder, Thomas Michel; Larsen, Kjell; Leira, Bernt Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Results from full scale fatigue tests of offshore mooring chains are analyzed. The data set includes new and used chains, tested at a variety of mean load levels. The used chains have been retrieved after operation offshore ... -
Fatigue reliability of mooring chains, including mean load and corrosion effects
Lone, Erling Neerland; Sauder, Thomas Michel; Larsen, Kjell; Leira, Bernt Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A reliability formulation for mooring chain fatigue is developed, including the effects of mean load and degradation due to corrosion. They are included by starting from a S-N model with parameterized dependence to the ... -
Low Frequency Excitation and Damping of Four MODUs in Severe Seastates With Current
Fonseca, Nuno; Stansberg, Carl Trygve; Larsen, Kjell; Bjørkli, Rune; Vigesdal, Tjerand; Dalane, Oddgeir (ASME digital collection;OMAE2018-77873, Chapter, 2018-06-26)Model tests have been performed with four mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) with the aim of identifying wave drift forces and low frequency damping. The MODUs configuration is different, namely on the number and ... -
Probabilistic fatigue model for design and life extension of mooring chains, including mean load and corrosion effects
Lone, Erling Neerland; Sauder, Thomas Michel; Larsen, Kjell; Leira, Bernt Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A probabilistic model for mooring chain fatigue damage is developed based on the S–N approach. The effects of mean load and corrosion condition on the fatigue capacity of the chains are included by adopting a parameterized ... -
Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Top Tensioned Riser: a Numerical Case Study on Interface Time-Delays and Truncation Ratio
Sauder, Thomas Michel; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Larsen, Kjell (ASME 2017;OMAE2017-62498, Chapter, 2017)This paper investigates the applicability of real-time hybrid model testing (ReaTHM testing) to the study of offshore systems in deep water. The focus is in particular on slender marine structures connecting floating ...