Now showing items 1568-1587 of 1691

    • Towards a thorough Validation of Simulation Tools for CO2 Pipeline Transport 

      Drescher, Michael; Fahmi, Adil; Aursand, Peder; Hammer, Morten; Lund, Halvor; Stang, Hans Georg Jacob; Austegard, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this work the Schlumberger flow assurance tool OLGA and SINTEF Energy Research in-house CFD tool are assessed for their ability to describe depressurization behaviour of CO2 pipelines. For this purpose, three full-bore ...
    • Towards a Versatile Cyber Physical Power System Testbed: Design and Operation Experience 

      Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago; D'Arco, Salvatore (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The present trends in the area of smartgrids indicate that future transmission and distribution systems will heavily rely on digital and on communication technologies to operate. Indeed, the power systems are evolving ...
    • Towards improved cost evaluation of Carbon Capture and Storage from industry 

      Roussanaly, Simon; Berghout, Niels; Fout, Tim; Garcia, Monica; Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk; Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Ramirez, Andrea; Rubin, Edward S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper contributes to the development of improved guidelines for cost evaluation of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) from industrial applications building on previous work in the field. It discusses key challenges and ...
    • Towards improved guidelines for cost evaluation of carbon capture and storage - a white paper 

      Roussanaly, Simon; Rubin, Edward S.; Van Der Spek, Mijndert W; Booras, George; Berghout, Niels; Fout, Tim; Garcia, Monica; Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk; Kuncheekanna, Vishalini Nair; Matuszewski, Michael; McCoy, Sean; Morgen, Joshua; Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Ramirez, Andrea (Report, 2021)
      This white paper presents a new set of guidelines developed to address important carbon capture and storage (CCS) cost issues in three areas. The first area of study tackles the establishment of improved guidelines for ...
    • Towards integrated wind farm control: Interfacing farm flow and power plant controls 

      Kölle, Konstanze; Göcmen, Tuhfe; Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Petrovic, Vlaho; Eguinoa, Irene; Vrana, Til Kristian; Long, Qian; Pettas, Vasilis; Anand, Abhinav; Bartlas, Thanasis K.; Cutululis, Nicolaos A.; Manjock, Andreas; Tande, John Olav Giæver; Ruisi, Renzo; Bossanyi, Ervin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Concepts for control of wind farms (WFs) can be clustered into two distinct concepts, namely, wind power plant control (WPPC) and wind farm flow control (WFFC). WPPC is concerned with the connection to the power system, ...
    • Towards Standardised Measurement of CO2 Transfer in the CCS chain 

      Chinello, Gabriele; Arellano Prieto, Yessica Alexandra; Span, Roland; van Putten, Dennis; Abdulrahman, Ara; Joonaki, Edris; Arrhenius, Karine; Murugan, Arul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The global impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions on climate change is undeniable, with carbon dioxide (CO2) identified as the primary contributor to global warming. Urgent action is required to mitigate global ...
    • Trace heating of wet insulated subsea flowlines 

      Solheim, Kristian Thinn; Høyer-Hansen, Martin (ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings;33, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This article evaluates flow assurance by heat trace cables for wet insulated flowlines as an alternative to direct electrical heating or chemicals. Heat trace cables are attractive for their simple and flexible design and ...
    • Transcritical R744 refrigeration systems for supermarket applications: Current status and future perspectives 

      Gullo, Paride; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Visible signs of climate change call for urgent actions on food retail industry, since such a sector is characterized by an abundant carbon footprint. Being CO2 (or R744) recognised across the world as the most promising ...
    • Transformatorgjennomføringer - Tilstandskontroll og anbefalinger 

      Eberg, Espen; Meyer, Hans Kristian Hygen; Foros, Jørn; Berg-Karlsen, Gunnar; Tveten, Erlend Grytli; Aakre, Torstein Grav (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2022)
      Prosjektet "Tilstandskontroll av transformatorgjennomføringer" har hatt som mål å fremskaffe nødvendige metoder samt kunnskap for å kunne foreta en tilstandsevaluering av transformatorgjennomføringer. Hovedvekten av ...
    • Transformer Windings Ageing, diagnosis and asset management. Version 4 

      Lundgaard, Lars Esben; Liland, Knut Brede; Linhjell, Dag; Susa, Dejan; Ese, Marit-Helen; Selsbak, Cecilie Mørk; Kes, M; Lesaint, Cedric Michel (SINTEF Energi. Rapport;TR A7099, Research report, 2015)
      This report addresses state of the art in the field of transformer ageing and diagnostics, with emphasis on advising end-users on transformer asset management and on transformer specification. The basis is results from two ...
    • Transient CFD simulations of wood stoves with varying heat storage capacity 

      Bugge, Mette; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Skreiberg, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In the present work, transient CFD simulations of full wood log combustion cycles have been performed to study the time dependent behavior in cast iron and soapstone wood stoves. A model for the gas release is developed ...
    • Transient Control of Dynamic Inductive EV Charging and Impact on Energy Efficiency when Passing a Roadside Coil Section 

      Guidi, Giuseppe; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter, 2018)
      This paper discusses the transient control of a system for dynamic inductive power transfer to an electric vehicle when passing a road-side coil section. A series-series-compensated topology with minimum number of passive ...
    • A transmission expansion model for dynamic operation of flexible demand 

      Löschenbrand, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper proposes a model to include investments in demand flexibility into traditional transmission expansion problems under uncertainty. To do so, a dynamic power flow model is proposed. The model is solved via applying ...
    • Transmission Line Length Estimation based on Electrical Parameters 

      Vrana, Til Kristian; Sperstad, Iver Bakken (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
    • Transmission line unavailability due to correlated threat exposure 

      Kiel, Erlend Sandø; Kjølle, Gerd Hovin (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Extreme weather is known to cause failure bunching in the electrical transmission system. However, protection systems can also contribute to the worsening of the system state through spontaneous, missing or unwanted operation ...
    • Trends in local electricity market design: Regulatory barriers and the role of grid tariffs 

      Maldet, Matthias; Revheim, Frida Huglen; Schwabeneder, Daniel; Lettner, Georg; Crespo Del Granado, Pedro; Saif, Aziz; Löschenbrand, Markus; Khadem, Shafi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      New concepts of local electricity markets (LEMs) have led increased focus on the decentralization of energy systems and a raise in local energy communities (LECs). Under the right market-regulatory incentives, peer-to peer ...
    • Turbo-compressors for R-718: Experimental evaluation of a two-stage steam compression cycle 

      Bantle, Michael; Schlemminger, Christian; Gabrielii, Cecilia H; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich (Actes du ... Congres international du froid;ICR2019, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Water (R-718) is a safe and energy-efficient refrigerant. Mechanical vapour recompression (MVR), an open-loop heat pump using R718, can significantly reduce the energy consumption for steam-heated processes like drying, ...
    • Turbophoresis in forced inhomogeneous turbulence 

      Mitra, Dhrubaditya; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Rogachevskii, Igor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We show, by direct numerical simulations, that heavy inertial particles (characterized by Stokes number St) in inhomogeneously forced statistically stationary isothermal turbulent flows cluster at the minima of mean-square ...
    • Two novel current-based methods for locating earth faults in unearthed ring operating MV networks 

      Zerihun, Tesfaye Amare; Treider, Thomas; Taxt, Henning; Nordevall, Lars B.; Haugan, Thomas Sagvold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Automated fault location plays a key role in improving the reliability of modern power grids—it helps to reduce the power outage time and the number of affected customers. Earth faults in isolated systems are among the ...