Blar i SINTEF Open på forfatter "Flatberg, Truls"
A heuristic for rich maritime inventory routing problems
Kloster, Oddvar; Flatberg, Truls; Hasle, Geir (Lecture, 2011)In maritime inventory routing, a fleet of vessels is employed to transport products that are produced and consumed in different ports with limited storage capacity. The tight coupling between inventory management and ... -
GAFT - Economic viability assessment
Flatberg, Truls; Nørstebø, Vibeke Stærkebye (SINTEF Rapport;2387-4295, Research report, 2019) -
InfraPlan A tool for socio-economically optimal railway infrastructure investments under uncertainty
Flatberg, Truls; Fodstad, Marte; Kaut, Michal; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Werner, Adrian (SINTEF Rapport;2017-00898, Research report, 2017) -
InfraPlan A tool for socio-economically optimal railway infrastructure investments under uncertainty
Flatberg, Truls; Fodstad, Marte; Kaut, Michal; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Werner, Adrian (SINTEF Rapport;2017:00898, Research report, 2017) -
Integrated design and sustainable assessment of innovative biomass supply chains: A case-study on miscanthus in France
Perrin, Aurelie; Wohlfahrt, Julie; Morandi, Fabiana; Østergård, Hanne; Flatberg, Truls; De La Rua, Cristina; Bjørkvoll, Thor; Gabrielle, Benoit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Cost-efficient, environmental-friendly and socially sustainable biomass supply chains are urgently needed to achieve the 2020 targets of the Strategic Energy Technologies-Plan of the European Union. This paper investigated ... -
MultiRIT Multimodal Travel Iniformation Services
Natvig, Marit Kjøsnes; Vennesland, Audun; Westerheim, Hans; Flatberg, Truls; Løkberg, Ola; Haugset, Børge (Research report, 2008)This report documents the results from the MultiRIT research project and documents · The MultiRIT multimodal framework architecture for travel information services. · ... -
På vei mot nullutslippshavner?
Steen, Markus; Damman, Sigrid; Hansen, Lillian; Seter, Hanne; Flatberg, Truls; Werner, Adrian Tobias (SINTEF Rapport;2022:00188, Research report, 2022)Denne rapporten sammenfatter sentrale funn fra forskningsprosjektet TRAZEPO (Transition towards zero emission ports). Kjernen i prosjektet har vært å avdekke drivere og barrierer for bærekraftig omstilling i norsk havnesektor, ... -
På vei mot nullutslippshavner?
Steen, Markus; Damman, Sigrid; Hansen, Lillian; Seter, Hanne; Flatberg, Truls; Werner, Adrian Tobias (Research report, 2022)Denne rapporten sammenfatter sentrale funn fra forskningsprosjektet TRAZEPO (Transition towards zero emission ports). Kjernen i prosjektet har vært å avdekke drivere og barrierer for bærekraftig omstilling i norsk havnesektor, ... -
Returtømmer - Effektiv bruk av retursløyfer i tømmertransport
Flatberg, Truls (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2020)Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra arbeidet utført i prosjektet "Returtømmer". Prosjektet har hatt som mål å belyse muligheten for økt bruk av returkjøring i transport av tømmer gjennom bruk av optimeringsbaserte ... -
Socio-Economic Optimal Pricing of Railroad Infrastructure (SOPJI). Mathematical Model Formulation and Implementation
Kaut, Michal; Werner, Adrian; Lium, Arnt-Gunnar; Flatberg, Truls; Vaagen, Hajnalka; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel (SINTEF Rapport;A25843, Research report, 2014) -
Solving Node Edge Arc Routing Problems in the Distribution of Media Products
Flatberg, Truls; Kloster, Oddvar; Nilssen, Eivind Jodaa; Smedsrud, Morten; Hasle, Geir (Lecture, 2009)There is a strong pressure on economy in the distribution of media products. Two important remedies are more efficient carrier routes and distribution of side products. Both call for effective and dynamic route design and ... -
The HyOpt model Input data and mathematical formulation
Kaut, Michal; Flatberg, Truls; Ortiz, Miguel Munoz (SINTEF Rapport;2019:01439, Research report, 2019)This report gives a description of the mathematical model underlying the HyOpt model and the associated input data. HyOpt is an optimization model for the design and evaluation of energy systems with a focus on hydrogen-based ... -
The Node Edge Arc Routing Problem - applications and heuristics
Hasle, Geir; Flatberg, Truls; Kloster, Oddvar; Nilssen, Eivind Jodaa; Smedsrud, Morten (Lecture, 2009)In the VRP literature, the Arc Routing Problem is often advocated as an adequate model for routing applications such as newspaper delivery and garbage collection. We argue that a better model is the Node Edge Arc Routing ...