Blar i SINTEF Open på forfatter "Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai"
DSO and LEC Collaboration Strategies for Voltage Regulation
Rana, Rubi; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Sperstad, Iver Bakken; Askeland, Magnus; Taxt, Henning (SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2024)This report explores the long-term perspective of Local Energy Community (LEC) integration, considering future grid challenges like load increases leading to voltage problems. It examines the role of LECs in reducing peak ... -
Experiences from the introduction of a hybrid energy and capacity-based distribution grid tariff in Norway
Kiel, Erlend Sandø; Sæle, Hanne; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai (Journal article, 2024)The electrification of society increases the strain on the existing electricity infrastructure. Grid tariffs can be used to incentivize lowered customer peak electricity demand and more efficient usage of existing energy ... -
Faster decarbonization of heavy industries in low-carbon power grids: Using process flexibility for handling grid congestions
Foslie, Sverre Stefanussen; Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Korpås, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Industrial decarbonization requires substantial electricity and grid infrastructure. Policies are developed and significant funds are being directed to decarbonize electricity generation and incentivize investments in ... -
Grid tariff design and peak demand shaving: A comparative tariff analysis with simulated demand response
Hofmann, Matthias; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Sæle, Hanne; Lindberg, Karen Byskov (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)The electrification of the energy system requires significant grid expansion, raising the question of how to defer investments through efficient utilisation of the existing grid. Cost-reflective grid tariff designs that ... -
Integration of Local Energy Communities in Electricity Distribution Grids: FINE project deliverable
Askeland, Magnus; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Taxt, Henning; Berg, Kjersti; Morch, Andrei Z; Rana, Rubi; Degefa, Merkebu Zenebe; Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres (SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2024)This report investigates the integration of Local Energy Communities (LECs) into electricity distribution networks, with a focus on enhancing grid flexibility, optimizing resource use, and supporting the transition to ... -
Kartlegging av fleksibilitetsordninger hos næringskunder (CINELDI-rapport 01:2024)
Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Sperstad, Iver Bakken; Sæle, Hanne (Research report, 2024) -
Local electricity market pricing mechanisms’ impact on welfare distribution, privacy and transparency
Dynge, Marthe Fogstad; Berg, Kjersti; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Cali, Umit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Norwegian hourly residential electricity demand data with consumer characteristics during the European energy crisis
Hofmann, Matthias; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Nessa, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This dataset was collected to understand how Norwegian households responded to the electricity price shock due to the European energy crisis. It consists of consumer characteristics and their self-reported responses to the ... -
Value stacking flexibility services in neighborhoods participating in fast frequency reserve markets
Stai, Peter Elias Halle; Bjarghov, Sigurd Nikolai; Thorvaldsen, Kasper Emil; Backe, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)