Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Tronstad, Tron Vedul"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Building integrated vertical wind turbines : Experiences from the roof of Biskop Gunnerus gate 14 in Oslo
Haase, Matthias; Skeie, Kristian Stenerud; Tronstad, Tron Vedul (SINTEF Fag;19, Research report, 2014)This report describes results of the installation of vertical axis wind turbines on the topof ‘Biskop Gunnerus gate 14’ in Oslo. Measurements of wind, electricityproduction and noise were taken and correlated. The results ... -
A case study of interventions to facilitate learning for pupils with hearing impairment in Tanzania
Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Gjessing, Bjørn; Ørland, Ingvild; Øderud, Tone; Mnyanyi, Cosmas B. F.; Myovela, Isaack; Øygarden, Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Hearing is essential for learning in school, and untreated hearing loss may hinder quality education and equal opportunities. Detection of children with hearing loss is the first step in improving the learning ... -
Hva er statusen i forståelsen av hårcellenes og det indre ørets funksjon?
Tronstad, Tron Vedul (Lecture, 2009)Det audiologiske miljøet har en viss forståelse av hvordandet indre øret virker. Dette gjelder elementer som de ytrehårcellenes aktive funksjon og de indre hårcellenes funksjonsom sensorer. Forståelsen er typisk bygget ... -
Model Evaluation of Vesterålen and the Halten Bank
Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Hovem, Jens Martin (Research report, 2011)This report describes the work and results of a computer program used to predict the propagation of air gun noise to long distances in the water column. The acoustic propagation model used is the PlaneRay model.The sound ... -
Mulig metode for tidlig deteksjon av hørselstap. Eksempler på bruk av prosesskontrollmetoder på hørselsdata fra SLASH
Gjestland, Truls; Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Kvaløy, Olav (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2016)Rapporten viser en mulig analysemetode for å detektere begynnende hørselstap blant støyeksponerte arbeidere. Metoden er demonstrert på utdrag av reelle målinger av eksponerings- og hørselsdata som er samlet inn i prosjektet ... -
On the Predictive Power of Objective Intelligibility Metrics for the Subjective Performance of Deep Complex Convolutional Recurrent Speech Enhancement Networks
Gelderblom, Femke Berre; Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Myrvoll, Tor Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Speech enhancement (SE) systems aim to improve the quality and intelligibility of degraded speech signals obtained from far-field microphones. Subjective evaluation of the intelligibility performance of these SE systems ... -
Prevalence of hearing impairment among primary school children in the Kilimanjaro region within Tanzania
Solvang, Iselin Ertzgaard; Naalsund, Kristin; Tønder, Sofie; Hansen, Giske Sindberg; Hagan, Tobias Bang; Mnyanyi, Cosmas B. F.; Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Nkya, Aslam; Øygarden, Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction: Hearing impairment is becoming a public health concern and a widespread problem. The World Health Organization estimates that globally there are about 466 million people with hearing impairment, of which 34 ... -
"Riktig ut fra start…" En kartlegging av behandlingstilbudet for personer med tinnitus
Lippestad, Jan Wilhelm; Øderud, Tone; Tronstad, Tron Vedul (SINTEF Rapport;2022:01324, Research report, 2023)SINTEF legger med dette fram sluttrapport fra kartleggingen. Med bruk av dokumentanalyse og intervjuer med informanter i kommunehelsetjenesten, spesialisthelsetjenesten, rehabiliteringstilbudene, undervisningsinstitusjoner, ... -
Sound exposure during outdoor music festivals
Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Gelderblom, Femke B. (Journal article, 2016) -
Sound signals to improve evacuation in road tunnels
Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Jenssen, Gunnar; Moscoso Paredes, Claudia Trinidad; Södersten, Carl-Johan Hugo; Zaikonnikov, Eugene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Although visual signage is the most common means of evacuation support in road tunnel emergencies, these can be of little help when there is dense smoke product of a fire. In such cases, auditory messages can lead evacuees ... -
Spillaudiometri - Sluttrapport
Tronstad, Tron Vedul (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2019)Det har blitt utviklet et dataspill, Lyders lyder, for barn som måler hørselen til brukeren mens det spilles. Spillet bruker tale-i-støy som testmetode. Målgruppen er barn i førskolealder og systemet er designet for å passe ... -
Statistical tool to detect small hearing threshold shifts
Tronstad, Tron Vedul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Objective: The aim of this study is to present a new tool that can be used in the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. Even in most countries where noise levels are well regulated, many workers are still exposed to ... -
Subjective evaluation of a noise-reduced training target for deep neural network-based speech enhancement
Gelderblom, Femke B.; Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Viggen, Erlend Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Speech enhancement systems aim to improve the quality and intelligibility of noisy speech. In this study, we compare two speech enhancement systems based on deep neural networks. The speech intelligibility and quality of ... -
Subjective Intelligibility of Deep Neural Network-Based Speech Enhancement
Gelderblom, Femke B.; Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Viggen, Erlend Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Recent literature indicates increasing interest in deep neural networks for use in speech enhancement systems. Currently, these systems are mostly evaluated through objective measures of speech quality and/or intelligibility. ... -
Subjective intelligibility of deep neural network-based speech enhancement
Gelderblom, Femke B.; Tronstad, Tron Vedul; Viggen, Erlend Magnus (Conference object, 2017)