Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Torvatn, Hans Yngvar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
1ste delrapport fra prosjektet: Evaluering av omstillingsprosessen i Helse Sør-Øst RHFUtvidet opptaksområde. Forutsetningene for omstillingsprogrammet
Rohde, Tarald; Kalseth, Birgitte; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Øyum, Lisbeth (SINTEF rapport;A24485, Research report, 2014)Utvidet opptaksområde i Helse Sør Øst, forutsetningene for omstillingsprogrammet Forslaget om å slå sammen Helse Sør RHF og Helse Øst RHF ble fremmet av Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet som en del av St. prp. Nr. 44 (2006-2007) ... -
A Framework to Navigate the Privacy Trade-offs for Human-Centred Manufacturing
Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Mannhardt, Felix; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Chapter, 2018)New technological advances can offer personalised and timely services for industry workers. Exoskeletons, HoloLens, Process Mining and Social Knowledge Networks are some of these services offered to workers by the EU HuMan ... -
A Handbook for Product development using 3 Dimensional Concurrent Engineering
Hajikazemi, Sara; Arica, Emrah; Gran, Erik; Roulet-Dubonett, Olivier; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2018)This report is intended as guide for manufacturing enterprises wanting to try 3- Dimensional Product Development for themselves. It is built on experiences from aconcrete Product Development Project, but here the participants ... -
A strategic document as a tool for implementing change. Lessons from the merger creating the South-East Health region in Norway
Rohde, Tarald; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In 2007, the Norwegian Parliament decided to merge the two largest health regions in the country: the South and East Health Regions became the South-East Health Region (SEHR). In its resolution, the Parliament formulated ... -
An Examination of Task-Technology Fit in Public Administration and Management: A Configurational Approach
Mikalef, Patrick; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Journal article, 2019)In spite of heavy investments in digital technologies in the public sector over the past couple of decades, one of the most important issues regarding the value realized from them is that in many cases he technologies used ... -
Ansattes syn på digitalisering. En nasjonal kartlegging av digitale forhold som skaper stress og opplevd produktivitet
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Kløve, Birgit; Landmark, Andreas D. (SINTEF Rapport;2017:00681, Research report, 2017) -
Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector: A Study of Challenges and Opportunities for Norwegian Municipalities
Mikalef, Patrick; Fjørtoft, Siw Olsen; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The value of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in augmenting or even replacing human decision-making in the organizational context is gaining momentum in the last few years. A growing number of organizations are now experimenting ... -
Barriers Hindering an Efficient Implementation Process of Digital Technologies; a Case Study at Norwegian Manufacturing Companies
Lodgaard, Eirin Anita; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Sørumsbrenden, Johanne; Knutstad, Gaute A. Johansen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)The existing wave of improvement in manufacturing industry is strongly driven by the application of digital technologies. Unfortunately, the implementation process is not straightforward. To understand the barriers which ... -
A Configurational Approach to Task-Technology Fit in the Healthcare Sector
Mikalef, Patrick; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In spite of strong investments in digital technologies in the healthcare and medical services domain over the past couple of decades, one of the most pressing issues is that in many cases the technologies that are adopted ... -
Constructing a joint university-municipality platform for networked co-creation of innovative urban solutions: A Norwegian experience
Torfing, Jacob; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Øyum, Lisbeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)While there is an abundance of studies examining the collaboration between government agencies and private business, only scant attention has been directed to “town and gown” cooperation. This is a pity, since the involvement ... -
Developing an Artificial Intelligence Capability: A Theoretical Framework for Business Value
Mikalef, Patrick; Fjørtoft, Siw Olsen; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Despite the claim that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize the way private and public organizations do business, to date organizations still face a number of obstacles in leveraging such technologies and realizing ... -
Et europeisk arbeidsliv i endring - hva skjer med de ansattes medbestemmelsesmuligheter?
Øyum, Lisbeth; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (SINTEF rapport;A14736, Research report, 2010)Rapporten beskriver hvordan det europeiske arbeidslivet har utviklet seg de siste to tiår, med et spesielt fokus på hvordan arbeidstakernes muligheter for medbestemmelse og medvirkning har utviklet seg. Hovedgrunnlaget for ... -
Evaluering av omstillingsprosessen i Helse Sør-Øst
Rohde, Tarald; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Magnussen, Jon; Lippestad, Jan Wilhelm; Kalseth, Birgitte; Martinussen, Pål Erling (SINTEF Rapport;A26795, Research report, 2015)SINTEF Rapport A26795 -
Future competence at shopfloor in the era of Industry 4.0 - A case study in Norwegian industry
Lodgaard, Eirin Anita; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Sørumsbrenden, Johanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Industry 4.0 technologies with the vision of smart factories will dominate the manufacturing industry for the next decades. Hence, the application of digital technologies of modern IT and communication technologies to ... -
Industry 4.0: Whose Revolution? The Digitalization of Manufacturing Work Processes
Thun, Sylvi; Kamsvåg, Pål Furu; Kløve, Birgit; Seim, Eva Amdahl; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The ongoing digitalization of manufacturing work processes resulting from Industry 4.0—defined as digitalization, automation, and data exchange in manufacturing—challenges how we see and define the role of operators and ... -
Kompetansemegling i FORREGION – teoretisk fundament og veier fremover
Finne, Håkon; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar (SINTEF rapport;2020:00478, Research report, 2020)Rapporten gir en kortfattet oppsummering av hva kompetansemeglingsfunksjonen er, hvilke teoretiske underlag som har påvirket ordningen, hvordan ordningen har fungert og fungerer i FORREGION-programmet, og hvordan den kan ... -
Managing Extended Reality Initiatives in Organisations. A manager´s guide to XR
Dahl, Tone Lise; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Landmark, Andreas D. (SINTEF Digital rapporter;2020: 00659, Research report, 2020-06)This report is intended as a practical introduction guide to help organisations with the process of trying extended reality- technologies by introducing the technologies, giving examples of what these technologies can be ... -
Measurement of psychosocial working conditions in Norway: A review of current practice
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Saksvik, P Ø; Hammer, T H (SINTEF Rapport;STF 50 A05069, Research report, 2005)This report provides an analysis of the limitations of the current Norwegian practice of measuring work conditions, and offers suggestions for improving practice. We discuss the needs for updated and representative measurement ... -
Partner for arbeidsmiljø - det norske verneombudets rolle og funksjon
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Forseth, Ulla; Andersen, Thale Kvernberg (SINTEF Rapport;A3085, Research report, 2007)Denne rapporten beskriver det norske verneombudets rolle og funksjon i år 2007. Rapporten oppsummerer den første empiriske studien med hovedfokus på norske verneombud på mer enn 25 år. Den er basert på tre hovedkilder ... -
Sluttrapport evaluering av universitetskommunesamarbeidet TRD3.0 mellom NTNU og Trondheim kommune
Øyum, Lisbeth; Carlsson, Espen; Håpnes, Tove Rigmor; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Sivertsen, Håkon (Research report, 2022)