Browsing SINTEF Digital by Title
Now showing items 1850-1869 of 2532
Safe navigation in a coastal environment of multiple surface vehicles under uncertainties: A combined use of potential field constructions and NMPC
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper deals with the motion planning problem for surface vehicles in the presence of varying environmental disturbances. The goal is to steer the vehicles from an initial to a final destination while ensuring connectivity ... -
Safe Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Spaces through Lyapunov-Constrained Behavior
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This paper presents a safe learning strategy for continuous state and action spaces by utilizing Lyapunov stability properties of the studied systems. The reinforcement learning algorithm Continous Actor-Critic Learning ... -
SafeMate – Behovskartlegging mobil trygghetsalarm. VRI forprosjekt Oslo MedTech
(Research report, 2012)SINTEF har gjennomført en behovskartlegging for en ny mobil trygghetsalarm for bruk i de kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenestene med Bærum kommune som brukerpartner. Behovskartleggingen er gjennomført i rammen av et VRI-prosjekt ... -
Safety and Human Dependability in seaborne autonomous vessels
(Chapter, 2023)Highly automated and autonomous seaborne vessels (ASV) are developed to improve environmental impact and transport of goods and people. ASV are expected to be remotely supervised, to fulfil legal requirements and assure ... -
Safety and security of drones in the oil and gas industry
(Chapter, 2020)This paper describes safety and security challenges and best practices of the use of drones in the oil and gas industry, with consideration of the harsh weather conditions in the Northern Territories of Norway. We have ... -
Safety climate and health complaints in the Norwegian aquaculture industry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11)Few studies have explored the potential connection between safety climate and health issues. However, some recent research findings indicate that a poor safety climate can be considered a stressor that may be associated ... -
Safety climate and mindful safety practices in the oil and gas industry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Introduction The existence of a positive association between safety climate and the safety behavior of sharp-end workers in high-risk organizations is supported by a considerable body of research. Previous research has ... -
Safety Critical Software and Security - How Low Can You Go?
(Chapter, 2018)The safety of aviation software is ensured by performing development according to the DO-178C standard. However, this standard has a blind spot in that it fails to consider software security aspects in development. The ... -
Safety when implementing digital Technology and Infrastructure.
(Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference(ESREL);, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)Increasing critical infrastructure (CI) resilience is a European strategy to enhance safety and security. A digital radio standard for the rail have been developed by The International Union of Railways (UIC) - The Global ... -
Safety when implementing digital Technology and Infrastructure.
(Chapter, 2019)Increasing critical infrastructure (CI) resilience is a European strategy to enhance safety and security. A digital radio standard for the rail have been developed by The International Union of Railways (UIC) - The Global ... -
SamÅpne: Prosesser for samordnet åpning av kommunale data
(SINTEF Rapport;2022:01151, Research report, 2022)Rapporten beskriver prosesser for samordnet åpning av kommunale data for • Kommuner som ønsker å etablere gode prosesser for åpning av data • Nasjonale aktører (f.eks. Digitaliseringsdirektoratet og KS) som kan bidra ... -
Samhandling mellom sykepleiere i spesialist- og kommunehelsetjenesten før, under og etter samhandlingsreformen
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)I dette kapitlet viser vi hvordan sykepleiere i sykehus oppfatter at samhandlingen og informasjonsutvekslingen med kommunehelsetjenesten har endret seg over tid. Teoretisk bygger kapitlet på samhandlingsteorier. Intervjuer ... -
Samhandling og IKT-støtte for pleie- og omsorgstjenesten i Bærum kommune. Erfaringer med IMATIS Visi i Bærum kommune
(Research report, 2016)Det har siden midten av 2013 vært gjennomført en utprøving av samhandlingsteknologien IMATIS Visi (elektronisk informasjonstavle) ved fire tjenestesteder i Bærum kommune: Dønski omsorgsbolig, mottaksavdelingen ved Dønski ... -
Samhandlingsmodeller for avstandsoppfølging av kronisk syke
(SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)Oppdragsgiver: Stavanger Universitetssjukehus -
Samisk tradisjonskunnskap om reindrift i arealforvaltningen. RFF Midt-Norge prosjekt 296394
(SINTEF Rapport;2022:00294, Research report, 2022)Prosjektet har fokusert gjeldende lovpålagte krav til ivaretakelse av reindriftas interesser i kommunale arealforvaltningsprosesser og i kommunale politiske beslutninger om utbygging. Prosjektet har avdekket om ... -
Samskaping gjennom oppgaveutvalg? Om arbeidet med oppgaveutvalg i tre lokalsamfunn i Verdal kommune
(SINTEF Rapport;2021:00546, Research report, 2021)Samskaping gjennom oppgaveutvalg – et forprosjekt. Dette notatet presenterer prosjektbakgrunn, nyere relevant litteratur, funn fra intervju og andre datakilder samt analysebaserte vurderinger av oppgaveutvalg som metode ... -
Samspill - GPS i Oslo - Pilotering av Trygghetspakke 3
(SINTEF Rapport;A27121, Research report, 2015) -
SAT modulo discrete event simulation applied to railway design capacity analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper proposes a new method of combining SAT with discrete event simulation. This new integration proved useful for designing a solver for capacity analysis in early phase railway construction design. Railway capacity ... -
Satellittkommunikasjon til nordområdene - En behovsundersøkelse -
(Research report, 2008)Prosjektet hadde som mål gjennom en spørreundersøkelse for å identifisere aktører og kartlegge deres brukerbehov for kommunikasjonsløsninger i nordområdene de kommende år fram mot 2020. Prosjektet oppsummeres med en ... -
Saving Nine Without Stitching in Time: Integrity Check After-the-fact
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)Electrical substations transform voltage from high to low, or low to high for distribution and transmission, respectively, and are a critical part of our electricity infrastructure. The state of a substation is continuously ...