Browsing Rapporter fra SINTEF Community by Title
Now showing items 548-567 of 792
Partnerskapets innovasjoner
(Klima 2050 Report;41, Research report, 2023) -
På lag med befolkningen.. Medvirkningsplanlegging i tre tettsteder. Erfaringer fra Løten, Moelv og Vinstra 1994-96 med nærmiljøarbeid som drivkraft i tettstedsforbedring
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);230, Research report, 1998) -
På veg mot universelt utformede boliger? Utviklingen belyst fra tilbudssiden i boligmarkedet
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);408, Research report, 2006) -
Perspectives on ambitious goals and collaboration
(ZEN Report;65, Research report, 2024)How can we ensure that buildings/areas are realized as intended? How can we ensure good processes for a zero-emission area? What are the possibilities, limitations, and effects of collaboration in meeting ambitious goals? ... -
Perspektiver på boligforskning
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);251, Research report, 1998) -
Phantom braking in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Driver experience and Car manufacturer warnings in Owner manuals
(Research report, 2021)The present report describes the work carried out with the main goal to map and identify the occurrence of phantom braking, to identify under which special conditions these episodes happen more often, and to reveal the ... -
Physical properties of Norwegian mineral fillers investigated by different methods. FA 2 Competitive constructions. SP 2.1 High quality manufactured sand for concrete
(COIN Project report;43, Research report, 2012) -
Pilot Building Powerhouse Kjørbo. As Built Report
(ZEB Project report;35, Research report, 2017)Powerhouse Kjørbo, located in Sandvika near Oslo, consists of two office blocks from the 1980´s that have been upgraded to energy-efficient and modern offices. The Powerhouse goal is that the refurbished buildings over ... -
(Klima 2050 Report;44, Research report, 2023) -
Possibilities for Supplying Norwegian Apartment Blocks with 4th Generation District Heating
(ZEN Report;8, Research report, 2018)This report is a part of Work Package 4 Energy Flexible Neighbourhoods. The goal for WP 4 is to develop knowledge, technologies and solutions for design and operation of energy flexible neighbourhoods. 4th generation ... -
Potensial- og barrierestudie. Energitjenester i næringsbygg
(SINTEF rapport, Research report, 2021)Energibruk i næringsbygg unntatt industribygg utgjør 14 % (31 TWh i 2019) av total energibruk i Fastlands-Norge, og redusert energibruk i bygningsmassen er viktig i utviklingen av framtidens energisystem og for å frigjøre ... -
Pozzolana from minerals – State of the art. COIN P1 Advanced cementing materials and admixtures. SP 1.4F Alternative pozzolans
(COIN Project report;16, Research report, 2009) -
Practical methods to assess segregation risk of SCC on site. FA: Competitive constructions SP 2.1 Robust and highly flowable concrete with controlled surface quality
(COIN Project report;59, Research report, 2015)Many of the suggested methods for testing of SCC stability are quite demanding in execution and therefore seldom used in field. Furthermore, questions have been raised about how well they represent the stability problems ... -
Presentasjon av casestudier i REBO
(SINTEF Notat;6, Research report, 2013)REBO er et kortnavn for Husbankens fireårige strategiske forskningsprogram ”God boligkvalitet for alle – utfordringer og løsninger for etterkrigstidens boligblokker” 2008–2012. I denne rapporten beskrives studier av ... -
Prisutviklingen på selveide boliger. En empirisk analyse av perioden 1991 - 2000
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);323, Research report, 2002) -
Private planer - offentlige utfordringer. Behandling av kompliserte byggesake og private planforslag i fire kommuner
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);290, Research report, 2000) -
Production and Utilisation of Manufactured Sand. State-of-the-art-report. COIN P 2 Improved construction technology. SP 2.5 Production of manufactured sand
(COIN Project report;12, Research report, 2009) -
Productivity studies in Nordic building and construction industry
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);377, Research report, 2004) -
Produksjon og bruk av overskuddsmasser - Beste praksis og vegen videre
(Research report, 2019)Kortreist Stein har hatt en arbeidspakke konsentrert mot Produksjon og anvendelse. Som et utgangspunkt for forskningsaktivitetene, er det det laget detaljerte oversikter over de mest relevante anvendelsesområdene for ... -
Produktivitet i byggebransjen i Norden
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);40, Research report, 1989)