Now showing items 1339-1348 of 1348

    • Why do regional biogeochemical models produce contrasting future projections of primary production in the Barents Sea? 

      Mousing, Erik Askov; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene; Hjøllo, Solfrid Sætre; Husson, Berengere; Skogen, Morten D.; Wallhead, Philip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Projected future changes in primary production in the Barents Sea vary among different regional biogeochemical models, with some showing an increase, some a decrease, and some no change. This variability has been attributed ...
    • Wise use of renewable energy in transport 

      Lindstad, Elizabeth; Ask, Tor Øyvind; Cariou, Pierre; Eskeland, Gunnar; Rialland, Agathe Isabelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The transport sector accounts for around 25 % of global energy use, considering both fuel production and consumption. To mitigate climate change, a fast decarbonization of transport is therefore often seen as a necessity, ...
    • Wise use of renewable energy in transport 

      Lindstad, Elizabeth; Ask, Tor Øyvind; Cariou, Pierre; Eskeland, Gunnar; Rialland, Agathe Isabelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The transport sector accounts for around 25 % of global energy use, considering both fuel production and consumption. To mitigate climate change, a fast decarbonization of transport is therefore often seen as a necessity, ...
    • Wisting Central crude oil – Properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response 

      Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe (SINTEF Ocean reports;2017:00119 A, Research report, 2017-05)
    • Workshop between Japanese and Norwegian researchers within traceability and food safety 

      Storøy, Jostein; Thakur, Maitri (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk rapporter;A104047, Research report, 2010-09-09)
      During the last 5 years SINTEF has taken part in the development of a bilateral research agreement with Japan, within food safety and traceability. The final agreement was signed in 2007. Two round table meetings took place ...
    • Workshop in Trondheim and excursions to the Norwegian seafood industry and NTNU 

      Erikson, Ulf Gøran; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Grimsmo, Leif; Aursand, Marit (SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk;A26586, Research report, 2014-12-08)
      During the SeaMed project we have arranged workshops and visited seafood industry in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina. In October 2014, the whole consortium visited Trondheim. The three-day workshop ...
    • Workshop sløyemaskin hvitfisk - Mer skånsom håndtering av biprodukter 

      Westavik, Harry; Toldnes, Bendik; Indergård, Erlend (SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk reports;A27439, Research report, 2016)
      Med bakgrunn innspill fra norsk hvitfisknæring har FHF satt i gang en prosess for om mulig å få opp utviklingsprosjekt for ny sløyemaskinteknologi som er mer skånsom for innmaten som gir biprodukt med høyere verdi, har ...
    • Yme – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea In relation to oil spill response 

      Sørheim, Kristin Rist; Bakken, Oddveig Merethe; Pettersen, Thor-Arne (SINTEF Ocean rapporter;OC2023 A-060, Research report, 2023-10-17)
      A standardized bench-scale (5 and 13 °C) including dispersibility testing has been conducted on the Yme crude oil. A supplementary meso-scale flume testing was also included at 13 °C. The laboratory data were further used ...
    • Årsaker til rømming av oppdrettslaks og ørret i perioden 2010-2016 

      Føre, Heidi Moe; Thorvaldsen, Trine (SINTEF Ocean report;OC2017 A-116, Research report, 2017-05-29)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer årsaker til rømming av laks og ørret i perioden 2010-2016. Data fra rømmingsmeldinger og Fiskeridirektoratets rapporter ligger til grunn for en detaljert presentasjon som oppdrettere kan bruke ...
    • Økonomisk betydning av norsk havgående fiskeflåte - Den havgående fiskeflåtens bidrag til samfunnsøkonomisk verdiskaping 

      Johansen, Ulf; Richardsen, Roger; Myhre, Magnus Stoud; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun (SINTEF rapport;2022:00870 A, Research report, 2022-09-01)
      Fiskeflåten er utgangspunktet for all produksjon i den fiskeribaserte verdikjeden. Aktivitet skapes både bakover og framover i verdikjeden som en følge av virksomheten i fangstleddet. Analysene i denne rapporten har tatt ...