• Agency in green path development: Circular bioeconomy in the wastewater sector 

      Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Damman, Sigrid; Mäkitie, Tuukka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The mounting pressures of climate change and biodiversity loss require a transition towards more sustainable patterns of production and consumption. Within the bioeconomy, better utilization of natural resources can be ...
    • Fra oppdrettsplast til verdi Drivere og barrierer for sirkulær økonomi basert på hardplast fra norsk havbruk 

      Damman, Sigrid; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya; Ullern, Eli Fyhn (SINTEF Rapport;2022:00349, Research report, 2022)
      Rapporten er et av flere resultater fra kompetanse- og samarbeidsprosjektet POCOplast. Prosjektet skal utvikle ny kunnskap om hvordan man kan oppnå mer bærekraftig utnyttelse av hardplast fra oppdrettsnæringen, ved å ...
    • Greener and smarter? Transformations in five Norwegian industrial sectors 

      Mäkitie, Tuukka; Steen, Markus; Thune, Taran Mari; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya; Ullern, Eli Fyhn; Kamsvåg, Pål Furu; Andersen, Allan Dahl; Hydle, Katja Maria (SINTEF Rapport;2020:01091, Research report, 2020)
      This report is an output from the INTRANSIT Research Centre on Innovation Policy for Industrial Transformation, Sustainability and Digitalisation. The report presents an analysis of green and digital transformations in ...
    • Grønn omstilling i midtnorske små- og mellomstore bedrifter. Industri, skogbruk og jordbruk 

      Wardeberg, Mari; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya; Kløve, Birgit (SINTEF Rapport;2023:01550, Research report, 2023)
      Selv om miljø- og klimapåvirkningene til en enkelt små- og mellomstor bedrift (SMB) er liten, utgjør den samlede påvirkningen mye. Omtrent 99% av norske bedrifter er SMBer og dermed er det også avgjørende at SMBer lykkes ...
    • The influence of Industry 4.0 narratives on regional path development 

      Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Vildåsen, Sigurd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Industry 4.0 has become a key concept and buzzword in the global manufacturing industry. This paper argues that the concept has created an Industry 4.0 narrative that is having a decisive impact on the industry. The paper ...
    • Plastics in aquaculture: A circular economy guidebook 

      Lindberg, Helene Øyangen; Grytli, Tuva; Kubowicz, Stephan; Karl, Christian; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Irgens, Mathias; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya (SINTEF rapporter;00797, Research report, 2023)
      This report presents 25 concepts for making plastics from aquaculture more circular. The concepts are based on industry initiatives, circular business models and management principles. Furthermore, the report describes ...
    • The role of state agency in path development: a longitudinal study of two Norwegian manufacturing regions 

      Steen, Markus; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Karlsen, Asbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The role of the state remains underdeveloped in the regional path development literature. This paper analyses how the Norwegian state via different roles (regulator, purchaser, owner, facilitator) directly and indirectly ...
    • The roles of intermediaries in upgrading of manufacturing clusters: enhancing cluster absorptive capacity 

      Karlsen, Asbjørn; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Steen, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Specialized clusters rely on common knowledge resources and extra-cluster linkages, but how such resources develop over time is unclear. A case in point is how extra-cluster linkages are integrated into intra-cluster ...