Browsing SINTEF Open by Document Types "Lecture"
Now showing items 21-40 of 153
An Overview of Quality Frameworks in Model-Driven Engineering and Observations on Transformation Quality
(Lecture, 2007)Quality is often defined as fitness for purpose which is the key property to determine when evaluating quality. This paper presents some general requirements for evaluating quality frameworks. It also discusses characteristics ... -
Applied Optimization at SINTEF
(Lecture, 2008) -
Approximate Implicitization and Approximate Null Spaces
(Lecture, 2010)Easy conversion of elementary curves and surfaces (lines, circles, ellipses, planes, spheres, cylinders, cones,. . . ) to rational parametric and implicit representations is central in many algorithms used in CAD-systems. ... -
Approximate implicitization and CAD-type intersection algorithms
(Lecture, 2007)When developing CAD-type intersection algorithms for NonUniform Rational B-splines surfaces (NURBS) is important to ensure that the algorithm identifies all intersection branches. For transversal intersections this is ... -
Approximate Implicitization using Chebyshev Polynomials
(Lecture, 2011)Whereas traditional approaches to implicitization of rational parametric curves have focused on exact methods, the past two decades have seen increased interest in the application of approximate methods for implicitization. ... -
Approximate Implicitization using Linear Algebra
(Lecture, 2011)In this talk we consider a range of methods for exact and approximate implicitization of rational parametric curves and surfaces using linear algebra. The framework of numerical linear algebra provides a large family of ... -
Aspects of routing problems in media product distribution
(Lecture, 2010)Efficient construction and revision of delivery routes for newspapers and other media products is critical. We illustrate important aspects of routing problems in this industry. Typically, the goal is to optimize on several ... -
Big Data, Data Science, and Machine Learning
(Lecture, 2018) -
Blending fra vegarbeidsplassen
(Lecture, 2008)Vegarbeid blir stadig oftere utført nattestid for å redusere ulemper for trafikken. Dette medfører at trafikanten ledes inn på veger med uvant og kanskje uvanlig kurvatur og beskaffenhet, samtidig som det er mørkt. Derfor ... -
Bonding technology for rough environments
(Lecture, 2010) -
Brukervennlige applikasjoner på mobiltelefon
(Lecture, 2010)Hver enkelt deltager i workshopen skal presentere sin favorittmobiltelefonapplikasjon, og sammen med andre deltagerne diskutere hva som gjør at applikasjonen er god. Workshopen skal resultere i en sjekkliste for hva som ... -
Business and pleasure? Relational interaction in conversational UX
(Lecture, 2018) -
Calibration of a Multi-Object Spectrometer with Programmable and Arbitrary Field of View
(Lecture, 2010)Employing digital micro-mirror devices to simultaneously select illumination and detection regions, increases flexibility in spectral measurements. We present a method for collecting regional reference spectra, for optimum ... -
Challenges and solutions for user interface design on mobile devices
(Lecture, 2007)The main goal of the FLAMICO (FLexible Applications exploiting Multi modal INteraction andContext) BIP project (176828/S10) is to facilitate Norwegian service and application developers aswell as tool vendors in meeting ... -
Challenges for Mobile Solutions for Emergency Response
(Lecture, 2009) -
Challenges of Isogeometric Representation for CAD
(Lecture, 2010)Isogeometric Analysis has the potential to achieve efficient integration of CAD and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) by introducing accurate shape representation in analysis. The success of isogeometric analysis will depend ... -
Characterization and polarization resolved simulation of diffractive optical elements
(Lecture, 2008)We present our activity on the characterization and simulation of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) for near infrared spectroscopy. The DOE surface is designed to direct and focus light of a limited set of wavelengths ... -
Cloud Computing and Future Trends
(Lecture, 2010)