Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Aasta Hansteen blend– Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2020 A-049
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2020 A-049, Research report, 2020-04-27)A weathering study has been conducted on Aasta Hansteen blend condensate. The study is based on a small-scale laboratory testing at 13 °C. The SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM) was used to predict the weathering properties ... -
Breidablikk – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;2023:00459 A, Research report, 2023-04-17)A standardized bench-scale weathering and dispersibility study has been conducted on Breidablikk crude oil at 5 and 13 °C. The dispersibility testing on Breidablikk was included to estimate the viscosity limits and time ... -
Bøyla crude oil - properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF reports;A27496, Research report, 2016-01-28)A study of the weathering properties of the Søyla crude oil was performed as a bench scale laboratory study. The study included testing of dispersibility in addition to determining several chemical, physical and emulsifying ... -
Characterisation of fine-grained tailings from a marble processing plant and their acute effects on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus
Farkas, Julia; Altin, Dag; Hammer, Karen Marie; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Booth, Andy; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Submarine tailing disposal (STD) of mining waste is practiced as an alternative to land fill disposal in several countries. Knowledge of the environmental implications of STD on fjord and other marine ecosystems, including ... -
Characterization of oil properties and weathering studies on Statfjord crude oils
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2021 A-090, Research report, 2021-10-26)Phase 1: The basic physio-chemical properties of eight crude oils from the Statfjord oil field have been screened. Based on an overall evaluation of the results, two of the Statfjord crude oils were further selected to ... -
Comparison of predicted properties of Ekofisk oils based on Crude Assay data - Evaluation of the predicted behaviour of satellites relative to previous studies.
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Brandvik, Per Johan (SINTEF reports;A27361, Research report, 2015-12-03) -
Dispergeringstesting og vurdering av dispergeringsmidler på ulike oljeprodukter distillate (HDME 50), Ultra-Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Light (ULSFO), distillate Heavy Fuel (MGO), Oil Heavy (HFO) - OC2019 A-090
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Johnsen, Marius; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2019 A-090, Research report, 2019-06-11)Målsettingen med dette prosjektet har vært å utføre dispergeringstester som inkluderer både screening og doseringstesting med ulike dispergeringsmidler, og teste disse på ulike oljeprodukter av type marin gassolje (MGO), ... -
Kvitebjørn condensate – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2019 A-097, Research report, 2019-08-15)A weathering study has been conducted on the Kvitebjørn condensate. This study is based on a small-sea le laboratory testing at 13 °C. The SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM) was used to predict the weathering properties of ... -
Lille Prinsen – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea In relation to oil spill response - OC2022 A-049
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Pettersen, Thor-Arne; Johnsen, Marius; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2022 A-049, Research report, 2022-05-16)A standardized bench-scale and meso-scale flume testing weathering study has been conducted on Lille Prinsen crude oil at 13 °C. The dispersibility testing on Lille Prinsen was included to estimate the viscosity limits and ... -
Limited laboratory study of Rolvsnes in comparison with existing weathering properties of Edvard Grieg and Solveig crude oils - OC2021 A-117
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2021 A-117, Research report, 2022-01-04)A limited laboratory study of Rolvsnes crude oil has been conducted to compare the obtained weathering data with the existing properties of Edvard Grieg (previous Luno) crude oil, in addition to Solveig (previous Luno II) ... -
Luno II crude oil - properties and weathering at sea - related to oil spill response
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Johnsen, Marius (SINTEF Rapport;A26115, Research report, 2014-05-13)A study of the weathering properties of Luno II has been performed using both small and meso-scale laboratory testing at two temperatures, 5°C and 13°C. The obtained data was used as input in the SINTEF Oil Weathering Model ... -
Modernisation and updating of SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM} - Extending and recalibration of the Crude Assay (CA) module in SINTEF OWM
Brandvik, Per Johan; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Sørheim, Kristin Rist (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2018 A-040, Research report, 2018-05-15)SINTEF har siden åttitallet foretatt forvitringsstudier på en rekke oljetyper (både norske og utenlandske). Hovedmålsettingen med disse forvitringsstudiene har vært å predikere oljenes forvitringsegenskaper dvs. hvordan ... -
Oda crude oil – Weathering Properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response -
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Johnsen, Marius; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean AS rapporter;2019:01159 A, Research report, 2019-11-01)A weathering study including dispersibility has been conducted on Oda crude oil. This study included a standardized small-scale laboratory testing and a meso-scale flume experiment at 13 °C. The SINTEF Oil Weathering Model ... -
Sigyn condensate - properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response
Øksenvåg, Jane Helén Carlsen; Daling, Per Snorre; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Johnsen, Marius (SINTEF Ocean reports;OC2017 A-137, Research report, 2017-08-15) -
Utgard condensate - Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2021A-060
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF rapporter;OC2021A-060, Research report, 2021-07-27)A weathering study has been conducted on Utgard condensate. The weathering study is based on a small-scale laboratory testing at 13 °C. The SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM) is used to predict the weathering properties of ... -
Vale crude oil - properties and behaviour at sea
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Andreassen, Irene (SINTEF Rapport;A25949, Research report, 2014) -
Vale crude oil - properties and behaviour at sea
Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie; Andreassen, Irene (SINTEF;A25949, Research report, 2014-02-18)A small scale study of the weathering properties of Vale crude oil has been performed at S°C and 13°C in SINTEFs laboratory. The data are used as input for SINTEF's Oil Weathering Model (OWM} to predict the properties and ... -
Visund Sør condensate and Visund crude oil– Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2020 A-110
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2020 A-110 - O, Research report, 2020-09-02)A weathering study has been conducted on Visund Sør condensate and Visund crude oil. The weathering study is based on a small-scale laboratory testing at 13 °C. The SINTEF Oil Weathering Model (OWM was used to predict the ... -
Weathering study of TOR II and evaluation of oil weathering properties on Eldfisk S and Ekofisk J - In relation to oil spill response and evaluation of the predicted behaviour relative to previous studies of Ekofisk oils - OC2022 A-050
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Hellstrøm, Kaja Cecilie (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2022 A-050, Research report, 2022-05-19)SINTEF Ocean has performed a standardized small-scale weathering study, including dispersibility testing, on TOR II. Limited laboratory studies were conducted for Ekofisk J and Eldfisk S to compare the weathering properties ...