Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Leirvik, Frode"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
A Proposed New Laboratory Protocol for Dispersant Effectiveness Testing Adapted for Subsea Dispersant Injection
Daling, Per Snorre; Leirvik, Frode; Krause, Daniel Franklin; Makatounis, Panagiotis Eleftherios; Dunnebier, Dorien Anna Engelbertha; Brandvik, Per Johan (Journal article, 2019-05)The main objective of this study is to develop a new protocol for bench-scale dispersant effectiveness testing adapted for subsea dispersants injection (SSDI). The new approach includes turbulence conditions, dispersant ... -
Brasse crude oil – Properties and behaviour at sea
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Pettersen, Thor-Arne; Leirvik, Frode (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2018 A-027, Research report, 2018-03-20)A weathering study has been conducted on Brasse crude oil. This study included a smallscale laboratory study and a meso-scale flume basin experiment. In addition, standardized dispersibility tests was conducted on various ... -
Fate and behaviour of weathered oil drifting into sea ice, using a novel wave and current flume
Singsaas, Ivar; Leirvik, Frode; Daling, Per Snorre; Guénette, Chantal; Sørheim, Kristin Rist (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10)Increased knowledge about the fate and behaviour of weathered oil in different sea ice conditions is essential for our ability to model oil spill trajectories in ice more precisely and for oil spill response decision making ... -
Field Measurement of BC Emissions from Rolvsnes Well Test Flare - An empirical measurement of particulate emitted from a well test flare to generate a BC emission factor.
Krause, Daniel Franklin; Leirvik, Frode (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2018 A-087, Research report, 2018-10-30)BC (smake particulate) was measured in the emissions from the Rolvsnes well test flare from the 6th - 9th of August 2018. Approximately 90% of the measured particulate matter was in the PM I range (1 micron in diameter and ... -
A flow-through imaging system for automated measurement of ichthyoplankton
Williamson, David Roddan; Nordtug, Trond; Leirvik, Frode; Kvæstad, Bjarne; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Ludvigsen, Martin; Davies, Emlyn John (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Microscopic imaging and morphometric measurement of fish embryos and larvae is essential in environmental monitoring of fish populations and to evaluate larvae development in aquaculture. Traditional microscopy methods ... -
Large-scale basin testing to simulate realistic oil droplet distributions from subsea release of oil and the effect of subsea dispersant injection
Brandvik, Per Johan; Davies, Emlyn John; Leirvik, Frode; Johansen, Øistein; Belore, Randy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Small-scale experiments performed at SINTEF, Norway in 2011–12 led to the development of a modified Weber scaling algorithm. The algorithm predicts initial oil droplet sizes (d50) from a subsea oil and gas blowout. It was ... -
Mekanisk dispergering av tynne oljefilmer - Oljevern 2015-WP048
Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Daling, Per Snorre; Leirvik, Frode (SINTEF Ocean reports;OC2017 A-125, Research report, 2017-06-12)Dette prosjektet har vært en del av NOFOs Teknologiutviklingsprogram Oljevern 2015: WP-048 Mekanisk dispergering av tynne oljefilmer. Hovedmålsetningen med prosjektet har vært å kunne utvikle og teste ut enkle kostnadseffektive ... -
Modelling of oil thickness in the presence of an ice edge
Nordam, Tor; Litzler, Emma; Skancke, Jørgen; Singsaas, Ivar; Leirvik, Frode; Johansen, Øistein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07)Oil slick thickness is a key parameter for the behaviour of oil spilled at sea. It influences evaporation and entrainment, viable response options, and the risk to marine life at the surface. Determining this value is ... -
Offshore field experiments with in-situ burning of oil: Emissions and burn efficiency
Faksness, Liv-Guri; Leirvik, Frode; Taban, Ingrid C.; Engen, Frode; Jensen, Hans V.; Holbu, Jan Willie; Dolva, Hilde; Bråtveit, Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In situ burning (ISB) is an oil spill response technique including ignition and burning to remove oil on the water surface. The technique rapidly and effectively removes large portions of the oil. However, the combustion ... -
Oil spill containment by use of air bubbles
Gjøsund, Svein Helge; McClimans, Thomas; Eidnes, Grim; Leirvik, Frode; Leifer, Ira; Grimaldo, Eduardo (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A 19518, Research report, 2011-06-16)This report summarizes the activities and results from the research project "Oil spill containment by use of air bubbles". The goal of the pro;ect has been to investigate how air bubble induced flows can be used as a barrier ... -
Prøvetaking av oljeprøver fra observasjoner ved Statfjord - Feltrapport 15-16. mai 2019 - OC2019 A-091
Leirvik, Frode; Davies, Emlyn John (SINTEF Ocean AS rapporter;OC2019 A-091, Research report, 2019-06-17)SINTEF ble kontaktet av NOFO 15.05.2019 angående observert overflateolje av tankskipet "Eagle Bergen" som på det tidspunktet gjennomførte lasting fra lastesystemet ca. 2 km fra Statfjord A plattformen. SINTEF bistod i ... -
Reducing oil droplet sizes from a subsea oil and gas release by water jetting a laboratory study performed at different scales
Brandvik, Per Johan; Davies, Emlyn John; Krause, Daniel Franklin; Leirvik, Frode; Daling, Per Snorre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The main objective of subsea mechanical dispersion (SSMD) is to reduce the oil droplet sizes from a subsea oil release, thereby influencing the fate and behaviour of the released oil in the marine environment. Subsea water ... -
Simulating dispersion of oils from a subsea release comparing mechanical and chemically enhanced dispersion — An experimental study of the influence of oil properties
Brandvik, Per Johan; Leirvik, Frode; Hofstad, Karina A. Heitnes; McKeever, Thomas J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The main objective with subsea mechanical dispersion (SSMD) is to influence the fate of an oil spill in the marine environment by significantly reducing oil droplet sizes from subsea release of oil. Earlier studies have ... -
Spreading of waxy Crude Oils on calm weather
Brönner, Ute; Johansen, Øistein; Leirvik, Frode; Nordam, Tor; Sørheim, Kristin Rist (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04)The objective of this paper is to provide a simple extension of the much-used gravity spreading model for oil on calm water to account for the spreading behavior of waxy crude oils in cold waters – including the observed ... -
Subsurface oil releases - Verification of dispersant effectiveness under high pressure
Brandvik, Per Johan; Davies, Emlyn John; Bradly, Cole; Storey, Chris; Leirvik, Frode (SINTEF reports;A27469, Research report, 2016-01-21)The main objective with this project was to study possible pressure dependency of droplet formation in case of a subsea blow out of oil and the effectiveness of subsea dispersant injection (SSDI). The droplet sizes ... -
The use of wide-band transmittance imaging to size and classify suspended particulate matter in seawater
Davies, Emlyn John; Brandvik, Per Johan; Leirvik, Frode; Nepstad, Raymond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-02-02)An in situ particle imaging system for measurement of high concentrations of suspended particles ranging from 30 μm to several mm in diameter, is presented. The system obtains quasi-silhouettes of particles suspended within ...