• Psykisk helsearbeid i kommunene - variasjoner i tiltak og tjenester 

      Kalseth, Jorid (SINTEF Rapport;STF78 A035006, Research report, 2003)
      STF78 A035006 Denne rapporten gir en dokumentasjon av resultatene fra en spørreskjemaundersøkelse som kartlegger det psykiske helsearbeidet i kommunene som ble gjennomført i 2002. Kartleggingen er et samarbeidsprosjekt ...
    • Psykisk helsevern for barn og unge - behandlernes og brukernes vurderinger av behandlingstilbudet 

      Andersson, Helle Wessel; Ose, Solveig Osborg; Sitter, Marit (SINTEF Rapport;A2443, Research report, 2005)
      Målet med undersøkelsen er å: Vise hva som karakteriserer barn og unge som er brukere av psykisk helsevern; pasientsammensetningen, pasientenes tilstand og hjelpebehov Gi kunnskap om kvalitative aspekter ved tjenestetilbudet ...
    • PTSD as a consequence of past conflict experience, recent exposure to violence and economic marginalization in post-conflict contexts: A study from Nepal, Guatemala and Northern Ireland 

      Eide, Arne Henning; Dyrstad, Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: Exposure to war and conflict increases the risk of mental health problems. Poor living conditions are known to negatively impact mental health. Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that exposure to negative ...
    • Public acceptance of driverless shuttles in Norway 

      Roche-Cerasi, Isabelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The main objective of the present study is to evaluate individuals’ views on the usefulness of driverless shuttles and to examine if the provision of better access to public transit (thanks to the connection provided by ...
    • Public beliefs about high-voltage powerlines in Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom: A comparative survey 

      Aas, Øystein; Devine-Wright, Patrick; Tangeland, Torvald; Batel, Susana; Ruud, Audun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      As countries worldwide, and particularly in Europe, move to increase deployment of low carbon energy sources, significant investments in new transmission networks are planned. However, past cases of public opposition – ...
    • Public private collaboration in the context of zero emission neighbourhood 

      Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar; Kvellheim, Ann Kristin; De Boer, Luitzen (Chapter; Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Purpose. This study aims to gain an understanding of success factors and barriers to public private collaboration in the context of zero emission neighbourhood. Design/Methodology/Approach. Qualitative research method: ...
    • Public road infrastructure inventory in degraded global navigation satellite system signal environments 

      Sokolova, Nadezda; Morrison, Aiden; Haakonsen, Trond Arve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Recent advancement of land-based mobile mapping enables rapid and cost-effective collection of highquality road related spatial information. Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) can provide spatial information with subdecimeter ...
    • Publishing socio-economic territory indices as linked data and their visualization for real estate valuation 

      Sukhobok, Dina; Djordjevic, Divna; Sanvito, Diego; Paniagua, Javier; Roman, Dumitru (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The correct estimation of the real estate value facilitates decision making in various sectors, such as Public administration or the real estate market. In this paper we demonstrate a method to manage territory scores and ...
    • Pulmonologist evaluation on new CT visualization for guidance to lung lesions during bronchoscopy 

      Reynisson, Pall Jens; Leira, Håkon Olav; Langø, Thomas; Tangen, Geir Arne; Hatlen, Peter; Amundsen, Tore; Hofstad, Erlend Fagertun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Translator disclaimer  Full Article  Figures & data References  Citations Metrics  Reprints & Permissions Get access Abstract Objective: Endoluminal visualization in virtual and video bronchoscopy lacks information ...
    • Pumping av betong = Pumping of concrete 

      Seeberg, Kjell (Særtrykk (Norges byggforskningsinstitutt);149, Others, 1967)
    • Pumping of concrete and Mortar - state of the art 

      Jacobsen, Stefan; Mork, Jon Håvard; Lee, Siaw Foon; Haugan, Lars (COIN Project report;5, Research report, 2009)
      The pumpability of concrete, or its ability to move through pipes and hoses by the help of a pump while maintaining its fresh and hardened properties, can be quantified as being better the lower the necessary pressure to ...
    • Punktlighet i jernbanen - hvert sekund teller 

      Olsson, Nils; Halse, Askill Harkjerr; Hegglund, Per Magnus; Killi, Marit; van der kooij, Rimmert; Landmark, Andreas D.; Seim, Andreas Røsland; Sørensen, Anette Østbø; Økland, Andreas; Østli, Vegard (SINTEF Viten;1, Book, 2015)
      Denne boken gir en innføring i punktlighetsarbeid for jernbane, og er ment som et supplement til annen litteratur som finnes på området. Boken er basert på forsknings‐ og utviklingsarbeid utført ved SINTEF, Norges ...
    • PurSense - Operasjonell beslutningsstøtte for ringnotfartøy 

      Reite, Karl Johan (SINTEF Ocean reports;OC2017 A-139, Research report, 2017-07-03)
      Moderne ringnotfartøy kan ha komplekse energi- og propulsjonssystem. Dette gir mulighet for å spare drivstoff, men det kan ofte være vanskelig å vite hvilke valg som gir det laveste oljeforbruket. De fire ringnotrederiene ...
    • Pursuing the Oxy-fuel Light-/heavy Oil Retrofit Route in Oil Refineries - A Small Scale Retrofit Study 

      Seljeskog, Morten; Sevault, Alexis; Ditaranto, Mario (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Two commercial, one light- and one heavy oil burner for a CEN 250 kW boiler was modified by simple means to allow for operation at controlled dry oxy-fuel conditions. The variables measured for both air- and oxy-firing ...
    • Puss og maling for fortidens og fremtidens murfasader 

      Waldum, Alf M. (Særtrykk (Norges byggforskningsinstitutt);290, Others, 1990)
    • Puss på isolasjon - erfaringer 

      Kvande, Tore; Bakken, Noralf (Journal article, 2018)
      SINTEF Byggforsk har sidan fasadesystem med puss på varmeisolasjon vart introdusert for norsk byggenæring, utført skadebefaringar og funksjonsprøvingar av slike system. Vi har gjennomgått alle rapportane frå dei siste 25 ...
    • Putting a Face on Algorithms: Personas for Modeling Artificial Intelligence 

      Karahasanovic, Amela; Følstad, Asbjørn; Schittekat, Patrick (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We propose a new type of personas, artificial intelligence (AI) personas, as a tool for designing systems consisting of both human and AI agents. Personas are commonly used in design practices for modelling users. We argue ...
    • Putting the "Account" into Cloud Accountability 

      Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Pearson, Siani (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Security concerns are often cited as the most prominent reason for not using cloud computing, but customers of cloud users, especially end-users, frequently do not understand the need to control access to personal information. ...
    • PVT and Flow Behavior of Impure CO2 in Aquifers 

      Sævareid, O.; Gasda, S.E.; Mykkeltvedt, T.S. (SINTEF Proceedings;7, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2021)
      We combine compositional modelling of a Brine-CO2 system with detailed resolution of the well interface and the near-well reservoir region. Via a small selection of case studies, we explore how impurities added to a CO2 ...
    • QSAR methodology for calculating impact on organisms exposed to dissolved oil in the water column - ERA Acute for water column exposed organisms 

      Brönner, Ute; Nordtug, Trond (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2020 A-030, Research report, 2020-03-06)
      ERA Acute uses results from an oil spill model to calculate impact from exposure to the spilled oil in the four compartments: sea surface, shoreline, water column and sea floor. The oil spill model is run in stochastic ...