Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Holøs, Sverre Bjørn"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Acceptable air velocities using demand-controlled ventilation for individual cooling
Thunshelle, Kari; Nordby, Henrik S.; Solberg, Håkon Rikoll; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Schild, Peter G. (Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2020)One of the main challenges in highly insulated buildings is the increasing share of energy demand for cooling. New solutions for low energy cooling are needed. Individual cooling by demand-controlled ventilation and use ... -
Airtightness estimation – a state of the art review and an en route upper limit evaluation principle to increase the chances that wood-frame houses with a vapour- and wind-barrier comply with the airtightness requirements
Relander, Thor-Oskar; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thue, Jan Vincent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)High airtightness is particularly important in order to achieve energy efficient buildings. Of this reason airtightness estimation is of interest. Over the past 30 years researchers have worked on airtightness estimation. ... -
Building Services Solutions Suitable for a Low Emission Urban Areas
Rønneseth, Øystein; Haase, Matthias; Georges, Laurent; Thunshelle, Kari; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Fjellheim, Øystein; Mysen, Mads; Thomsen, Judith (ZEN Report;26, Research report, 2020)It is believed that well-performing building envelopes with low thermal losses and low solar heat gains enable simplified building services solutions. The purpose of this report is to summarize the status of promising ... -
Dampness and Moisture Problems in Norwegian Homes
Becher, Rune; Høie, Anja Hortemo; Bakke, Jan Vilhelm; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Øvrevik, Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The occurrence of dampness and mold in the indoor environment is associated with respiratory-related disease outcomes. Thus, it is pertinent to know the magnitude of such indoor environment problems to be able to estimate ... -
Demand-controlled ventilation in schools: Influence of base ventilation rates on subjective symptoms, perceived indoor environment and young adults' learning performance
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (SINTEF Proceedings;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)The ventilation airflow rates in a demand-controlled ventilation strategy typically vary between a base (Vmin) and a maximum ventilation rate (Vmax). Classrooms have relatively short but intense hours of occupancy and a ... -
Demand-controlled ventilation: do different user groups require different CO2-setpoints?
Haugland, Martine Borgen; Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The aim of this study is to investigate whether children's bioeffluent generation rate is proportional to their carbon dioxide (CO2) generation rate. Consequently, to assess if there is a need to differentiate the CO2- ... -
Digitalisering av bygninger i drift. Hvor smarte er næringsbygninger i dag?
Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Fjellheim, Øystein (SINTEF Fag;88, Research report, 2022)Europakommisjonens ambisjon om å bli verdens første klimanøytrale kontinent innen 2050 er avhengig av digitale teknologier og løsninger som kunstig intelligens (KI), 5G, tingenes internett (IoT), skytjenester og "edge ... -
Effect of demand-controlled ventilation strategies on indoor air pollutants in a classroom: A Norwegian case study
Yang, Aileen; Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Hak, Claudia; Mikoviny, Tomas; Wisthaler, Armin; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The choice of the minimum ventilation rate (Vmin) in a demand-controlled ventilation strategy can influence energy demand but also introduce outdoor air pollutants. The latter may have direct health effects, as well as ... -
Effect of ventilation on perceived air quality in 18 classrooms
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The aim of this paper is to assess whether reducing the minimum ventilation airflow rate (Vmin) has any negative impacts on perceived air quality (PAQ) upon entering an unoccupied room. Seventeen healthy young adults were ... -
Evaluating the Use of Displacement Ventilation for Providing Space Heating in Unoccupied Periods Using Laboratory Experiments, Field Tests and Numerical Simulations
Javed, Saqib; Ørnes, Ivar Rognhaug; Dokka, Tor Helge; Myrup, Maria; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Displacement ventilation is a proven method of providing conditioned air to enclosed spaces with the aim to deliver good air quality and thermal comfort while reducing the amount of energy required to operate the system. ... -
Fukt og fuktskader i norske boliger
Becher, Rune; Øvrevik, Johan; Høie, Anja Hortemo; Bakke, Jan Vilhelm; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn (Research report, 2016)Forord. Flere store studier har vist at fuktproblemer og muggsopp i inneklimasammenheng er risikofaktorer for luftveisrelaterte sykdomsutfall. Dette er viktig for både det forebyggende arbeidet og på tiltakssiden når det ... -
Helse og inneklima i passivhusboliger. Forskningsbehov, risiko og muligheter
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Maltha, Mette Maren; Berge, Magnar (SINTEF Fag;7, Research report, 2013)Forprosjektet «helse og inneklima i passivhus» har hatt som hensikt å legge grunnlag for mer systematisk undersøkelse av inneklima og helse i norske passivhus og referanseboliger etter TEK over tid, sammenligne dette med ... -
How Does Low Relative Humidity Affect Perceived Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Symptoms in Modern Office Buildings in Cold Climates?
Lind, Merethe; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Yang, Aileen; Mysen, Mads (Chapter, 2019)To assess how people are influenced by relative humidity (RH) in cold climates, a study was conducted in an open office landscape in Oslo, Norway. The study took place during three cold days in February 2017. Fourteen ... -
Impact of Typical Faults Occurring in Demand-controlled Ventilation on Energy and Indoor Environment in a Nordic Climate
Andersen, Kamilla Heimar; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Fjellheim, Øystein; Jensen, Rasmus (Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2020)This study evaluates typical faults occurring in demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) system and the impact on three output results: energy use, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. The methodologies used in this study ... -
Kvalitetssikring av boligrom under terreng
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Hungnes, Geir; Torgersen, Svein Erik (Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);201, Research report, 1996) -
Lave utslipp og høy lønnsomhet med riktige bygningsinstallasjoner
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn (Journal article, 2020)Med behovsstyrt ventilasjon og personlig oppvarming i nye kontorbygg kan man få lavere utslipp og mer fornøyde brukere, viser en studie fra Forskningssenter for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (FME ZEN). -
Livsløpsvurdering (LCA) av puss på isolasjon
Wærp, Silje; Svensson, Anna; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Murphy, Mark Allen (Prosjektrapport (SINTEF Byggforsk);95, Research report, 2012)Rapporten oppsummerer livsløpsanalyse (LCA) av fasadeisolerings system puss på isolasjon. Livsløpsanalysen dokumenterer produktenes miljøbelastning fra vugge til grav samt beregner spart energi og tilhørende sparte ... -
Mostly dry: current ventilation practice efficiently limits moisture excess in mechanically ventilated apartments
Coskuntuna, Salih Berkay; Kraniotis, Dimitrios; Barnoshian, Siavash; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)The current Norwegian building code (TEK 17) requires the new residential buildings to have balanced ventilation with heat recovery, in addition to the strict regulations regarding thermal performance and airtightness of ... -
Process-related risks in refurbishment of dwellings using prefabricated wall elements with integrated PV and ventilation ducts
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Lukina, V.; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Thunshelle, Kari (Conference object; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Prefabricated façade elements with integrated technical infrastructure is an attractive technology for refurbishment of existing dwellings. Heating and cooling demand can be reduced, local energy production introduced, and ... -
Robust and reliable deep renovation by advanced prefabricated façade elements. Air-tightness performance and assessment of a demo case
Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari (SINTEF Proceedings;9, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)Deep renovation of the existing building mass is an important task to reach the target of energy efficient buildings and neighbourhood. However, the current renovation rate is only 1% of the European building stock each ...