Browsing SINTEF Open by Title
Now showing items 874-893 of 10559
B-site cation inter-diffusion in yttrium substituted barium zirconate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)B-site cation inter-diffusion in the ABO3 perovskite yttrium-substituted barium zirconate (BZY) was studied at temperatures from 1100 to 1460 °C under reducing and oxidising conditions. The experiments followed two different ... -
Background noise levels in Europe
(Research report, 2008)This report gives a brief overview of typical background noise levels in Europe, and suggests a procedure for the prediction of background noise levels based on population density. A proposal for the production of background ... -
Backtesting coordinated hydropower bidding using neural network forecasting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Bakgrunnsrapport i REBO. Bærekraftig oppgradering av boligblokker - med fokus på miljøvennlig energibruk og universell utforming
(SINTEF Notat;7, Research report, 2013)REBO er et kortnavn for Husbankens fireårige strategiske forskningsprogram ”God boligkvalitet for alle – utfordringer og løsninger for etterkrigstidens boligblokker” 2008–2012. Denne rapporten er en bakgrunnsrapport for ... -
Balancing competing parameters in search of optimal configurations for a fix louvre blade system with integrated PV
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In this paper, a parametric analysis of the configuration of a fix louvre-blade system with integrated PV coating is presented. The study evaluates different exploitations of solar energy focusing on the competing functions ... -
Balancing future variable wind and solar power production in Central West Europe with Norwegian hydropower Energy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Balancing Markets and their Impact on Hydropower Scheduling
(SINTEF ENERGI AS Rapport;TR A7558, Research report, 2016) -
Balancing the Norwegian regulated power market anno 2016 to 2022
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The balancing market for power is designed to account for the difference between predicted supply/demand of electricity and the realised supply/demand. However, increased electrification of society changes the consumption ... -
Baneplanlegging for ringnotfartøy
(SINTEF rapporter;2021:00578 A, Research report, 2021-06)Hovedresultatet fra arbeidspakke 2 i prosjektet "Fangstkontroll i ringnot etter pelagiske arter: Fase 2" er en baneplanleggingsalgoritme for ringnotfartøy. Gitt informasjon om fartøy, stim og omgivelser kan algoritmen ... -
Barn (ungdom) og overvekt
(SINTEF Rapport;A28090, Research report, 2016) -
Barn i byen. Gode oppvekstmiljøer for barn i sentrale bydeler i Trondheim
(SINTEF Fag;98, Research report, 2023)Prosjektet har som mål å identifisere hvilke forutsetninger i form av verktøy og virkemidler som må på plass for å skape gode oppvekstmiljøer for barn og gjøre det attraktivt for barne-familier å bosette seg og bli boende ... -
Barn, oppmerksomhet og sykling. Evaluering av ny opplæringsmodell basert på det vitenskapelige konseptet Mind, Brain and Education (MBE)
(SINTEF rapport;2021:01452, Research report, 2021)Hovedmålet med prosjektet var å utvikle, prøve ut og evaluere en ny opplæringsmodell for trafikkopplæring på sykkel basert på det vitenskapelige konseptet Mind, Bra in and Education (MBE), som utnytter samspillet mellom ... -
Barnefamilier. Fra hospits til varig bosetting
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);327, Research report, 2002) -
Barnehager. Planlegging, drift og vedlikehold En teknisk og økonomisk analyse
(Prosjektrapport (Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt);83, Research report, 1991) -
Barns innflytelse på samværsordninger og bosted. Barns samvær og bosted i familier der foreldrene ikke bor sammen
(SINTEF rapport;A26769, Research report, 2015)I denne rapporten undersøkes barns innflytelse på egen bosteds- og samværsordning. Analysene er basert på data fra undersøkelsen Samvær og bosted 2012, som Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) gjennomførte vinteren 2012-13, en ... -
Barrier Management Digitalization in the Oil and Gas Industry - Status and Challenges
(Chapter, 2020)The background for the study described in this paper is the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authorities (PSA) emphasis on major accidents and barrier management, where maintenance and maintenance management play important parts. ... -
Barriers and Success Factors for Continuous Improvement Efforts in Complex ETO Firms
(Chapter, 2018)This paper focuses on the factors that may influence the implementation of continuous improvement efforts, in an Engineer-to-Order (ETO) manufacturing setting. In general, one-of-a-kind production nature and temporary ... -
Barriers for Accessing Assistive Products in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)WHO implemented the Rapid Assistive Technology Assessment in 2021. This is a household survey on self-reported use, need and barriers for accessing AT in 35 countries globally. In order to obtain comparable data, all surveys ... -
Barriers Hindering an Efficient Implementation Process of Digital Technologies; a Case Study at Norwegian Manufacturing Companies
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)The existing wave of improvement in manufacturing industry is strongly driven by the application of digital technologies. Unfortunately, the implementation process is not straightforward. To understand the barriers which ... -
Barriers to path creation: the case of offshore wind power in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Although economic geography has made considerable progress in explaining the emergence of new industrial development paths, a number of issues have yet to be sufficiently explored. The purpose of the article is to contribute ...