Browsing SINTEF Open by Author "Hasle, Geir"
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
A Capacitated Clustering-based Method for Newspaper Delivery Routing
Hasle, Geir; Kloster, Oddvar; Smedsrud, Morten (Lecture, 2011)We present an efficient solver that produces clustered, balanced, and cost effective routes for distribution in a given geographical area. Through cloud computing, the optimization functionality is used by more than ... -
A heuristic for rich maritime inventory routing problems
Kloster, Oddvar; Flatberg, Truls; Hasle, Geir (Lecture, 2011)In maritime inventory routing, a fleet of vessels is employed to transport products that are produced and consumed in different ports with limited storage capacity. The tight coupling between inventory management and ... -
A Lower Bound for the Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem
Bach, Lukas; Hasle, Geir; Wøhlk, Sanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem (NEARP) was defined by Prins and Bouchenoua in 2004, although similar problems have been studied before. This problem, also called the Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem ... -
A Lower Bound for the Node, Edge, and ArcRouting Problem
Bach, Lukas; Hasle, Geir; Wøhlk, Sanne (Research report, 2011)The Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem (NEARP) was defined by Prins and Bouchenoua in 2004. They also proposed a memetic algorithm procedure and defined a set of test instances: the so-called CBMix benchmark. The NEARP ... -
A Survey of Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem Part I: Basic Problems and Supply Side Extensions
Bräysy, Olli; Gendreau, Michel; Hasle, Geir; Løkketangen, Arne (Research report, 2008)This survey paper reviews the recent heuristic and metaheuristic solution methods for the well-known capacitated vehicle routing problem and arc routing problem as well as several extensions of the basic problems related ... -
A Survey of Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem Part II: Demand Side Extensions
Bräysy, Olli; Gendreau, Michel; Hasle, Geir; Løkketangen, Arne (Research report, 2008)This survey paper presents a review of the recent heuristic and metaheuristic solution techniques for different extensions of the well-known capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) that are related to the demand type. ... -
Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search on the Graphics Processing Unit
Bach, Lukas; Hasle, Geir; Schulz, Christian Ferdinand (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)For computationally hard discrete optimization problems, we rely on increasing computing power to reduce the solution time. In recent years the computational capacity of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in ordinary desktop ... -
An Adaptive Iterated Local Search for the Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem
Dell'Amico, Mauro; Diaz Diaz, Jose Carlos; Hasle, Geir; Iori, Manuel (Research report, 2014)We study the Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem (MCGRP) in which a fleet of capacitated vehicles has to serve a set of requests by traversing a mixed weighted graph. The requests may be located on nodes, edges, and ... -
An Adaptive Iterated Local Search for the Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem
Dell'Amico, Mauro; Diaz Diaz, Jose Carlos; Hasle, Geir; Iori, Manuel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We study the mixed capacitated general routing problem (MCGRP) in which a fleet of capacitated vehicles has to serve a set of requests by traversing a mixed weighted graph. The requests may be located on nodes, edges, and ... -
Anticipating emission-sensitive traffic management strategies for dynamic delivery routing
Köster, Felix; Ulmer, Marlin; Mattfeld, Dirk; Hasle, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Traffic pollution is an increasing challenge for cities. Emissions such as nitrogen dioxides pose a major health threat to the city’s inhabitants. These emissions often accumulate to critical levels in local areas of the ... -
Applied Optimization at SINTEF
Hasle, Geir (Lecture, 2008) -
Aspects of routing problems in media product distribution
Hasle, Geir; Smedsrud, Morten (Lecture, 2010)Efficient construction and revision of delivery routes for newspapers and other media products is critical. We illustrate important aspects of routing problems in this industry. Typically, the goal is to optimize on several ... -
Carbon emission effects of consolidating shipments - taking topological effects and temporal constraints into consideration
Turkensteen, Marcel; Hasle, Geir (Conference object, 2018) -
Combining hybrid genetic search with ruin-and-recreate for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem
Simensen, Martin; Hasle, Geir; Stålhane, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) has been subject to intense research efforts for more than sixty years. Yet, significant algorithmic improvements are still being made. The most competitive heuristic solution ... -
Combining pickups and deliveries in vehicle routing – An assessment of carbon emission effects
Turkensteen, Marcel; Hasle, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper studies the effect on carbon emissions of consolidation of shipments on trucks. New positioning and communication technologies, as well as decision support systems for vehicle routing, enable better utilization ... -
Designing for transitions in rural transport
Karahasanovic, Amela; Culén, Alma Leora; Skjetne, Jan Håvard; Hasle, Geir (Chapter, 2020)Rural areas are less attractive and sustainable for people and businesses alike, partially due to inadequate transport services. In this paper, we address transport-related challenges in rural Norway. The focal aspect of ... -
Experiments on the Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem
Hasle, Geir; Kloster, Oddvar; Smedsrud, Morten; Gaze, Kevin (Research report, 2012)The Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem (NEARP) was defined by Prins and Bouchenoua in 2004 along with the first benchmark called CBMix. The NEARP generalizes the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), the ... -
Extending the Lin-Kernighan algorithm to improve solutions to VRPs with Time Windows
Holden, Nina; Hasle, Geir (Research report, 2009)Helsgaun’s implementation of the Lin-Kernighan algorithm (LKH) is an effective heuristic solver for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The report presents an extension of LKH to support time windows, i.e., to a solver ... -
GPU Computing in Discrete Optimization Part I: Introduction to the GPU
Brodtkorb, André R.; Hagen, Trond Runar; Schulz, Christian Ferdinand; Hasle, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)In many cases there is still a large gap between the performance of current optimization technology and the requirements of real world applications. As in the past, performance will improve through a combination of more ... -
GPU Computing in Discrete Optimization Part II: Survey Focused on Routing Problems
Schulz, Christian Ferdinand; Hasle, Geir; Brodtkorb, André R.; Hagen, Trond Runar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)In many cases there is still a large gap between the performance of current optimization technology and the requirements of real-world applications. As in the past, performance will improve through a combination of more ...